Buffet Crampon BC8101 中音色士風
The 100 Series alto saxophones provide students with superior quality with affordable price. The importance of a superior instrument for beginnings...
檢視完整細節「11.11 狂買祭」優惠開催 !仲有限時勁抵獨家折扣等每日快閃推出!線上線下優惠同步, 接受消費卷付款立即挑選心水樂器! 優惠期由2022 年11月7日至11月18日,立即到各大門市或於通利琴行網上商店選購。
The 100 Series alto saxophones provide students with superior quality with affordable price. The importance of a superior instrument for beginnings...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link ***WITH HARDWARE* PACKAGE AVAILABLE NOW !!!!*** TD-17KVX2 + Double Bass Drum Pedals + Drum Stool + Hi H...
檢視完整細節The K Custom Special Dry Cymbal Pack is a collection of cymbals from Zildjian's very popular Special Dry Series. These specially selected cymbals a...
檢視完整細節SPECS body shape Dreadnought body top Spruce top back & sides Okoume back & Okoume sides neck PFNyatoh neck fretboard L...
檢視完整細節Your Audience Awaits. The AG03MK2 LSPK (Live Streaming Package) is a full streaming setup that includes, and centers around an AG03MK2 3-channel m...
檢視完整細節王菲 菲黄騰達 Faye Wong Best Piano Collection 鋼琴獨琴譜 + 2 Instrumental CDs 01. 我願意02. 但願人長久03. 容易受傷的女人04. 你快樂,所以我快樂05. 天與地(用心良苦)06. 償還"紅豆"07. 多得他08. 天空0...
檢視完整細節With the OC16, Austrian Audio introduces a brand-new microphone in the “Open Condenser” large-diaphragm series equipped with Open Acoustics technol...
檢視完整細節Studio-quality sound for the stage The handheld OC707 True Condenser Vocal Microphone brings professional sound quality to both studio and stage. ...
檢視完整細節此產品不設退款、退貨、換貨及取消訂單。 此產品不可與其他優惠同時使用。 音樂書籍及精品網上商店限定折扣不適用於此貨品。 如有任何爭議,通利琴行有限公司保留最終決定權。 In any event, refund, change or cancellation is not allowed on...
檢視完整細節購買任何產品即可用 $58優惠價 加購此產品 此產品不設退款、退貨、換貨及取消訂單。 此產品不可與其他優惠同時使用。 音樂書籍及精品網上商店限定折扣不適用於此貨品。 如有任何爭議,通利琴行有限公司保留最終決定權。 In any event, refund, change or cance...
檢視完整細節體積小,音效澎湃 C20A - 內建超重低音揚聲器、Bluetooth®和 Clear Voice功能的小型 Soundbar。 無可比擬的沉浸式聲音體驗以及內建低音揚聲器,為您提供節省空間的完美方案。(寬 600 mm x 高 64 mm x 深 ...
檢視完整細節唇墊 (Lip plate) 是專為引導初學者正確運用呼吸而設計的,按鍵的尺寸和角度則經過深思熟慮,以實現最佳的平衡,而且易於演奏。這些特色和其他細節,正是 Yamaha 學生級長笛和進階級長笛之所以在全球如此暢銷的原因之一。每把樂器都融合了領先業界的技術和工藝。新的設計包括提升目光吸引力的優...
檢視完整細節The DS model is the highest quality sterling silver flute with drawn tone holes made by Muramatsu. It has quick response and the ability to produc...
檢視完整細節The handmade EX Model plays with ease because of its handcut silver headjoint combined with a silver plated German silver body and footjoint. Its t...
檢視完整細節Carry-on最新推出獨一無二的摺疊式88鍵數碼鍵琴,重量僅為1.6公斤,折疊後僅長33厘米。可折疊的設計,方便收藏和便攜外出。巧妙的設計,為初學者帶來便利,隨時可以利用耳機或內置立體聲揚聲器來進行彈奏。配備128種音色、伴奏,以及USB MIDI連接,Carry-on 摺疊鍵琴...
檢視完整細節The Legendary Choice of Professionals was created in 1955 by Robert Carrée and is the most popular professional clarinet in the world. Its tone is ...
檢視完整細節This R13 Bb Clarinet is specially selected by Buffet Crampon Clarinet Artist Mr. Florent Héau, for Hong Kong Clarinet players.這枝 R13 降B調單簧管,是由 Buf...
檢視完整細節極簡設計,但遠超基本功能。體驗 Yamaha 標誌性的優質音色,觀賞您最愛的電影、欣賞音樂和玩遊戲 - 只需一台 Soundbar,將其放置於電視前或掛牆,與您的電視完美搭配。內建 Alexa 語音控制*,代表您只需要簡單...
檢視完整細節The name E13 is legendary for a clarinet that has never changed in 40 years. With its origins in the BC20 – the clarinet played by Jacques Lancelot...
檢視完整細節- 適合0~6歲幼童,可作啟蒙音樂之教材 - 附有可愛插圖,提升小朋友學習興趣 - 家長可陪同子女一起學習和玩樂作親子活動 - 設有"練習模式",小朋友可以按照自己的節奏輕鬆彈奏 - 包含30首童謠和古典音樂 - 內附可彈奏精美鍵盤,伴隨旋律發光,可聽歌亦可跟樂譜彈奏 - 鍵盤設有鋼...
檢視完整細節Yamaha F310 Acoustic Guitar Package (Natural) The F310 offers the same focus on quality, design and sound as all Yamaha acoustics and puts it in ...
檢視完整細節配件包括踏板,譜架,AC變壓器 +$200 配X型鍵琴架及琴櫈 (價值$298) 88鍵全音域鋼琴。方便攜行演奏。支援智慧型手機教學功能 當您要學鋼琴時,擁有一部88鍵鋼琴會有很大的不同。雖然,較小型的61鍵或76鍵鍵盤,對於年輕的演奏者來說相當輕巧而便攜,但是一部88鍵的鋼琴,更能幫助...
檢視完整細節*提供三年保養 擁有出廠編號,保證原廠正貨 配件包括譜架、腳踏及AC變壓器 附送耳機 +$200 配X型鍵琴架及琴櫈 (價值$298) B2是KORG的新一代數碼鋼琴,專注於易用性,更收錄了精心挑選的三角鋼琴音色。 內置十二種不同風格的樂器音色,適合各種現場演奏需要 NH逐級配重琴...
檢視完整細節隨書附送Piano Version CD一張。 【曲目】 01. 12 02. Dear My Friend 03. 小諧星 04. Boss 05. 一表人才 06. My Apple Pie 07. 人類群星閃耀時 08. 搞不懂 09. 砂之器 10. I Know 11.黑之呼吸...
檢視完整細節Your voice, the new Custom EX alto saxophone 新Yamaha YAS-875EX Custom EX 中音色士風代表著Yamaha樂器設計上的一大躍進,演奏家更能自由地吹奏其所要的音樂表現力! 新Custom EX是與Nobuya Sugawa, ...
檢視完整細節The handmade EX Model plays with ease because of its handcut silver headjoint combined with a silver plated German silver body and footjoint. Its t...
檢視完整細節Carry-on最新推出獨一無二的摺疊式88鍵數碼鍵琴,重量僅為1.6公斤,折疊後僅長33厘米。可折疊的設計,方便收藏和便攜外出。巧妙的設計,為初學者帶來便利,隨時可以利用耳機或內置立體聲揚聲器來進行彈奏。配備128種音色、伴奏,以及USB MIDI連接,Carry-on 摺疊鍵琴...
檢視完整細節The GX model has the warm and mellow sound of a handmade flute with silver head and body. This is an all sterling silver flute except for the silve...
檢視完整細節唇墊 (Lip plate) 是專為引導初學者正確運用呼吸而設計的,按鍵的尺寸和角度則經過深思熟慮,以實現最佳的平衡,而且易於演奏。這些特色和其他細節,正是 Yamaha 學生級長笛和進階級長笛之所以在全球如此暢銷的原因之一。每把樂器都融合了領先業界的技術和工藝。新的設計包括提升目光吸引力的優...
檢視完整細節Yamaha專業系列長笛,繼承了頂級手工金笛與銀笛設計概念,採用許多相同的設計特點與規格,提供樂手細緻入微的音色及寬廣的動態表現。 600系列結合了鎳銀與純銀的特點具備了圓潤的音色及亮度。按鍵則擁有傳統設計之特色外,更是工藝上的最佳表現。 新Type Am吹頭管 源自800/900系列...
