Yamaha SR-C20A Soundbar
體積小,音效澎湃 C20A - 內建超重低音揚聲器、Bluetooth®和 Clear Voice功能的小型 Soundbar。 無可比擬的沉浸式聲音體驗以及內建低音揚聲器,為您提供節省空間的完美方案。(寬 600 mm x 高 64 mm x 深 ...
檢視完整細節通利琴行為你挑選過千款優惠產品!全線門市及通利琴行網上商店均有優惠,優惠高達$10,000, 萬勿錯過。 優惠期由即日起至2023年5月31日,立即到各大門市或於通利琴行網上商店選購。為了鼓勵音樂愛好者輕鬆創作和購買優質演奏樂器,通利琴行提供消費券優惠支援6大線上線下電子支付平台,包括Tap & Go、AlipayHK、WeChat Pay HK、Payme、八達通及Boc Pay,創作表演做SHOW完全冇難度!以下為大家推介多款精選樂器產品,歡迎親臨各大門市 及於網店選購!
體積小,音效澎湃 C20A - 內建超重低音揚聲器、Bluetooth®和 Clear Voice功能的小型 Soundbar。 無可比擬的沉浸式聲音體驗以及內建低音揚聲器,為您提供節省空間的完美方案。(寬 600 mm x 高 64 mm x 深 ...
檢視完整細節Carry-on最新推出獨一無二的摺疊式88鍵數碼鍵琴,重量僅為1.6公斤,折疊後僅長33厘米。可折疊的設計,方便收藏和便攜外出。巧妙的設計,為初學者帶來便利,隨時可以利用耳機或內置立體聲揚聲器來進行彈奏。配備128種音色、伴奏,以及USB MIDI連接,Carry-on 摺疊鍵琴...
檢視完整細節極簡設計,但遠超基本功能。體驗 Yamaha 標誌性的優質音色,觀賞您最愛的電影、欣賞音樂和玩遊戲 - 只需一台 Soundbar,將其放置於電視前或掛牆,與您的電視完美搭配。內建 Alexa 語音控制*,代表您只需要簡單...
檢視完整細節配件包括踏板,譜架,AC變壓器 +$200 配X型鍵琴架及琴櫈 (價值$298) 88鍵全音域鋼琴。方便攜行演奏。支援智慧型手機教學功能 當您要學鋼琴時,擁有一部88鍵鋼琴會有很大的不同。雖然,較小型的61鍵或76鍵鍵盤,對於年輕的演奏者來說相當輕巧而便攜,但是一部88鍵的鋼琴,更能幫助...
檢視完整細節*提供三年保養 擁有出廠編號,保證原廠正貨 配件包括譜架、腳踏及AC變壓器 附送耳機 +$200 配X型鍵琴架及琴櫈 (價值$298) B2是KORG的新一代數碼鋼琴,專注於易用性,更收錄了精心挑選的三角鋼琴音色。 內置十二種不同風格的樂器音色,適合各種現場演奏需要 NH逐級配重琴...
檢視完整細節Carry-on最新推出獨一無二的摺疊式88鍵數碼鍵琴,重量僅為1.6公斤,折疊後僅長33厘米。可折疊的設計,方便收藏和便攜外出。巧妙的設計,為初學者帶來便利,隨時可以利用耳機或內置立體聲揚聲器來進行彈奏。配備128種音色、伴奏,以及USB MIDI連接,Carry-on 摺疊鍵琴...
檢視完整細節已絕版,新版本:This version is out of print, new version available: ISBN: 9784773249620 072/4773249620 Songlist: 風的傳說 遠的每一天(~naushika的主題~) 戰鬥...
檢視完整細節附送原廠AC變壓器 簡單、有趣、容易上手! PSR-F52 是希望學習彈奏的初學者的完美鍵盤樂器。擁有你第一次彈奏樂器所需的所有功能。動手嘗試使用全球知名樂器商 Yamaha 製造的電子琴,你會發現這是一個絕佳的音樂創作器材。PSR-F52 為想要開始彈奏鍵盤樂器的初學者,提供堅實的基礎。...
檢視完整細節*提供三年保養 擁有出廠編號,保證原廠正貨 附送琴櫈 (黑色或白色)及耳機 輕巧的家用數碼鋼琴,帶給你無與倫比的音樂體驗 無論你彈奏純屬興趣或為讓技巧更完美,ARIUS都可讓你沉醉在流淌的音樂中。這款數碼鋼琴是Yamaha精心製作的樂器,因超過一個世紀以來Yamaha 先進技術...
