鬼滅之刃主題曲 紅蓮華 多種鋼琴編曲集
深受兒童和成人歡迎的 鬼滅之刃主題曲:「LISA - 紅蓮華」現在已提供"各種編曲"供大家彈奏!除了適合初級到高級的獨奏編曲外,一共有7種模式供一人或多人演奏,例如可用於小提琴等樂器獨奏的“歌曲和鋼琴伴奏”,以及 2~4人可以聯彈的鋼琴合奏曲。 除了獨奏樂譜外,還有用QR Code就可以讀取的...
Disney - Super Easy Songbook for Piano 迪士尼-超簡單歌本鋼琴譜
這本鋼琴書收錄了60首迪士尼經典歌曲,例如Alice In Wonderland、Beauty And The Beast、Circle Of Life、Do You Want To Build A Snowman、Kiss The Girl、A Whole New World等。這些經典流行歌曲譜採用易於演奏的鋼琴編排,右手旋律簡單,音符內更標有字母註解;左手和弦伴奏則使用基礎的圖示,易於上手,適合初學者彈奏。
Yoasobi:The Book (Piano Solo/Duo) 鋼琴獨奏+聯彈組曲譜
Hayao Miyazaki & Studio Ghibli Piano Selection 宮崎駿 & 吉卜力工作室 (中級-高級)
1. 容祖兒演唱會 Another Side Joey My Secret Live 2DVD + 2CD
2. MIRROR Music Score Book (附CD)
4. 張敬軒演唱會 TheNext20 Blu-ray大碟 The Next 20 Hins Live in Hong Kong 2Blu-ray+3CD
1. 鬼滅之刃動畫歌曲鋼琴譜選集:紅蓮華/炎 (竈門炭治郎のうた)Anime Piano Book
2. 宮崎駿動畫最佳鋼琴精選集 Best of Hayao & Studio Ghibli Piano Album
1. La La Land (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)Songbook 電影-星聲夢裡人鋼琴譜
2. Aladdin (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)Songbook 迪士尼電影-阿拉丁鋼琴譜(真人版)
3. 超級瑪利歐鋼琴譜 Super Mario™ Series for Piano
深受兒童和成人歡迎的 鬼滅之刃主題曲:「LISA - 紅蓮華」現在已提供"各種編曲"供大家彈奏!除了適合初級到高級的獨奏編曲外,一共有7種模式供一人或多人演奏,例如可用於小提琴等樂器獨奏的“歌曲和鋼琴伴奏”,以及 2~4人可以聯彈的鋼琴合奏曲。 除了獨奏樂譜外,還有用QR Code就可以讀取的...
檢視完整細節By Todd Johnson Bass Guitar DVD Electric Bass Technique Builders is a logical, organized, and concise method in which Todd teaches how to control t...
檢視完整細節By Bob Phillips and Randy Sabien Viola Book Jazz Philharmonic: Second Set, the follow-up to the original Jazz Philharmonic, gives students even mor...
檢視完整細節Uru 是一位歌手,她以環繞聽眾的聲音和神秘的存在吸引了人們的注意力。 除了迄今為止發行的7首單曲,包括電視劇《初中日記》的主題曲《Prologue》和電視劇《Konodori》的主題曲《Miracle》,還有2首值得一玩的高級編曲被列為獎金分數。做到了。 每一首歌都有一首令人印象深刻的鋼琴曲...
檢視完整細節當今最受歡迎流行鋼琴鬼才V.K克《Our Story鋼琴譜集》精彩發行!此鋼琴譜集收錄日系純愛微電波鋼琴舞曲《僕の夏恋》、附有故事性的專輯主打溫暖歌曲《Our Story》、深受大家喜愛的幻想精靈系《森之祭典》、及帶有濃濃民族風味的《銀河旅人》和浪漫憂傷的純鋼琴曲《無法實現的約定》&《再見了,...