檢視完整細節Carry-on 摺疊式 49 鍵數碼鍵琴 Carry-on最新推出獨一無二的摺疊式49鍵數碼鍵琴,重量僅為1.01公斤,折疊後僅長39厘米。可折疊的設計,方便收藏和便攜外出。巧妙的設計,為初學者帶來便利,隨時可以利用耳機或內置立體聲揚聲器來進行彈奏。配備128種音色、伴奏,以及USB MID...
檢視完整細節Yamaha專業系列長笛,繼承了頂級手工金笛與銀笛設計概念,採用許多相同的設計特點與規格,提供樂手細緻入微的音色及寬廣的動態表現。 700系列採用全銀材質,有更溫暖的音色及更具色彩的表現力。 此系列利用製作手工長笛的專業技術打造而成,頭管繼承了800/900手工長笛的Type A研發全新的Ty...
檢視完整細節*提供三年保養 擁有出廠編號,保證原廠正貨 配件包括譜架、腳踏 及 AC變壓器 附送耳機 這組數碼鋼琴包含你彈奏真實鋼琴所需要一切,配有容易組裝的支架和三踏板單元,讓您體驗到演奏真正的三角鋼琴的感覺。 內置十二種不同風格的樂器音色,適合各種現場演奏需要 NH逐級配重...
檢視完整細節真實的樂器物理反饋,觸動您嶄新的吹奏體驗,隨時隨地,享受吹奏色士風。 無差異的吹奏體驗帶來更多的演奏樂趣 這一款數碼色士風結合了兩項科技,「原聲與數位的結合」以及「產品外觀」。這是一款令人讚嘆的新型色士風,有著先進的數碼整合技術,更帶給您如同原聲管樂器一樣的無差異操作感。 絕佳的...
檢視完整細節Half guitar, half ukulele…100% fun. A unique mini 6-string nylon guitar that is sized like a baritone ukulele (17” scale) and plays like a standard...
檢視完整細節2019年最新版本,前所未有的傑出表現力 Yamaha YTR9335CHS Custom Xeno Artist "Chicago" 降B調小號。被視為大師傑作的Xeno Artist Mode小號,並不只是一般的樂器成品,而是經過無數次徹底研究與精心設計所改造而成的完美樂器。 所有材料和...
檢視完整細節Yamaha Xeno 小號是專為追求音樂力量、投射力與龐大溫暖聲音者所設計。結合三十幾年的研究心得與全球頂尖藝術家的經驗開發而成的 Xeno 小號,透過世界最佳設計師與工匠的技術與構想,實現了他們的夢想、經驗與天分。尖端製造技術增強了傳統的手工技藝,創造出空前一致的卓越品質。Xeno 重量級...
檢視完整細節*提供三年保養 擁有出廠編號,保證原廠正貨 附送琴櫈 (黑色 / 白色) 及耳機 擁有纖細精緻的外觀設計,為你帶來真實的三角鋼琴彈奏體驗。 時尚纖薄設計 LP-380U擁有輕巧纖薄的設計,深度只有26cm,方便擺放任何地方;配備平面無縫式鍵盤蓋。在鍵盤蓋閉合時,是一個外觀時...
檢視完整細節與客製級型號音色非常接近,豐富且華麗 YCL-650 是款專業級型號,音色溫暖而豐富的音色,有理想的吹奏阻力,並提供豐沛的吹奏感。這些都是可能的,因為在它的製程上,使用了些對音色產生有著顯著影響的客製級型號規格技術。 溫暖的音色,投射效果絕佳 皮革皮墊的選材,是經過音質上嚴格...
檢視完整細節Control, unplugged Too many wires in your studio? Are they literally holding you back from the freedom of different configurations and setups? ...
檢視完整細節Developed through industrial cooperation between our Research & Development arm and our Production facilities based in France and Germany, the ...
檢視完整細節This Légende Bb Clarinet is specially selected by Buffet Crampon Clarinet Artist Mr. Florent Héau, for Hong Kong Clarinet players.這枝 Légende 降B調...
檢視完整細節隨時隨地都可吹奏的Carry-on數碼吹管樂 Carry-on新推出的數碼吹管樂酷似傳統吹管樂,設計輕巧,以牧童笛指法吹奏,配合移調功能(Transposing function),隨時隨地都可輕易吹出任何音調嘅曲目。 不同的管樂器樂手可透過Carry-on數碼吹管樂內建的十種不同的中西管樂...
檢視完整細節附送原廠AC變壓器 簡單、有趣、容易上手! PSR-F52 是希望學習彈奏的初學者的完美鍵盤樂器。擁有你第一次彈奏樂器所需的所有功能。動手嘗試使用全球知名樂器商 Yamaha 製造的電子琴,你會發現這是一個絕佳的音樂創作器材。PSR-F52 為想要開始彈奏鍵盤樂器的初學者,提供堅實的基礎。...
檢視完整細節利用開發與調校手工長笛與專業長笛過程中所學到的知識與經驗,並將重點結合於中階與標準長笛的設計中,並由經驗豐富的工匠細心手工調校與試吹,而且比專業型號便宜。Yamaha's 200 系列依其本身條件來製作,開發的構想著重在初學者的特殊需求。對年輕學童最重要的,就是能快速且容易地吹出美麗、長笛般的...
檢視完整細節*提供三年保養 擁有出廠編號,保證原廠正貨 附送琴櫈(黑色 / 白色)及名廠耳機 憑藉無與倫比的聲音和精湛的表現力,開創了數碼鋼琴的新標準。 細緻的聲音和動感,為鋼琴演奏者提供了各種可能的音樂表現。 憑藉從屢獲殊榮的 KRONOS 鋼琴聲音技術(三款世界級的三角鋼琴音色(來自德國...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link TD-07KV V-Drums 套鼓小巧便利,是居家打鼓的理想選擇,擁有高階 V-Drums 出色的表現力和演奏性能,同時提供實惠的價格。Roland 原創的超靜音、雙層網狀鼓面,應用於小鼓和中鼓打擊鼓,而...
檢視完整細節YCL255單簧管,讓年輕單簧管家擁有最完美的開始。採耐用ABS樹酯,不但容易抓握,還有全新可調式大拇指靠座和改良式帶型套環,演奏起來更舒適。拿掉揚音管內側的金屬套環,讓這款樂器重量更輕,但結構卻依然堅固結實。精確的音準與迅速的反應有助於學生吹出圓潤的音色。 - 降B調- 17 keys, 6...
檢視完整細節以初學者為設計對象,YAS280中音色士風能給初學者最完美的開始,因為設計者當初就是以初學者為設計對象。相對輕量而且符合人體工學的 造型,這款樂器握拿容易,吹奏起來也容易。完美的音準,就跟其他Yamaha樂器一樣,輕鬆就能吹奏出完美的音色。Yamaha 的設計能帶給初學者最大協助,因此不管是在...
檢視完整細節Yamaha F310 Acoustic Guitar (Natural) The F310 is a typical folk guitar for a truly affordable beginners' price. Its spruce top, meranti body, nat...
檢視完整細節*提供三年保養 擁有出廠編號,保證原廠正貨 附送琴櫈 (黑色或白色)及耳機 輕巧的家用數碼鋼琴,帶給你無與倫比的音樂體驗 無論你彈奏純屬興趣或為讓技巧更完美,ARIUS都可讓你沉醉在流淌的音樂中。這款數碼鋼琴是Yamaha精心製作的樂器,因超過一個世紀以來Yamaha 先進技術...
檢視完整細節反置式調音管設計 For the first time Yamaha has designed a student / intermediate trumpet with a reversed main tuning slide allowing for an exceptional feel...
檢視完整細節The perfect portable interface Record and compose music in studio quality on your computer or iPad with the rugged UR22C. With SuperSpeed USB 3.0, ...
檢視完整細節*提供三年保養 擁有出廠編號,保證原廠正貨 附送琴櫈 (黑色或白色)及耳機 輕巧的家用數碼鋼琴,帶給你無與倫比的音樂體驗 無論你彈奏純屬興趣或為讓技巧更完美,ARIUS都可讓你沉醉在流淌的音樂中。這款數碼鋼琴是Yamaha精心製作的樂器,因超過一個世紀以來Yamaha 先進技術...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link ***FULL SET WITH HARDWARE PACKAGE NOW !!!!*** DTX402K + Drum Stool + 1 Pair of Sticks + Headphones + Dr...