檢視完整細節THE WORLD’S MOST COPIED HARMONICA DESIGNA unique, beautifully mellow sound, based on a revolutionary concept: the Special 20 was the first diatonic...
檢視完整細節*提供三年保養 擁有出廠編號,保證原廠正貨 附送琴櫈 (黑色 / 白色) 及耳機 擁有纖細精緻的外觀設計,為你帶來真實的三角鋼琴彈奏體驗。 時尚纖薄設計 LP-380U擁有輕巧纖薄的設計,深度只有26cm,方便擺放任何地方;配備平面無縫式鍵盤蓋。在鍵盤蓋閉合時,是一個外觀時...
檢視完整細節*提供三年保養 擁有出廠編號,保證原廠正貨 附送琴櫈 (黑色或白色)及耳機 輕巧的家用數碼鋼琴,帶給你無與倫比的音樂體驗 無論你彈奏純屬興趣或為讓技巧更完美,ARIUS都可讓你沉醉在流淌的音樂中。這款數碼鋼琴是Yamaha精心製作的樂器,因超過一個世紀以來Yamaha 先進技術...
檢視完整細節無與倫比的聆聽體驗 我們的旗艦款 TW-E7B 真無線耳機使用最優質的零件打造,並且完美融合了 Yamaha 的原創技術,實現了無與倫比的音質。 具有進階主動降噪模式(Advanced ANC)、進階聽覺保護和環境音功能的真無線耳機。 Yamaha True Sound: 讓您更接近樂手—...
檢視完整細節Suzuki deluxe chromatic harmonica, Chromatix SCX48C is a quality harmonica and luxurious12-hole 48 notes / 14-hole 56 notes / 16-hole 64 notes ,...
檢視完整細節*提供三年保養 擁有出廠編號,保證原廠正貨 配件包括譜架、腳踏及AC變壓器 附送耳機 +$200 配X型鍵琴架及琴櫈 (價值$298) 五種充滿活力的全新色彩為鋼琴帶來更多樂趣,每種色彩都各具特色。 KORG 很高興地宣布 Liano 系列鋼琴的五種新顏色,這是一款輕巧纖薄的數碼鋼琴,...
檢視完整細節Constructed of hard, molded plastic with internal non-toxic beads creating a soft musical sound, the The Fruit Shake® packs are ideal for Recreatio...
檢視完整細節The Suzuki Winner Tremolo is part of a series of Tremolo harmonicas by Suzuki. All of the Winner series harps come in the Key of C. This is a high ...
檢視完整細節Songlist: 遺サレタ場所/斜光 穏ヤカナ眠リ 砂塵ノ記憶 生マレ出ヅル意思 遊園施設 美シキ歌 還ラナイ声/ギター オバアチャン/破壊 エミール/ショップ 大切ナ時間 曖昧ナ希望/氷雨 Weight of the World (English Version/壊レタ世界ノ歌) 異形ノ...
檢視完整細節三年保養 擁有出廠編號,保證原廠正貨 附送YAMAHA原廠琴櫈,耳機 輕巧的家用鋼琴,帶給你無與倫比的音樂饗宴 無論你彈奏鋼琴純屬興趣或為了讓技巧更完美,都可讓你沉醉在流淌的音樂中。這款 ARIUS 數碼鋼琴是一款精心製作的樂器,因超過一個世紀以來 Yamaha 先進的技術和專業而更臻完...
檢視完整細節After 150 years of continued production of the famous Original Tinwhistle, in 1996 Clarke produced a brand new type of Tinwhistle, the sweetone. A ...
檢視完整細節Signature CR Series Sound- Professional studio-quality sound- Perfect upgrade for your desktop speakers- Great for home studios, content creators, ...
檢視完整細節After decades of anticipation, Alfred is proud to release the officially licensed, collectible sheet music companion folios to the Super Mario Bros...
檢視完整細節The Suzuki Easy Rider is Suzuki's entry-level harmonica with 10 holes. This instrument should be given to beginning adult players, or even for kids...
檢視完整細節EARPHONES THAT ADAPT TO YOU AND YOUR ENVIRONMENT 完美搭配您的使用環境的耳道式耳機 藉由我們獨特的專利技術,我們創造了能真正搭配您使用環境的耳機。 GET CLOSER, NOT LOUDER 更貼近音樂,而非更大音量 聽覺保護機能(List...
檢視完整細節THE CHROMATIC BEGINNER The Melody Star is designed specifically for beginners, with a special mouthpiece that helps you find ...
