(售罄 Sold Out) 林家謙 第四張個人專輯《ISFP》「I人之境」
此為預售產品!貨品預計於預訂7月內到達。澳門地區或需時多候1-2星期,不便之處,敬請原諒。 This is a Pre-order item! Product is expected to arrive within July. It may take 1-2 weeks longer fo...
Disney - Super Easy Songbook for Piano 迪士尼-超簡單歌本鋼琴譜
這本鋼琴書收錄了60首迪士尼經典歌曲,例如Alice In Wonderland、Beauty And The Beast、Circle Of Life、Do You Want To Build A Snowman、Kiss The Girl、A Whole New World等。這些經典流行歌曲譜採用易於演奏的鋼琴編排,右手旋律簡單,音符內更標有字母註解;左手和弦伴奏則使用基礎的圖示,易於上手,適合初學者彈奏。
Yoasobi:The Book (Piano Solo/Duo) 鋼琴獨奏+聯彈組曲譜
Hayao Miyazaki & Studio Ghibli Piano Selection 宮崎駿 & 吉卜力工作室 (中級-高級)
1. 容祖兒演唱會 Another Side Joey My Secret Live 2DVD + 2CD
2. MIRROR Music Score Book (附CD)
4. 張敬軒演唱會 TheNext20 Blu-ray大碟 The Next 20 Hins Live in Hong Kong 2Blu-ray+3CD
1. 鬼滅之刃動畫歌曲鋼琴譜選集:紅蓮華/炎 (竈門炭治郎のうた)Anime Piano Book
2. 宮崎駿動畫最佳鋼琴精選集 Best of Hayao & Studio Ghibli Piano Album
1. La La Land (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)Songbook 電影-星聲夢裡人鋼琴譜
2. Aladdin (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)Songbook 迪士尼電影-阿拉丁鋼琴譜(真人版)
3. 超級瑪利歐鋼琴譜 Super Mario™ Series for Piano
此為預售產品!貨品預計於預訂7月內到達。澳門地區或需時多候1-2星期,不便之處,敬請原諒。 This is a Pre-order item! Product is expected to arrive within July. It may take 1-2 weeks longer fo...
檢視完整細節此為預售產品!貨品預計於預訂7月內到達。澳門地區或需時多候1-2星期,不便之處,敬請原諒。 This is a Pre-order item! Product is expected to arrive within July. It may take 1-2 weeks longer fo...
檢視完整細節此為預售產品!貨品預計於預訂7月內到達。澳門地區或需時多候1-2星期,不便之處,敬請原諒。 This is a Pre-order item! Product is expected to arrive within July. It may take 1-2 weeks longer fo...
檢視完整細節此為預售產品!貨品預計於預訂7月內到達。澳門地區或需時多候1-2星期,不便之處,敬請原諒。 This is a Pre-order item! Product is expected to arrive within July. It may take 1-2 weeks longer fo...
檢視完整細節宮崎駿與吉卜力工作室 最佳鋼琴精選集 Best of Hayao & Studio Ghibli Piano Album Replaces 取代 ISBN 9784773240047 (072/4773240047), added 10 more songs 加了10首新歌 宮崎駿導...
檢視完整細節BLACKPINK 精選鋼琴樂譜集 (DooPiano 編曲) 두피아노 블랙핑크 베스트 피아노 연주곡집 擁有144萬訂閱者的K-Pop 鋼琴 YouTuber - DooPiano 和超人氣女團 BLACKPINK 的 Cross Over!這鋼琴合集收錄了 20 首 BLACKPINK...
檢視完整細節IU 精選鋼琴樂譜集 (DooPiano 編曲) 두피아노 아이유 베스트 피아노 연주곡집 擁有144萬訂閱者的K-Pop 鋼琴 YouTuber - DooPiano 和創作歌手 IU 的 Cross Over!在這本鋼琴歌集中,DooPiano 編排了 IU 最熱門的 21 首歌曲,收錄...
檢視完整細節YOASOBI 『THE BOOK 3』 YOASOBI是一個“將小說變成音樂的組合”,出道歌曲《Yoru ni Kakeru》的串流播放量超過10億次,並且所有歌曲的串流媒體總數在眾多熱門排行榜上名列前茅。超過60億。第三張EP《THE BOOK 3》於2023年10月4日發行,完整配套鋼琴...
檢視完整細節*** 剩餘少量 CD,如要CD請到門市訂購 *** 早鳥優惠送您 BEYOND 超越BEYOND LIVE 03 演唱會 雙CD* Disc 11. Opening Prologue 2. 海闊天空 3. 高溫派對 4. 俾面派對5. 亞拉伯跳舞女郎 6. 早班火車 7. 無聲的告別 8...
檢視完整細節伍仲衡作品鋼琴集 Vol. 1 香港著名音樂人伍仲衡,入行27年來創作了二百多首流行曲,《伍仲衡作品鋼琴集 Vol.1 》,是他首次推出的作品鋼琴集,由他親自編寫琴譜,更附上一隻由伍仲衡親自彈奏的純鋼琴CD! - 提供五線譜,和弦Chord及歌詞 收錄作品:1. 愛你(躲你) - 陳曉東2....
檢視完整細節The first Yiruma collection, authorized for the European market, thanks to the exclusive partnership between Volontè & Co. and Mapia Music. All...
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檢視完整細節This ocarina songbook includes the latest popular songs and songs that you would like to play in the beginning. Songlist: かえるの合唱 メリーさんの羊 きよしこの夜 幸せ...
檢視完整細節This artist collection contains 18 famous songs by RADWIMPS, and arrange them for piano playing. Songlist: 01. ふたりごと アーティスト: RADWINPS(作曲: 野田洋次郎 作詞:...
檢視完整細節Solo arrangements for 8 tunes from the 2019 sequel to Disney's mega-hit movie Frozen are featured in this collection perfect for budding instrument...
檢視完整細節Solo arrangements for 8 tunes from the 2019 sequel to Disney's mega-hit movie Frozen are featured in this collection perfect for budding instrument...
檢視完整細節Solo arrangements for 8 tunes from the 2019 sequel to Disney's mega-hit movie Frozen are featured in this collection perfect for budding instrument...
檢視完整細節Top Hits of 2023 Arranged for Piano/Vocal/Guitar Songbook Play 13 of the year's biggest hits with this collection arranged for piano and voice with...
檢視完整細節Songs from Barbie, The Little Mermaid, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, and More Top Movies Piano/Vocal/Guitar Songbook Softcover Got songs stuck in yo...
檢視完整細節Taylor Swift – 1989 (Taylor's Version) Piano/Vocal/Guitar Artist Songbook Swift Mania continues in 2023 with Taylor's Version of her first fully po...
檢視完整細節WishMusic from the Motion Picture Soundtrack Piano/Vocal/Guitar Songbook If you've been wishing to play the music from your favorite new Disney mus...