檢視完整細節Yamaha YOB241 雙簧管是一款相當經濟合算的ABS樹脂管身雙簧管,半自動式系統設計,使初學者易於吹奏。精確音準讓學生更能專注於發展自己的音樂感。YOB241 雙簧管的音色豐富且多彩,不像是「學生用」的樂器。特別溫暖的雙簧管音色,與專業樂器的音色非常相近,因此初學者會很快的發展出漂亮的...
檢視完整細節C1 Air : 支援藍牙音頻功能 *提供三年保養 擁有出廠編號,保證原廠正貨 附送琴櫈 (黑色 / 白色)、耳機 精湛的聲音和傑出的設計。 KORG為數碼鋼琴設定了新的標準。 C1 Air是一台真正獨特的數碼鋼琴。 憑藉KORG獨特的樂器設計和音響技術歷史,C1 Air提供了可玩性和...
檢視完整細節567是一支設計基本的雙調性法國號,簡單的響應及穩定中心音調非常適合學生,同時,多采多姿的音色及精準的音調也吸引了專家們,這支樂器以演奏者內心到最小的零件做為製造的方針,例如可調整的第四拇指調節管與排水口。 YHR567 規格 F調 / 降B調 喇叭口尺寸:中 喇叭口類型:一體式 (YHR...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link TD-07DMK 是 TD-07 系列的入門級機型,體積小巧但具有專業音色、打擊感,以及完整功能,可快速提升您的鼓技巧。雖然打擊板比同系列較高階機型略小,在 PDX-8 小鼓和三片 PDX-6A 中鼓都具有...
檢視完整細節EARPHONES THAT ADAPT TO YOU AND YOUR ENVIRONMENT 完美搭配您的使用環境的耳道式耳機 藉由我們獨特的專利技術,我們創造了能真正搭配您使用環境的耳機。 GET CLOSER, NOT LOUDER 更貼近音樂,而非更大音量 聽覺保護機能(List...
檢視完整細節Sankyo silver flutes are prized for their solid, stable core which provides the foundation for complete freedom of expression. With projection, pow...
檢視完整細節301 系列是Sankyo最受歡迎的長笛型號之一。Sankyo銀音長笛是經濟的專業長笛選擇。Sankyo銀音長笛特有手工切割銀製笛頭、笛身及尾管,是正在學習室樂、管弦樂及管樂的學生的理想選擇。 301RONEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵風格:開孔配有法式尖臂...
檢視完整細節Convenient, compact control surface, with easy setup for immediate use In a body proportioned to fit perfectly in front of your laptop computer, t...
檢視完整細節Delivering balanced sound with excellent resolution that stays faithful to the source, these headphones allow Reliable, high-quality monitoring Co...
檢視完整細節Start creating and performing music with your mac or PC with the world’s best-selling keyboard controllers: The Keystation Series from M-Audio. Whe...
檢視完整細節Hofner quality violin since 1887Handmade violin in GermanyEuropean tonewood, antique varnish, Dominant stringsCopy of StradivariSize : 4/4
Signature CR Series Sound- Professional studio-quality sound- Perfect upgrade for your desktop speakers- Great for home studios, content creators, ...
檢視完整細節Available for the entire range of saxophones, the S80 has achieved an unprecedented level of popularity and is widely regarded as the reference mou...
檢視完整細節Concept is the latest model in Selmer's firmly established line of mouthpieces. It combines Henri Selmer Paris legendary know-how with ultimate man...
檢視完整細節Combining a responsive and great-feeling “touch” and a thin low-profile 25-key USB-MIDI keyboard The nanoKEY2 features an advanced and up-to-date ...
檢視完整細節CONTROLLER DELUXE The definitive MIDI controller keyboard, KeyLab MkII is a luxurious, expressive tool for your studio or live rig. Unsurpasse...
檢視完整細節The perfect balance between a dark, rich, yet compact sound. OPENING: 1131/100 MM Facing Length: Long Instrument: Bb Clarinet MO...
檢視完整細節The conception of this series was the fruit of research on both external shape (particularly the beak) and sound, in order to meet the needs of tod...
檢視完整細節The Mackie Studio Bundle not only includes all the tools you need to create and mix professional recordings, it gives you room to grow. As the cent...
檢視完整細節MCR-X10E: Medium-Short Facing, European Pitch Inspired by the most prized, vintage mouthpieces of the 1920's, Reserve harnesses modern technology, ...
檢視完整細節THE AWARD-WINNING ZOOM H6 BLACKThe recorder that does it all. The H6 is the ultimate portable recorder. With its advanced preamps and interchang...
檢視完整細節Featuring a filed cut for additional tonal clarity, Royal by D'Addario Bb Clarinet reeds are ideal for both beginning and advancing players. These ...
檢視完整細節Featuring a filed cut for additional tonal clarity, Royal by D'Addario Alto Saxophone reeds are ideal for both beginning and advancing players. The...
檢視完整細節Satellite - USB/iOS Broadcast Microphone Mission: Broadcast. Samson Satellite is a broadcast-quality USB/iOS microphone designed for capturing high...
檢視完整細節Fender Squier Mini Stratocaster®, Laurel Fingerboard (Black) - Electric Guitar The Squier Mini Stratocaster® is the perfect companion for players...
檢視完整細節The most widely played reeds in the world with a superiority proven over the years, these reeds suit all styles of music. Traditional Series are kn...
檢視完整細節Traditional feature the thinnest tip with the thickest heart, resulting in crisp articulation with a full, dark sound. This reed is designed to pro...
檢視完整細節The Debut 10E and Debut 15E are the most amazing sounding practice amps with patented ISF and built-in ‘tape’ delay effect. Designed by the same UK...
檢視完整細節Bb clarinet V•12 reeds are manufactured from cane tubes with the same diameter as cane used for alto saxophone reeds. As a result, they have a thic...
檢視完整細節配件包括譜架及AC變壓器 免費下載更多音樂風格 Korg EK-50,助你彈奏的數碼鍵琴! 如果你想演奏或演奏你最喜歡的歌曲,或者想過一段可以成為原創歌曲的旋律,KORG可以幫助實現你的音樂潛力。KORG EK-50是一款編曲鍵琴,是一種與你一起成長的樂器,無論任何音樂水平上絕對適合你。 ...
檢視完整細節An all-in-one that delivers inspiration. A mobile MIDI keyboard that connects via USB or wirelessly. The nanoKEY Studio provides a keyboard, kno...
檢視完整細節無與倫比的聆聽體驗 我們的旗艦款 TW-E7B 真無線耳機使用最優質的零件打造,並且完美融合了 Yamaha 的原創技術,實現了無與倫比的音質。 具有進階主動降噪模式(Advanced ANC)、進階聽覺保護和環境音功能的真無線耳機。 Yamaha True Sound: 讓您更接近樂手—...
檢視完整細節2-way bass-reflex bi-amplified nearfield studio monitor with 6.5" cone woofer and 1" dome tweeter. 2-way bass-reflex bi-amplified nearfield studio...
檢視完整細節書籍特點Book features 1) 分享羅斯凱一生對健康鋼琴演奏的教學、表演和開創性研究的經驗 Roskell shares a lifetime’s experience of teaching, performing and ground-breaking research int...
檢視完整細節The Mackie Creator Bundle is the ultimate setup for content creators, podcasters, streaming, and beyond. Not only is it perfect for your desk setup...
檢視完整細節High-end monitoring headphones with accurate response and precise stereo imaging capable of faithfully reproducing every nuance of the mids and h...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link ***FULL SET WITH HARDWARE PACKAGE NOW !!!!*** DTX452K + Drum Stool + 1 Pair of Sticks + Headphones + Dr...
檢視完整細節Taylor BT1 Baby Taylor Acoustic Guitar ** INCLUDED GIG BAG ** The guitar that set the standard for the travel guitar market, the enduringly popula...
檢視完整細節Create instinctively. Perform immediately. Circuit Tracks is an extraordinary standalone groovebox for the modern producer. With two refined polyp...