檢視完整細節真實的樂器物理反饋,觸動您嶄新的吹奏體驗,隨時隨地,享受吹奏色士風。 無差異的吹奏體驗帶來更多的演奏樂趣 這一款數碼色士風結合了兩項科技,「原聲與數位的結合」以及「產品外觀」。這是一款令人讚嘆的新型色士風,有著先進的數碼整合技術,更帶給您如同原聲管樂器一樣的無差異操作感。 絕佳的...
檢視完整細節*提供三年保養 擁有出廠編號,保證原廠正貨 附送YAMAHA原廠琴櫈,耳機 輕巧的家用鋼琴,帶給你無與倫比的音樂饗宴 無論你彈奏鋼琴純屬興趣或為了讓技巧更完美,都可讓你沉醉在流淌的音樂中。這款 ARIUS 數碼鋼琴是一款精心製作的樂器,因超過一個世紀以來 Yamaha 先進的技術和專業...
檢視完整細節THE ORIGINAL BLUES HARMONICA The Marine Band 1896 is the archetypal blues harmonica. Almost unchanged since it was patented in 1896, this iconic i...
檢視完整細節A Revolutionary New Tone Experience for Guitar Fusing premium amp and effect tones with breakthrough BOSS spatial technology, the revolutionary Waz...
檢視完整細節10 holes plastic body diatonic harmonica, sleek and modern design Easy to hold and play, large holes good for beginners Instruction booklet i...
檢視完整細節SMALL SIZE, BIG POWER! SR-C30A - Compact Sound Bar and wireless subwoofer. Compact center unit and subwoofer (CU: W600mm x H64mm x D94mm, SW: W335...
檢視完整細節-通利琴行網上商店獨家折扣- Pearl Chipboard 木箱鼓 (黑/藍/綠/紅/木色)
Delivering balanced sound with excellent resolution that stays faithful to the source, these headphones allow Reliable, high-quality monitoring Co...
檢視完整細節The robust and hassle-free beginner trumpet. A fun and engaging trumpet experience perfect for beginners Easy to play pTrumpet has been designed e...
檢視完整細節Discovery 48 is one of the best model of chromatic harmonica Perfect for beginners and ambitious hobbyists Ergonomic design , warm , mellow sound ...
檢視完整細節TRADITIONAL 24 HOLE TREMOLO HARMONICAFor the sound of yesterday from the technology of today, the Suzuki Tremolo Specials are sure to bring back me...
檢視完整細節隨時隨地都可吹奏的Carry-on數碼吹管樂 Carry-on新推出的數碼吹管樂酷似傳統吹管樂,設計輕巧,以牧童笛指法吹奏,配合移調功能(Transposing function),隨時隨地都可輕易吹出任何音調嘅曲目。 不同的管樂器樂手可透過Carry-on數碼吹管樂內建的十種不同的中西管樂...
檢視完整細節The Mackie Studio Bundle not only includes all the tools you need to create and mix professional recordings, it gives you room to grow. As the cent...
檢視完整細節KROSS 2, the long-awaited successor of the KROSS, is a compact, portable workstation with a huge range of sounds. While maintaining its identity as...
檢視完整細節Satellite - USB/iOS Broadcast Microphone Mission: Broadcast. Samson Satellite is a broadcast-quality USB/iOS microphone designed for capturing high...
檢視完整細節全11曲収載。【収載曲】紅蓮華from the edge炎竈門炭治郎のうた鬼殺隊鬼舞辻の匂い禰豆子〜新たな希望凪蝶ノ舞〜戯れ家族の想い出柱のテーマ
Harmonica color will be distributed randomly Beginner series , diatonic harmonica perfect for beginner 4 wide separated holes with durable constr...
檢視完整細節THE ORIGINAL CHROMATIC REVOLUTION With its sleek good looks and the elegant simplicity of its construction, the CX12 Black turned a lot of heads wh...
檢視完整細節The Core of Your Creative Vision Amazingly powerful and ultra-versatile, GT-1000CORE delivers the most complete guitar and bass processing experien...
檢視完整細節THE LEGEND TURNS 125 ! MARINE BAND 125週年 Hohner 是德國著名的口琴品牌,亦是生產口琴的先驅。於口琴歷史中,1896年1月30日是一個極其重要的日子,於這一日,Hohner 推出了經典口琴型號 Marine Band。Marine Band 十...
檢視完整細節The Bluesmaster is an easy to play, easy to own professional harmonica. Stainless steel covers are durable and ergonomically designed for easy han...
檢視完整細節THE ONE AND ONLY BLUES HARPThe name evokes the typical blues sound. It is a metaphor for whiskey bars, juke joints, and good times; synonymous with...
檢視完整細節THE STATE OF THE ART – BACK TO THE ROOTS With the Marine Band Deluxe, we’ve brought the incomparable sound of the original blues harmonica into th...