檢視完整細節KKBOX流行演奏金榜專輯《鏡夜》,首張打敗國際輕音樂大師《凱文‧柯恩》成為榜上冠軍的台灣音樂專輯,為華人流行演奏類經典之作。多首流行金曲膾炙人口,為許多鋼琴彈奏者比賽或表演之指定曲目!! 《鏡夜典藏鋼琴譜集》收錄V.K克首張創作專輯《鏡夜》中所有曲目樂譜。如全球熱門手機遊戲DEEMO人氣曲《...
檢視完整細節§ 琴之翼V.K克國際鋼琴大賽官方指定用譜 §台灣跨界音樂代表人物,鬼才作曲鋼琴演奏家V.K克,繼暢銷專輯《鏡夜》及《愛.無限》後又一經典之作《第三樂章》。《第三樂章》曲風不受侷限,主打歌《Evolution Era 》融合前兩張專輯的音樂元素及克式鋼琴Rap Style,保證全面進化你的鋼琴...
檢視完整細節Sonny Chua’s Cool Keys 2 is packed with irresistible tunes that progress from Grade 3 to Grade 5 standard (Intermediate level). Featuring an assort...
檢視完整細節收錄了 TV 卡通「進擊的巨人」主題曲的鋼琴迷你專輯! !產品描述包括由 Linked Horizon 演唱的《紅蓮之弓箭手》和《自由之翼》,以及片尾主題曲《Utsukushiki Zanko Taka na Sekai》和《Great Escape》。 從快節奏的搖滾樂到帶有令人印象深刻...
檢視完整細節This second edition features even more authentic transcriptions in the original keys of 13 hits from Adele: All I Ask • Easy on Me • Hello • Oh My ...
檢視完整細節Embark on a voyage of discovery with this stunning collection of 14 original Latin Preludes from the creator of Microjazz, inspired by the musical ...
檢視完整細節Music from the Apple TV+ Original Series Composer: Cinco Paul 15 selections from Apple TV+'s musical hit Schmigadoon arranged for voice with piano ...
檢視完整細節A dozen vocal selections from the 2019 Tony® Award winner for Best Musical and Best Original Score by Anaïs Mitchell: All I've Ever Known • Epic II...
檢視完整細節The first step to the blues for aspiring jazz musicians"Easy Blue Clarinet Duets" is designed to encourage clarinet players a real "feel for the bl...
檢視完整細節The Definitive Guide to Jazz Improvisation for All Instruments Create arrangements with texture and style with this complete guide to arranging for...
檢視完整細節The Definitive Guide to Jazz Improvisation for All Instruments The world of jazz improvisation can be complex and intimidating to navigate for begi...
檢視完整細節30 Popular Shanties, Work Songs & Sea Songs For instrumentalists or singers, this collection features melody, lyrics and chords for guitar, uku...
檢視完整細節Music from the Netflix Original Series If you can only take one songbook with you to the Upside Down, make sure it's our matching folio to Stranger...
檢視完整細節16 songs from these '90s favorites arranged for piano/vocal/guitar, including: April 29, 1992 (Miami) • Badfish • Boss D.J. • Caress Me Down • Date...
檢視完整細節23 Songs from Movies and Shows with a preface by Mel Brooks The great comedy filmmaker Mel Brooks wrote a song for his first movie, The Producers (...
檢視完整細節After writing chart-topping hits for the likes of Céline Dion, Avril Lavigne, Seal, and Josh Groban, multiple Grammy and Academy Award-nominated co...
檢視完整細節15 songs from the 2021 ACM Award winner for Female Artist of the Year. Our collection features 15 arrangements for piano, voice, and guitar with ch...
檢視完整細節Hal Leonard easy piano folios provide musically satisfying arrangements for anyone with a few years of experience at the piano and beyond. These si...
檢視完整細節This collection features 15 simplified transcriptions for piano from George Winston's original recordings, authorized by Mr. Winston himself. In ad...