檢視完整細節三年保養 擁有出廠編號,保證原廠正貨 附送YAMAHA原廠琴櫈,耳機 輕巧的家用鋼琴,帶給你無與倫比的音樂饗宴 無論你彈奏鋼琴純屬興趣或為了讓技巧更完美,都可讓你沉醉在流淌的音樂中。這款 ARIUS 數碼鋼琴是一款精心製作的樂器,因超過一個世紀以來 Yamaha 先進的技術和專業而更臻完...
檢視完整細節Sixteen pads in a compact body Like all nanoSERIES2 controllers, the nanoPAD2 had to be compact, lightweight and sized to work well with any lapto...
檢視完整細節The Mackie Producer Bundle is everything you need to get your home studio up and running with professional-quality sound. The EM-91C Condenser Mic ...
檢視完整細節桌上木琴升級優惠計劃 現凡於通利琴行購買指定敲擊樂套裝,兩年內升級換購指定 Fujiyama / Majestic / Adams 3.5 個八度或以上的桌上木琴,即享港幣 $500 折扣優惠。(只限於門市升級換購) 現凡於通利琴行購買任何 Fujiyama / Majestic / Ada...
檢視完整細節桌上木琴升級優惠計劃 現凡於通利琴行購買指定敲擊樂套裝,兩年內升級換購指定 Fujiyama / Majestic / Adams 3.5 個八度或以上的桌上木琴,即享港幣 $500 折扣優惠。(只限於門市升級換購) 現凡於通利琴行購買任何 Fujiyama / Majestic / Ada...
檢視完整細節Ibanez AZES31 Electric Guitar (IV : Ivory) SPECS neck type AZESMaple neck top/back/body Poplar body fretboard Jatoba fretboardWhite ...
檢視完整細節Record anywhere, on any device Whether you’re recording music, videos, podcasts or live-streams, sometimes you just have to get out of the studio. ...
檢視完整細節The perfect size for intuitively controlling your music. A physical MIDI controller that you can use via USB or wirelessly. The nanoKONTROL Studio ...
檢視完整細節KROSS 2, the long-awaited successor of the KROSS, is a compact, portable workstation with a huge range of sounds. While maintaining its identity as...
檢視完整細節Be a Pro from the Start. Starting your own podcast can seem daunting at first. There are a lot of creative decisions to be made, let alone what gea...
檢視完整細節Performance evolved Adams Solist Series Xylophones Adams Solist Series Xylophones feature a choice between prime Honduras Rosewood, af...
檢視完整細節Performance evolved Adams Solist Series Marimba At Adams the affordable instruments are made with the same passion for performance tha...
檢視完整細節*提供三年保養 擁有出廠編號,保證原廠正貨 附送YAMAHA原廠琴櫈,耳機 輕巧的家用鋼琴,帶給你無與倫比的音樂饗宴 無論你彈奏鋼琴純屬興趣或為了讓技巧更完美,都可讓你沉醉在流淌的音樂中。這款 ARIUS 數碼鋼琴是一款精心製作的樂器,因超過一個世紀以來 Yamaha 先進的技術和專業...
檢視完整細節YG250D 採用經過特殊迴火製程處理的全新高碳鋼,呈現更純淨、清亮的音色,節點支撐絃搭配單針音柱固定裝置 Deep frame and case that provide a resonating chamber. Full F57 - C88 range satisfies more r...
檢視完整細節配件包括譜架, 腳踏, 原廠AC變壓器 附送:耳機 配備動力十足的揚聲器,提供高品質鋼琴音色與伴奏型的全能數碼鋼琴。 獨奏合奏樣樣精通 作為一台全能型數碼鋼琴,無論是純鋼琴演奏,還是享受與樂隊合作的樂趣,DGX-670通通不在話下。在一台優質鋼琴基礎上,強大的自動伴奏型提供了非凡的音樂...
檢視完整細節Media Connection Samson’s MediaOne BT4 Active Studio Monitors are the ideal speakers for all your multimedia needs and feature the ability to con...
檢視完整細節The Mackie Performer Bundle is perfect for vocalists, karaoke, solo artists, and more that need straightforward mixing and reliable, great-sounding...
檢視完整細節A superb gateway into the time-honored Fender® family, the Squier® Affinity Series™ Stratocaster® HSS delivers legendary design and quintessential ...
檢視完整細節Start creating and performing music with your mac or PC with the world’s best-selling keyboard controllers: The Keystation Series from M-Audio. Key...
檢視完整細節Design, Slim look, Compact.Molded on Selmer Mark VI Saxophone. REFERENCE : 4011S WEIGHT : 2,4 kg INSIDE DIMENSIONS : Body Length: 58 cmBell: 12 cm ...
檢視完整細節The Hightech expertise made in France REFERENCE : 2002XL WEIGHT : 1,6 kg INSIDE DIMENSIONS : Total Length: 62 cmBody Length: 38 cmUpper bout: 17 c...
檢視完整細節** INCLUDED GIG BAG ** If you’re looking for a compact acoustic guitar with a big voice and a stunning visual appeal to match, look no further th...
檢視完整細節Compact universal MIDI keyboard controller with audio output iRig Keys 2 Pro gives you more ways to connect & control all of your gear, in any ...
檢視完整細節Everything you need to make great recordings The comprehensive, easy-to-use production toolkit to get you producing songs on your computer or iPad...
檢視完整細節Features Tonica strings have a core made from nylon. They produce a lively well-rounded sound, perfectly balanced across all four strings. Respond...
檢視完整細節The Takamine GN93CE NEX acoustic-electric is a small-bodied acoustic electric guitar that will provide you with full-sized sound onstage and unplu...
檢視完整細節Highly flexible multi-strand synthetic core strings for violins 135B set includes a Chrome Steel ball end E string Offer a brighter and stable int...
檢視完整細節Included items: AC adapter, Precautions, Quick Start Guide New in wavestate 2.0 To Learn more Legendary synthesis, radically re-imagined.Organic...
檢視完整細節Features Chromcor strings have a single filament steel core wound with chrome steel. Clear and very brilliant sound, warmer than Piranito Big tona...
檢視完整細節** INCLUDED GIG BAG ** Taylor’s Academy Series makes the playing experience more accessible in every way, packing signature Taylor playing feature...
檢視完整細節原廠到貨‧信心之選 -------------------------------------------------- DOMINANT PRO exceptionally powerful good balance of brilliance and warmth broad rang...
檢視完整細節Ibanez AZES31 Electric Guitar (VM : Vermilion) SPECS neck type AZESMaple neck top/back/body Poplar body fretboard Jatoba fretboardWhi...
檢視完整細節Taylor Swift Baby Taylor Electric Acoustic Guitar (TSBTe) ** INCLUDED GIG BAG ** Inspired by memories of writing songs on her own Baby Taylor, Tayl...
檢視完整細節The Junior Series is designed for players looking for big sound in a slightly smaller body. Now available in the popular Auditorium style, the 000J...
檢視完整細節Body Size: D-14 FretConstruction: Dovetail Neck JointTop: Solid Sitka SpruceBack & Sides: MahoganyNeck: Mahogany, Low ProfileNut & Saddle: ...
檢視完整細節Fender Squier Mini Stratocaster®, Laurel Fingerboard (Dakota Red) - Electric Guitar The Squier Mini Stratocaster® is the perfect com...
檢視完整細節Welcome to an infinitely expanding world of sound-design.Joining volca kick and beats as the third, and most unique, drum synth in the volca lineu...
檢視完整細節Inspiring, Intuitive, and Instant With the i3 Music Workstation, your musical themes and phrases catch fire and quickly explode into complete rea...
檢視完整細節4-Tracks, Unlimited Creativity. Advanced X/Y microphones, incredibly natural-sounding preamps, and built-in cutting-edge effects make the H4n Pr...
檢視完整細節Samson's ultra-compact Go Mic Connect improves your digital communications and computer recordings through groundbreaking Focused Pattern Technol...
檢視完整細節顏色: 黑/白 (文具組合顏色將隨機發出) 包括: 筆盒x1﹑自動鉛筆x1﹑自動原子筆x1﹑橡皮擦x1﹑直尺x1
Features Maple neck The Maple neck provides stability and bright tonal character. Jatoba fretboard Jatoba has a reddish brown color and produces...
檢視完整細節IBANEZ GRX70QA Electric Guitar (TBB : Transparent Blue Burst) SPECS neck type GRXMaple neck top/back/body Quilted Maple Art Grain topPop...