檢視完整細節Enjoy 23 "Studio Ghibli" songs from 15 "Ghibli" cinema on only white keys.1. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Opening theme2. Carrying You3. Do...
檢視完整細節Drummers, you need Moongel! Are your toms not thuddy enough? A little too much ring on your cymbals? Does your snare need more snap and less resona...
檢視完整細節Ibanez AZES31 Electric Guitar (IV : Ivory) SPECS neck type AZESMaple neck top/back/body Poplar body fretboard Jatoba fretboardWhite ...
檢視完整細節THE FUTURE OF HARMONICAS A hundred years down the road, the blues is still one of the most influential musical genres around. Its impact can be he...
檢視完整細節配件包括譜架及AC變壓器 免費下載更多音樂風格 Korg EK-50,助你彈奏的數碼鍵琴! 如果你想演奏或演奏你最喜歡的歌曲,或者想過一段可以成為原創歌曲的旋律,KORG可以幫助實現你的音樂潛力。KORG EK-50是一款編曲鍵琴,是一種與你一起成長的樂器,無論任何音樂水平上絕對適合你。 ...
檢視完整細節The New Studio Pro. In 2005, Samson introduced the world’s first USB studio condenser microphone, the C01U. Today, we're expanding on its revoluti...
檢視完整細節PREMIUM TONE, WIRELESS FREEDOM Meet the Katana-Air, the world’s first totally wireless guitar amplifier. Featuring new cutting-edge wireless guitar...
檢視完整細節The Soloists' Choice modern synthetic core strings very intensive and powerful excellent for soloists complex sound, rich with overtones ...
檢視完整細節限定優惠,送延音腳踏一個,優惠期至2024年12月31日,送完即止。 附送原廠AC變壓器 創新產品,讓你享受音樂 全新手提電子琴PSR-E473靈敏的觸鍵和強大的發聲源技術,融合完美的音色與美妙的觸感。 PSR-E400 系列是一款傑出的全能 61 鍵鍵盤樂器,是入門樂器的理想選擇,也是...
檢視完整細節A TRIBUTE TO THE TIMELESS SONGS OF THE BEATLES The Beatles的歌曲膾炙人口,廣受全球樂迷愛戴,首首歌曲都堪稱經典。由第一首單曲Love Me Do開始,不少The Beatles早期的歌曲都有包含口琴元素在內。 Hohner推出全新...
檢視完整細節Olive Harmonica is like a combination of the Promaster model and MANJI model. Solid tone , strong and evenly distributed over the entire tone spec...
檢視完整細節這是一款充滿樂趣的新型管樂器,結合直笛的簡潔操作與薩克斯風的音色魅力。此型號可方便攜帶,且發出明亮的聲調。 透過 Venova 讓音樂豐富您的生活 Venova是一款全新的管樂器,擁有獨特聲音,且學習超輕鬆! 容易學習 重量輕、體積小,方便攜帶。 可用水直接清洗,方便清潔...
檢視完整細節The robust and hassle-free beginner trombone. A fun and engaging trombone; the world’s best-selling! Easy to play The pBone is much lighter (aroun...
檢視完整細節PEARL’s Compact Traveler includes a slim 18” bass drum and 10” snare mounted off a 3/8” post. The compact footprint is perfect for schools, street ...
檢視完整細節全新 - Hohner SPEEDY 口琴連歌書套裝, 適合幼童或小朋友展開音樂之程 套裝包含一部 Hohner C調4孔全音階 SPEEDY 口琴, 及一本附有簡易指引的口琴歌書, 包括來自不同國家的兒歌 口琴塑膠封蓋易於清洗
It contains many popular songs by Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli. All songs support both ukulele solo and ukulele playing! Song List:01. ウクレレの基本的...
檢視完整細節DELUXE 24 HOLE TREMOLO HARMONICA ( model : SU-24HM )The Suzuki Humming, Deluxe Tremolo Harmonica is a superb example of state of the art technology...
檢視完整細節THE LEGEND TURNS 125 ! MARINE BAND 125週年 Hohner 是德國著名的口琴品牌,亦是生產口琴的先驅。於口琴歷史中,1896年1月30日是一個極其重要的日子,於這一日,Hohner 推出了經典口琴型號 Marine Band。Marine Band 十...
檢視完整細節SIRIUS is the best all-round chromatic harmonica produced by high-precision processing technology Perfect for beginners and step-up enthusiasts Ex...
檢視完整細節The Mackie Creator Bundle is the ultimate setup for content creators, podcasters, streaming, and beyond. Not only is it perfect for your desk setup...
