Aladdin Clarinet Play-Along 迪士尼電影-阿拉丁(真人版)豎笛譜(真人版)附伴奏音頻網址
Six songs from the 2019 edition of Disneys Aladdin are included in this collection for instrumentalists. Each book features online access to audio ...
Disney - Super Easy Songbook for Piano 迪士尼-超簡單歌本鋼琴譜
這本鋼琴書收錄了60首迪士尼經典歌曲,例如Alice In Wonderland、Beauty And The Beast、Circle Of Life、Do You Want To Build A Snowman、Kiss The Girl、A Whole New World等。這些經典流行歌曲譜採用易於演奏的鋼琴編排,右手旋律簡單,音符內更標有字母註解;左手和弦伴奏則使用基礎的圖示,易於上手,適合初學者彈奏。
Yoasobi:The Book (Piano Solo/Duo) 鋼琴獨奏+聯彈組曲譜
Hayao Miyazaki & Studio Ghibli Piano Selection 宮崎駿 & 吉卜力工作室 (中級-高級)
1. 容祖兒演唱會 Another Side Joey My Secret Live 2DVD + 2CD
2. MIRROR Music Score Book (附CD)
4. 張敬軒演唱會 TheNext20 Blu-ray大碟 The Next 20 Hins Live in Hong Kong 2Blu-ray+3CD
1. 鬼滅之刃動畫歌曲鋼琴譜選集:紅蓮華/炎 (竈門炭治郎のうた)Anime Piano Book
2. 宮崎駿動畫最佳鋼琴精選集 Best of Hayao & Studio Ghibli Piano Album
1. La La Land (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)Songbook 電影-星聲夢裡人鋼琴譜
2. Aladdin (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)Songbook 迪士尼電影-阿拉丁鋼琴譜(真人版)
3. 超級瑪利歐鋼琴譜 Super Mario™ Series for Piano
Six songs from the 2019 edition of Disneys Aladdin are included in this collection for instrumentalists. Each book features online access to audio ...
檢視完整細節Six songs from the 2019 edition of Disneys Aladdin are included in this collection for instrumentalists. Each book features online access to audio ...
檢視完整細節This monstrous collection includes instrumental solos of more than 70 Disney classics: Beauty and the Beast • Can You Feel the Love Tonight • Frien...
檢視完整細節This monstrous collection includes instrumental solos of more than 70 Disney classics: Beauty and the Beast • Can You Feel the Love Tonight • Frien...
檢視完整細節13 Disney favorites especially arranged for accordion, including: Be Our Guest • Beauty and the Beast • Can You Feel the Love Tonight • Chim Chim C...
檢視完整細節11 selections from the 2013 blockbuster Disney animated movie hit, Frozen, arranged for developing guitarists. Includes: Do You Want to Build a Sno...
檢視完整細節Movie musical lovers will delight in this songbook chock full of top-notch songs from blockbuster movies arranged for ukulele in standard G-C-E-A t...
檢視完整細節9 songs from this blockbuster hit movie musical are included in this collection for instrumentalists. Each book features online access to audio dem...
檢視完整細節9 songs from this blockbuster hit movie musical are included in this collection for instrumentalists. Each book features online access to audio dem...
檢視完整細節9 songs from this blockbuster hit movie musical are included in this collection for instrumentalists. Each book features online access to audio dem...
檢視完整細節Jazz, Rags & Blues, Book 3 contains original solos for intermediate to late intermediate-level pianists that reflect the various styles of the ...
sSolo arrangements for 8 tunes from the 2019 sequel to Disney's mega-hit movie Frozen are featured in this collection perfect for budding instrumen...
檢視完整細節Solo arrangements for 8 tunes from the 2019 sequel to Disney's mega-hit movie Frozen are featured in this collection perfect for budding instrument...
檢視完整細節Solo arrangements for 8 tunes from the 2019 sequel to Disney's mega-hit movie Frozen are featured in this collection perfect for budding instrument...
檢視完整細節Solo arrangements for 8 tunes from the 2019 sequel to Disney's mega-hit movie Frozen are featured in this collection perfect for budding instrument...
檢視完整細節李閏珉 Yiruma 韓國國寶級作曲家 Yiruma SOLO: Original is the authorised collection from the best-selling album SOLO, written and scored by Yiruma for piano sol...
檢視完整細節李閏珉 Yiruma 韓國國寶級作曲家 Yiruma SOLO: Easy is the authorised collection from the best-selling album SOLO, written and scored by Yiruma for easy piano so...
檢視完整細節大人初學人氣歌曲鋼琴樂譜集:J-POP歌精選大全集 First Adult Piano J-POP Collection 對於想開始彈鋼琴的人來說,這是第一本成人鋼琴曲集。 它有大而易讀的樂譜和帶有註音假名的音符名稱,並且以易於理解的方式排列,以便左手可以演奏一個音符。 這是流行的 JPOP...
檢視完整細節初學者也能玩!第一本帶有和弦的卡林巴獨奏書 First Kalimba Solo Book with Chords This is a collection of Kalimba Solo with a chord that can be enjoyed by one of the 17-k...
檢視完整細節日劇《星降的夜晚》電視劇歌曲選集 鋼琴譜 Japanese TV Drama “Starry Night” Soundtrack Collection Piano Solo 除了朝日電視台電視劇《星降的夜晚》的主題曲之外,我們還從原聲帶中精選了流行歌曲,並將其編成鋼琴獨奏。 In addit...
檢視完整細節澤野弘之 人氣歌曲鋼琴精選集 Sawano Hiroyuki Best Hits Piano Collection 這是從曾為電視劇《入龍》系列、動畫《進擊的巨人》、動畫《進擊的巨人》等眾多配樂作品創作的人氣作曲家澤野弘之的作品中精心挑選的鋼琴獨奏曲集。 《機動戰士鋼彈UC》所有內容均以原始...