檢視完整細節Yamaha 超細纖維長笛內管清潔布,配合長笛清潔棒使用,可拭乾長笛管內積聚的水份,防止腐蝕。 Size: 300 x 400mm
The Yamaha Polishing Cloth is a basic cotton polishing cloth, suitable for brass, wood or lacquered surfaces. Large / Small size.
Body Size: Travel GuitarConstruction: Dovetail Neck JointTop: Solid Sitka SpruceBack & Sides: MahoganyNeck: Mahogany, Low ProfileNut & Sadd...
檢視完整細節The Yamaha Silver Cloth is the ideal tool to use when polishing your silver-plated brass or woodwind instrument. Designed to be gentle on your inst...
檢視完整細節Improved for More GrooveA new generation volca sample with more memory, features, and connectivity to take your beat making further than ever befor...
檢視完整細節Yamaha Polishing Gauze is the ideal tool to use when polishing the outer surfaces of your brass instrument (or flute), or to remove dirt and grime ...
檢視完整細節The Dreadnought Junior is designed for players looking for big Dreadnought sound in a slightly smaller body. The newly updated DJr-10E features s...
檢視完整細節Specially designed papers help keep woodwind pads clean and dry. Yamaha woodwind pad paper is a great option to keep your instrument's pads clean a...
檢視完整細節Sets the new standard with professional studio-quality and features! With the AIR 192|6, you can create 24-bit/192kHz studio-quality recordings wit...
檢視完整細節Special powder stays behind to make pads less sticky. Yamaha powdered pad paper is treated with a specially designed powder that helps prevent pads...
檢視完整細節An evolved go-to synthesizer with a focus on "FUTURE BASICS" KROME, the best-selling synth focused on packing the most usable sounds into an easy t...
檢視完整細節2-way bass-reflex bi-amplified nearfield studio monitor with 8" cone woofer and 1" dome tweeter. 2-way bass-reflex bi-amplified nearfield studio m...
檢視完整細節100毫升噴霧樽裝 不含酒精 根據日本國家產品評估技術研究所 (NITE) 確認該產品中所含的苯扎氯銨 (Benzalkonium Chloride 0.02%),能有效對抗病毒 ( 2020年6月11日發布的信息)** 可以直接噴在樂器吹咀上、約5分鐘後, 建議用軟布擦乾或用水擦 請避免直...
檢視完整細節Connect any type of device and control it freely.2 x 8 step sequencer. When the classic MS-20 analog synthesizer appeared in 1978, it had a trusted...
檢視完整細節Professional Audio. Up Close The Zoom F1 Field Recorder + Lavalier Mic is the perfect solution for videographers who need to capture the nuance ...
檢視完整細節For Run and Gun Video Creators The Zoom F1 Field Recorder + Shotgun Mic is the ultimate solution for run-and-gun filmmakers who need to capture ...
檢視完整細節Samson Q8x Professional Dynamic Vocal Microphone Samson's flagship Q8x Professional Dynamic Vocal Microphone provides the ultimate in sound reprodu...
檢視完整細節Body Size: D-14 FretConstruction: Dovetail Neck JointTop: Solid MahoganyBack & Sides: MahoganyNeck: Mahogany, Low ProfileNut & Saddle: Bone...
檢視完整細節The SE Hollowbody II Piezo combines the balanced, clear, resonant tone of a hollowbody instrument with the power and stability of a solid-body elec...
檢視完整細節All THR-II models feature Bluetooth connectivity for audio playback, the “THR Remote” mobile editor app, and third-party footswitch support. Reali...
檢視完整細節限定優惠,送延音腳踏一個,優惠期至2024年12月31日,送完即止。 附送原廠AC變壓器 免費下載音色和伴奏擴充包 PSR-SX600 是 PSR-SX 的標準型號,可提供一系列最為適合在家中或舞台表演的內容及表演。PSR-SX600 具有直覺控制及超群的音質,帶來專業人士所需的表現力控制...
檢視完整細節THE BEAST STRIKES BACK Get ready to meet a different kind of Brute. A drum machine with attitude, DrumBrute Impact is an addictively fun, i...
檢視完整細節In addition to warmer and stronger sound, thanks to the mahogany back and sides, the body and fingerboard binding are cream plastic for an upgraded...
檢視完整細節Sample. Make beats. Perform. Circuit Rhythm is a versatile sampler for making and performing beats. Record samples directly to the hardware, then...
檢視完整細節The PRS SE P20 is a parlor-sized acoustic with a big voice. Boasting traditional parlor features like sweet, midrange tone, historic vibe, and easy...
檢視完整細節The award-winning S6 Original Series gets revamped without compromising the classic appeal it is known for. The S6 Original QIT includes a p...
檢視完整細節CREATE - PERFORM - CONTROLStep up to an unparalleled level of connectivity and control The SQ-64 is an incredibly powerful and compact Polyphonic ...
檢視完整細節THE GO-EVERYWHERE AUDIO INTERFACE The U-22 is the essential mobile recording and performance interface, with an innovative 2-in/2-out ultra-portabl...
檢視完整細節Yamaha Silver Polish is a mild abrasive solution that is for use in tandem with a soft cloth. It comes in a long lasting, handy bottle and is very ...
檢視完整細節Featuring Takamine's parlor-style New Yorker body, the petite GY93E acoustic/electric guitar offers a solid top and distinctive back construc...
檢視完整細節Yamaha synthetic key oil is a special proprietary blend designed for use on woodwind key rods and pivot points, with a corrosion inhibitor that giv...
檢視完整細節The Starcaster broke the mold of semi-hollow guitar design with its offset body shape when it was introduced in the ‘70s, offering versatile sound ...
檢視完整細節After decades of anticipation, Alfred is proud to release the officially licensed, collectible sheet music companion folios to the Super Mario Bros...
檢視完整細節The Remo Crystal Kalimba traces its roots to African tribal music. Translated from Bantu to mean "little music," the kalimba is known for its soft,...
檢視完整細節Big Sound, small synth Don't let its size fool you; MiniNova has the most powerful sound engine and effects of any micro synth. More polyphony, mo...
檢視完整細節專門為學生設計的教育系列,提供了重量與平衡的完美組合,非常適合年輕樂手。 此系列的特點為彈性空心軸與FRP防滑塗裝。 橡膠頭可以用來搭配非常多樣樂器,種類繁多,從非常堅硬的琴棍(非常適合用以演奏鐘琴和木琴)、到可以用在馬林巴上的較柔軟琴棍頭。 ME103 琴棍頭物料: 橡膠頭 琴棍尺寸: Di...
檢視完整細節Study the trademark songs, licks, tones, and techniques of pop icon and master guitarist John Mayer. This comprehensive book and audio teaching met...
檢視完整細節此書專為英國皇家音樂學院第五級樂理考試而設,與別的樂理練習或課本有所不同,當中有五大特色: - 以簡單文字及圖像列點式說明- 每章節列明重要及深淺程度- 章節後的練習及答案- 依照題目類型分類過去兩年的試題- 附書附送《五級樂理最後一分鐘》之章節
Small size. Massive groove. Produce and perform music anywhere, anytime—without clutter or complications. The MC-101 GROOVEBOX has all the high-qua...
檢視完整細節Unique, compact and extremely light flute stand with 4-leg base for Böhm flutes and/or cross flutes. Plastic peg diameter 18 mm. The zinc die-cast ...
檢視完整細節The HERCULES TravLite Flute Stand DS460B one piece design folds and stores easily and conveniently inside the flute. Features: The Lightweight Des...
檢視完整細節The HERCULES TravLite Low-B foot Flute Stand DS461B one piece design folds and stores easily and conveniently inside the flute. Features: The Ligh...
檢視完整細節An analogue performance mixer that completes your volca setup. volca mix is the long-awaited mixer for the volca series. The volca mix is a four-c...
檢視完整細節A semi-modular analog synthesizer that makes modular synthesis more accessible and understandable than ever before. Creating new sounds that don’t ...
檢視完整細節An analog kick generator that delivers powerful sounds from kick drum to kick bass The volca series has consistently brought renewed attention to c...
檢視完整細節The ideal introductory synthesizer, with a simple – yet powerful – polyphonic analog sound engine and loop sequencer Volca Keys is a long-awaited s...
檢視完整細節Compact universal MIDI keyboard controller with audio output iRig Keys 2 gives you more ways to connect & control all of your gear, in any situ...
檢視完整細節完美的便攜鍵盤,展開您夢寐以求的音樂旅程 當您夢想要成為一個音樂人時,學習彈奏鍵盤就是邁向夢想的理想第一步。E-X30是由可靠、高品質和高度演奏表現力皆深受全球職業音樂家讚譽的樂器品牌Roland創造,是適合任何充滿抱負的年輕樂手的完美首選樂器。 E-X30的高品質鋼琴音色,極適合用於培...
檢視完整細節The ultimate compact FM synth is finally here. The next-gen volca fm is a powerful 6-voice, 6-Operator FM synthesizer with all 32 classic algorith...
檢視完整細節限定優惠,送延音腳踏一個,優惠期至2024年12月31日,送完即止。 附送原廠AC變壓器 音色和效能的進化 PSR-EW425 具備 76 鍵觸鍵感應鍵盤和功能,這些功能是以著名的 PSR 系列可攜式鍵盤為基礎並進行改進,PSR-EW425 提供強大的功能和效能,讓您的音樂表現更上一層樓...
檢視完整細節In addition to warmer and stronger sound, thanks to the mahogany back and sides, the body and fingerboard binding are cream plastic for an upgraded...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨] 3-Year Warranty Application Link ***WITH HARDWARE* PACKAGE AVAILABLE NOW !!!!*** VAD-103 + Double Bass Drum Pedals + Drum Stool + Hi Ha...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link TD-07KVX 是 Roland TD-07 V-Drums 系列的巔峰之作,提供了最好的打擊板和鈸,以滿足眼光獨到的挑剔鼓手。這款最頂尖套鼓配備了系列當中最大尺寸的鈸打擊板,單獨組裝的VH-10 浮動式...
檢視完整細節Godin Concert Classical Nylon 6 String RH Acoustic Guitar (049646) Made in Canada GODIN 049646 DETAILS A unique finish makes it unique, no...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link ***FULL SET WITH HARDWARE PACKAGE NOW !!!!*** DTX6KX + Drum Stool + Single Drum Pedal + 1 Pair of Stic...
檢視完整細節More beautiful than ever.The long-awaited rebirth of KORG's famous keytar. Since its appearance, the RK-100S keytar has been a hit for its uniquel...
檢視完整細節The PRS SE P20 is a parlor-sized acoustic with a big voice. Boasting traditional parlor features like sweet, midrange tone, historic vibe, and easy...
檢視完整細節The DXMAE and DX2MAE are now the D-X1E Mahogany. This Dreadnought sized model comes in figured mahogany or spruce pattern high-pressure laminate (H...
檢視完整細節Art & Lutherie 042340 Legacy Bourbon Burst CW QIT Acoustic Electric 6 String RH Guitar ART & LUTHERIE 042340 DETAILS: Rich Dynamic Sounds...
檢視完整細節為了完全沒基礎的小提琴初學者而設計的教本 【內容簡介】 此教本於個別課或大班課皆適用,對於成人初學者也同樣適用以下是編者對於使用者的建議 教學本:小提琴譜部份,分成30個步驟,每一個步驟介紹一個新技巧。 進度: 建議老師一次只教一個技巧,並且在學生未了解未熟練的情況下,不要接著教下一個技巧。...
檢視完整細節為了完全沒基礎的小提琴初學者而設計的教本 【內容簡介】 教學本:每一個練習和曲子都是設計來提昇或介紹新的技巧。 前言: 在這本書裡面,會繼續遵照之前的黃金準則,一次只教一種技巧,同時也會介紹許多有著動人旋律的範例。 本書的前五個步驟都在G大調上做練習,所以學生只需熟練兩個指距模式(第一指和第二...
檢視完整細節為了完全沒基礎的小提琴初學者而設計的教本 【內容簡介】 教學本:由30個階段課程循序漸進地介紹重要技巧,並提供許多練習譜例。 前言 : 第三本教材對於學生而言是個里程碑,裡面包括了第三把位、新的大小調以及第四指的伸展還有半把位。 第三把位的練習應該慢而紮實,我在這裡選擇了很多優美的旋律,希望...
檢視完整細節The MX49 BK features over 1000 Voices from the legendary MOTIF series plus deep computer and iOS integration in a compact, lightweight keyboard...
檢視完整細節Powerful and versatile bass synthesis with a sound source based around a vacuum tube oscillator. Even today, when digital technology allows electro...
檢視完整細節Powerful analog bass sound creation and an Electribe-inspired sequencer for the ultimate bass lines Aggressive sounds that stand up to the drums; f...
檢視完整細節Real engagement in real time If you’re a content creator seeking maximum engagement, livestreaming outperforms uploaded video by a significant mar...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link ***WITH HARDWARE* PACKAGE AVAILABLE NOW !!!!*** VAD-307+ Double Bass Drum Pedals + Drum Stool + Hi Hat ...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link TD-17KV2 是體驗備受讚譽的 TD-17 V-Drums 系列的最實惠選擇。採用升級的 TD-17 音源機,這款不佔據多於空間的小型套鼓富有高度的演奏表現力。搭載組裝於鼓架的 10 吋 hi-hat ...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link VAD507 承襲了前代機型 VAD506 ,並增加了數位 hi-hat 以提高演奏表現力,我們還加加入了來自旗艦機型 VAD706 耐用的鈸架。此外,TD-27 音源機經過升級,增添了新的鼓組和使用者取樣,更...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link ***WITH HARDWARE* PACKAGE AVAILABLE NOW !!!!*** TD-17KVX2 + Double Bass Drum Pedals + Drum Stool + Hi H...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link ***WITH HARDWARE* PACKAGE AVAILABLE NOW !!!!*** TD-27KV + Double Bass Drum Pedals + Drum Stool + Hi Hat...
檢視完整細節SPECS body shape Dreadnought body top Spruce top back & sides Okoume back & Okoume sides neck PFNyatoh neck fretboard L...
檢視完整細節Music by John Williams, Patrick Doyle, Nicholas Hooper, and Alexandre Desplat Piano Book Level: Intermediate / Advanced With the Harry Potter film ...
檢視完整細節The third edition of this collection features 17 of Taylor's best arranged for piano solo. It includes songs from her eponymous debut through 2020'...
檢視完整細節Piano/Vocal/Guitar Artist Songbook Our matching folio to Adele's long-awaited fourth album features all the tracks arranged for piano/vocal/guitar ...
檢視完整細節王菲 菲黄騰達 Faye Wong Best Piano Collection 鋼琴獨琴譜 + 2 Instrumental CDs 01. 我願意02. 但願人長久03. 容易受傷的女人04. 你快樂,所以我快樂05. 天與地(用心良苦)06. 償還"紅豆"07. 多得他08. 天空0...
檢視完整細節The first instruments to bear the Squier name were introduced in 1982, answering the call for genuine Fender® designs at accessible prices. The Squ...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link ***FULL SET WITH HARDWARE PACKAGE NOW !!!!*** DTX10K-X + Drum Stool + Single Drum Pedal + 1 Pair of St...
檢視完整細節The most iconic synth for the Modern musician The genuine ARP 2600 in a more convenient size.The ARP 2600 is arguably the most iconic and recogniz...
檢視完整細節Studio-quality sound for the stage The handheld OC707 True Condenser Vocal Microphone brings professional sound quality to both studio and stage. ...
檢視完整細節Standard Series serves as the perfect introduction to Altus’s art and technology in decades of flute making. By finishing up with silver plating al...
檢視完整細節Reminiscent of the days of freight train hopping and hitchhiking musicians, these parlor size guitars deliver exceptional string to string balance ...
檢視完整細節【収載曲】[1] 三原色 RGB / YOASOBI 編成: ピアノ・ソロ (Piano Solo) 難易度: 初級 (Beginner)[2] 三原色 RGB / YOASOBI 編成: ピアノ・ソロ (Piano Solo) 難易度: 中級 (Intermediate)[3] 三原...
檢視完整細節Fusing classic Fender® design with player-centric features and exciting new finishes, the Player Plus Stratocaster® delivers superb playability and...
檢視完整細節Fusing classic Fender® design with player-centric features and exciting new finishes, the Player Plus Stratocaster® delivers superb playability and...
檢視完整細節Fusing classic Fender design with player-centric features and exciting new finishes, the Player Plus Stratocaster HSS delivers superb playability a...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link 在 Roland 的 TD-07 V-Drums 系列中,TD-07KX 提供更大尺寸的打擊板和最多鈸打擊板,絕佳的價值感和更寬廣的創作能力,讓您擊鼓更奔放無拘束。12 吋 PDX-12 小鼓和 8 吋 P...
檢視完整細節Godin Etude w/QIT Pickup Classical Nylon 6 String RH Acoustic Guitar (049721) Made in Canada GODIN 049721 DETAILS The Etude is the one of...
檢視完整細節Godin Etude Classical Nylon 6 String RH Acoustic Guitar (049691) Made in Canada GODIN 049691 DETAILS The characteristics of the Etudes mod...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link ***WITH HARDWARE* PACKAGE AVAILABLE NOW !!!!*** VAD-706 + Double Bass Drum Pedals + Drum Stool + Hi Hat...
檢視完整細節Resonance and Style The SE Hollowbody II combines the power and stability of a solid-body electric guitar with the captivating resonance of a hollo...
檢視完整細節The PRS SE P20E is a parlor-sized acoustic with a big voice. The PRS P20E features all-mahogany construction, and has an organic, warm voice. Featu...
檢視完整細節African-style kalimbas—or thumb pianos—are among the few percussion instruments that create genuine melodic notes. Their distinctive tones are ofte...
檢視完整細節African-style kalimbas—or thumb pianos—are among the few percussion instruments that create genuine melodic notes. Their distinctive tones are ofte...
檢視完整細節SCHIMMEL 直立式鋼琴 C121T TRADITION 清澈通透 彈奏鋼琴,傾聽音樂之美。法國權威音樂期刊Le Monde de la Musique (《音樂世界》)將Schimmel Classic(經典)系列的C121型立式鋼琴評為“代表著名的德國傳統鋼琴製造工藝的作品...
檢視完整細節IBANEZ GIO Series GRG121DX Electric Guitar (WNF : Walnut Flat) SPECS neck type GRGMaple neck top/back/body Poplar body (WNF finish: Okoume...
檢視完整細節With the 000-12E Koa in Martin’s lineup, now more players can turn their dreams of owning a koa guitar into reality. The back and side of this gorg...
檢視完整細節Grand Dreadnought body Through a rigorous R&D process spanning several years, Ibanez has reimagined the Dreadnought from the ground up, p...
檢視完整細節內容簡介/曲目 1.零時十分 2.願死也為情 3.晚風 4.與你傾訴 5.祝福 6.珍重 7.黎明不要來 8.焚心以火 9.流金歲月 10.完全是你 11.長夜My Love Good Night 12.女人的眼淚 13.曾經心痛 14.情人知已 15.我要活下去 16.你今天要走 17.女...
檢視完整細節70% OFF B-Stock item: Warranty is NOT available. No Refund or Exchange. 這套 DTX760K 鼓組提供了更好的設定自由度及更真實的打鼓體驗。您不僅可以使用其內建的高品質音源演出,更可以連接電腦當作鼓機音源 VST控制...
檢視完整細節70% OFF B-Stock item: Warranty is NOT available. No Refund or Exchange. 這套 DTX750K 鼓組提供了更好的設定自由度及更真實的打鼓體驗。您不僅可以使用其內建的高品質音源演出,更可以連接電腦當作鼓機音源 VST控制...
檢視完整細節70% OFF B-Stock item: Warranty is NOT available. No Refund or Exchange. 這套 DTX720K 鼓組結合了DTX-PADs卓越的演奏性、真實感受的hi-hat控制器以及自然的音色。這是一套具最真實動態反應的電子鼓組,可...
檢視完整細節** INCLUDED GIG BAG ** This Dreadnought distills the essential features of a great acoustic guitar into a budget-friendly form. Our Academy Series ...
檢視完整細節Body Size: D-14 Fret, Slope ShoulderConstruction: Dovetail Neck JointTop: Solid Sitka SpruceBack & Sides: MahoganyNeck: Mahogany, Low ProfileNu...
檢視完整細節Half guitar, half ukulele…100% fun. A unique mini 6-string nylon guitar that is sized like a baritone ukulele (17” scale) and plays like a standard...
檢視完整細節Ultra-compact MIDI keyboard controller iRig Keys 2 gives you more ways to connect & control all of your gear, in any situation. With improved c...
檢視完整細節Art & Lutherie 042388 Legacy Faded Black QIT Acoustic Electric 6 String RH Guitar ART & LUTHERIE 042388 DETAILS Folk players and blues ...
檢視完整細節The Miyazawa Silver Flute Series is a handmade flute available with French style pointed tonearms, soldered toneholes and pinless partial Brögger S...
檢視完整細節為了完全沒基礎的小提琴初學者而設計的教本 【內容簡介】 本書是為了完全沒有音樂基礎的小提琴初學者所設計的教本。我們堅信一個黃金原則:「一次只教一件事情」,只要依照這個原則,學生將會在不知不覺中進步,不再有邊流淚邊學琴的狀況! 節奏:我們在本書的最前面設計了一些節奏練習,在練習一個新曲子之前,...
檢視完整細節尺寸: 20x6.5x2.4cm 組合內容物: 鉛筆盒x1個、15cm尺x1支、橡皮擦x1個、自動鉛筆x1支及筆芯x1支
Korg has collaborated with the legendary mixer design team of Greg Mackie and Peter Watts to create hybrid/analog mixing consoles that make creativ...
檢視完整細節VERSATILE DESKTOP INTERFACE Flexible, adaptable 18-in, 20-out audio interface with vast connectivity, powerful features, top-tier sound quality ...
檢視完整細節Move to a new groove. The MC-707 GROOVEBOX has everything you need to create a song or perform a live set without a computer. Immerse yourself in e...
檢視完整細節Peerless beats generated by solid analog drum sounds and an Electribe-style sequencer Even today, more than thirty years after the age dominated by...
檢視完整細節No-compromise professional studio quality and features at an amazing value! With the AIR 192|8, you can create 24-bit/192kHz studio-quality recordi...
檢視完整細節HOFFMANN & KUHNE 直立式鋼琴 HG118MFP 鍵盤採用先進數碼技術加工,琴鍵採用鉛粒配重技術,鍵盤材料採用俄羅斯白松、經嚴格控制乾濕度及長時效的穩定性處理。 擊弦機由世界最大鋼琴廠以實心楓木製造,同樣經嚴格控制乾濕度及長時效的穩定性處理,彈奏靈活,質量...
檢視完整細節SCHIMMEL 直立式鋼琴 C126T TRADITION 完美的比例 “黃金比例”的原理,用在鋼琴設計,會有什麼樣的效果呢?答案就是這款協調完美的Schimmel Classic(經典)系列的C126型立式鋼琴。在藝術和建築學的範疇,黃金比例會產生理想的視覺效果,被視為和諧美的...
檢視完整細節德國SAUTER首德鋼琴成立於1819年,至今超過200年的製琴歷史,它是德國最古老的鋼琴製造公司之一,更是世界鋼琴製造史上從創立至今一直由家族私人掌控和管理的一家公司。 幾個世紀以來,「德國製造」(MADE IN GERMANY)的鋼琴在市場上享有極高的聲譽,始終是全...
檢視完整細節帶著愛的音符走過157年的音樂歷程 PETROF公司是歐洲的三角鋼琴和直立式鋼琴製造商。我們在五大洲開展貿易,產品出口到世界各地的60多個國家和地區。自1864年Mr. Antonín Petrof打造出鋼琴以來,在PETROF樂器家族中我們已經生產出近630,000件鋼琴和樂器...
檢視完整細節帶著愛的音符走過157年的音樂歷程 PETROF公司是歐洲的三角鋼琴和直立式鋼琴製造商。我們在五大洲開展貿易,產品出口到世界各地的60多個國家和地區。自1864年Mr. Antonín Petrof打造出鋼琴以來,在PETROF樂器家族中我們已經生產出近630,000件鋼琴和樂器。P...
檢視完整細節帶著愛的音符走過157年的音樂歷程 PETROF公司是歐洲的三角鋼琴和直立式鋼琴製造商。我們在五大洲開展貿易,產品出口到世界各地的60多個國家和地區。自1864年Mr. Antonín Petrof打造出鋼琴以來,在PETROF樂器家族中我們已經生產出近630,000件鋼琴和樂器。P...
檢視完整細節ESSEX 直立式鋼琴 EUP-123E 經典工作室直立式鋼琴 這款直立式鋼琴(EUP-123E)經典的設計風格適合各種內部裝飾的空間,是各種居所的理想選擇。 外殼家具STEINWAY設計的經典工作室和學校風格;William Faber設計的家具風格。 飾面烏木色和白色飾面覆蓋酚醛...
檢視完整細節ESSEX 三角鋼琴 EUP-123FL沙比力啞光桃花心木 高貴典雅的直立式鋼琴 這款高貴典雅的立式鋼琴 (EUP-123FL) 彰顯王者之氣,適合各種家居裝飾空間。 外殼家具STEINWAY設計的經典工作室和學校風格;William Faber設計的家具風格。 飾面烏木色和白色飾面覆蓋...
檢視完整細節Specimen Aural Tests, Grade 6 with CD : New traditional Chinese e
Specimen Aural Tests, Grade 8 with 2 CDs : New traditional Chinese edition
Specimen Aural Tests, Grade 7 with 2 CDs : New traditional Chinese edition
美妙音色 • 選料高級 • 簡約傑作 承傳Yamaha百餘年的製造技術,成就完美音色及最佳觸感,展現鋼琴最優質的卓越性能,為每一位未來音樂家,實現音樂夢想。 產品特點: 擺杆式緩降鍵盤蓋,安全可靠 鍵盤蓋左右引入弧形曲線設計,時尚優雅 配合鋁合金支架擊弦機,輕巧牢固,性能出色 新增琴...
檢視完整細節M3 SM (M系列) 彎腳設計,緞面桃木色,典雅的腿部曲線與柔花美圓潤的譜架設計,彰顯出古典之美 為客戶度身打造 YAMAHA特別設計M3系列鋼琴以符合市場上對家居風格有需求的用戶,在調音穩定性、油漆工藝與整體音樂完整性上,都超越長久以來對高品質鋼琴的期待。 真空鑄造鑄鐵板 (V-P...
檢視完整細節JU109B 型號除了是自然美的代表作,其纖巧外形最適合室內有限的空間或村屋等 JU109B SC3 更設置靜音功能,將傳統音色、觸鍵感及優美外形連接先進的數碼電子科技世界。 產品特色: 印尼生產,100% YAMAHA 原廠製造,百年精良工藝,鋼琴信心之選。 纖巧外型 (148cm x ...
檢視完整細節Yamaha鋼琴的發展歷程,至今已超過 130年的歷史。現在,Yamaha再次革新直立式鋼琴的標準。 從觸碰的瞬間開始,感受內心的悸動,為演奏注入活力。以演奏者自身為視點進行改良,更加重視使用者的體驗。這正是Yamaha傳承百年工匠精神的新作 - YUX 系列。 擴音孔設計,令琴聲更清晰,...
檢視完整細節Yamaha鋼琴的發展歷程,至今已超過 130年的歷史。現在,Yamaha再次革新直立式鋼琴的標準。 從觸碰的瞬間開始,感受內心的悸動,為演奏注入活力。以演奏者自身為視點進行改良,更加重視使用者的體驗。這正是Yamaha傳承百年工匠精神的新作 - YUX 系列。 配備SG2 靜音功能,滿足現...
檢視完整細節Yamaha鋼琴的發展歷程,至今已超過 130年的歷史。現在,Yamaha再次革新直立式鋼琴的標準。 從觸碰的瞬間開始,感受內心的悸動,為演奏注入活力。以演奏者自身為視點進行改良,更加重視使用者的體驗。這正是Yamaha傳承百年工匠精神的新作 - YUX 系列。 擴音孔設計,令琴聲更清晰,...
檢視完整細節美妙音色 • 選料高級 • 簡約傑作 承傳Yamaha百餘年的製造技術,成就完美音色及最佳觸感,展現鋼琴最優質的卓越性能,為每一位未來音樂家,實現音樂夢想。 產品特點: 擺杆式緩降鍵盤蓋,安全可靠 鍵盤蓋左右引入弧形曲線設計,時尚優雅 配合鋁合金支架擊弦機,輕巧牢固,性能出色 新增琴鍵...
檢視完整細節縝密的重新設計以及各種材質與結構上的進步,讓這些世界級的樂器更優於過往。精緻的音階設計與分音強化音調表現力,其他的調整則強化了力道與耐久度。加寬的譜架可以容納更多樂譜,整體承襲了Yamaha三角鋼琴設計,體現優雅和優秀的最高標準。 Yamaha U1 為眼光敏銳的鋼琴家心中歷久不變的最...
檢視完整細節縝密的重新設計以及各種材質與結構上的進步,讓這些世界級的樂器更優於過往。精緻的音階設計與分音強化音調表現力,其他的調整則強化了力道與耐久度。加寬的譜架可以容納更多樂譜,整體承襲了Yamaha三角鋼琴設計,體現優雅和優秀的最高標準。 響板與空間的聲音傳導性讓高達131...
檢視完整細節Yamaha YUS系列演奏級鋼琴將直立式鋼琴的品質及表現提高至新的水平。YUS系列鋼琴以Yamaha頂級CFX 9呎演奏三角鋼琴的生產技術製造,擁有完美的音色、細緻平衡和精湛工藝。簡約的外型設計令最細微的音色也有特出的音響效果,而改良的琴槌更能提供豐富的音調,這種簡單而又精確的設計...
檢視完整細節Sankyo 701 Series Handmade Professional Flute Sankyo silver flutes are prized for their solid, stable core which provides the foundation for comple...
檢視完整細節Sankyo 701 Series Handmade Professional Flute Sankyo silver flutes are prized for their solid, stable core which provides the foundation for comple...
檢視完整細節Sankyo 801 Series Handmade Professional Flute Sankyo silver flutes are prized for their solid, stable core which provides the foundation for comple...
檢視完整細節Sankyo 901 Series Handmade Professional Flute Sankyo silver flutes are prized for their solid, stable core which provides the foundation for comple...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link Roland V-Drums 系列中最實惠的套鼓,備有全新的TD-02 音源、16 款高音質的套鼓聲、慳位而平穩的三柱支架、低噪音鼓板和 附有藍牙連接能力 (另購藍牙連接器)。 ***WITH HAR...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link 升級版本的 Roland V-Drums 入門系列 TD-02 套鼓,備有全新的TD-02 音源、16 款高音質的套鼓聲、網面軍鼓鼓板, 更加平穩的四柱支架、低噪音鼓板 和 附有藍牙連接能力 (需另購藍牙連...
檢視完整細節SU7 跨時代巔峰之作,力臻完美 YAMAHA 鋼琴一直以高品質聞名世界,不論是設計及選料上,還是後期的生產工序以及出廠前的調律及整音,我們都毫不妥協、力臻完美。當中,YAMAHA SU7 直立式鋼琴以最細膩的琴鍵靈敏度、豐富的音色及超越一般直立式鋼琴的共鳴感,為一眾鋼琴演奏者帶來最出色的直...
檢視完整細節The Debut 10E and Debut 15E are the most amazing sounding practice amps with patented ISF and built-in ‘tape’ delay effect. Designed by the same UK...
檢視完整細節Legendary synthesis, radically re-imagined.Extended polyphony, extended possibilities. KORG’s legendary WAVESTATION introduced the world to Wave ...
檢視完整細節Organic, inspirational, and mind-blowingly powerful. wavestate SE is the powerful evolution of KORG’s legendary WAVESTATION, taking Wave Sequencin...
檢視完整細節Special limited edition of wavestate SE. The limited color model, wavestate SE Platinum, is released at the same time as the wavestate SE. The Pl...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link ***WITH HARDWARE* PACKAGE AVAILABLE NOW !!!!*** TD-713 + Double Bass Drum Pedals + Drum Stool + Hi Ha...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link ***WITH HARDWARE* PACKAGE AVAILABLE NOW !!!!*** VA-716/SW + Double Bass Drum Pedals + Drum Stool + Hi...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link ***WITH HARDWARE* PACKAGE AVAILABLE NOW !!!!*** TD-716 + Double Bass Drum Pedals + Drum Stool + Hi Ha...
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