檢視完整細節Body Size: ClassicTop: Solid CedarBack & Sides: MahoganyNeck: Mahogany, StandardNut & Saddle: BoneFingerboard: MicartaScale Length: 650 mmN...
檢視完整細節Trusted Roland quality in a stylish portable keyboard. Launch your musical journey with the E-X10, an inspiring starter keyboard with quality featu...
檢視完整細節Suzuki Special 21 TREMOLO HARMONICA ( Model SU21-SP-N ) For the sound of yesterday from the technology of today, the Suzuki Tremolo Specials are su...
檢視完整細節Hohner Super Chromonica is the original chromatic harmonica and the instrument of choice for generations of players who have left their mark in fol...
This collection contains many popular songs by Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli. All songs support with guitar tabs. In addition, it provides easy-...
檢視完整細節The LP Percussion LP1442 Festivo Cajon is an adjustable Snare Cajon that allows you to increase or decrease snare tension with a simple turn of a k...
檢視完整細節Media Connection Samson’s MediaOne BT4 Active Studio Monitors are the ideal speakers for all your multimedia needs and feature the ability to con...
檢視完整細節The Mackie Performer Bundle is perfect for vocalists, karaoke, solo artists, and more that need straightforward mixing and reliable, great-sounding...
檢視完整細節這是一款有趣的新型管樂器,結合直笛的簡潔特性和薩克斯風的音色。中音 Venova 是每個人都可輕鬆入手的樂器 — 即使是新手 — 也能吹奏樂曲。 透過 Venova 讓音樂豐富您的生活 Venova是一款全新的管樂器,擁有獨特聲音,且學習超輕鬆! 容易學習 重量...
檢視完整細節Pro-Master Valved is a deluxe 10-hole diatonic valved harmonica. On a normal harp, note bending is available on the lower draw reeds(holes 1-6) and...
檢視完整細節The soundtrack to Nintendo's New Super Mario Bros.™ Wii is packed with melodic, syncopated themes that sound great on the piano! With this official...
檢視完整細節The Kids Percussion® Floor Tom produces a fun, professional high-quality sound. Featuring an Acousticon® shell, a pre-tuned Skyndeep® drumhead and ...
檢視完整細節LITTLE BIG SOUND Durability and portability in an upscale design and small package. This Bluetooth speaker lets you take True Sound with you anywhe...
檢視完整細節Suzuki " Humming " 21 series is a high-class tremolo harmonica, Various keys available, 21-holesWood resin composite comb, more than 50% natural wo...
檢視完整細節Hohner tremolo harmonica, c key 48 holes , ABS comb & mouthpiece Stainless steel cover plates Tonal range : 3.5 octaves Length " 18cm
Suzuki world's first harmonica set SHINOBIX comes with silencer to reduce sound while playing. Recommended for beginners, Key of Creduced sound by ...
檢視完整細節LP’s Sugar Skull Shaker enables you to celebrate the Day of the Dead (or any other day) in style. This calavera-shaped shaker is made of plastic th...
檢視完整細節The Harpmaster features an easy to play, free blowing design with its solid ABS comb and focused note holes. The bendable laser tuned reeds produce...
檢視完整細節THE LEGEND REBORNIt doesn’t really matter what kind of music you play, as long as it makes you feel good. One thing that does feel good is playing ...
檢視完整細節全28曲収載。【収載曲】夏ノ雪光ノ風吹ク丘心閉ザセシ鉄棺オバアチャン愚カシイ機械売買ノ街仮面ノ誉喪失/Ver. ピアノイニシエノウタ/デボルハルア彼ノ夢此ノ夢カイネ/救済ヨナ/Ver. ピアノAshes of Dreams/Lost Music Box Ver.泡沫ノ言葉/家族泡沫ノ言葉/他者...
檢視完整細節Included items: AC adapter, Precautions, Quick Start Guide New in wavestate 2.0 To Learn more Legendary synthesis, radically re-imagined.Organic...
檢視完整細節獲得專利的無縫合成外殼具有模擬皮頭。 音調產生的聲音範圍很廣,非常適合作為獨奏樂器或大型打擊樂合奏或鼓圈的一部分。 每個非洲鼓的部分銷售將與節奏藝術項目共享。 TRAP的主要目標是促進智障和發展性殘障人士及其典型同伴融入日常生活的各個方面。 護理指南:Pearl Rope Tune Djem...
檢視完整細節The Kids Percussion® Lollipop Drum® is an easy to play frame drum shaped like a lollipop and features a pre-tuned graphic drumhead with a warm, res...
檢視完整細節Filled with non-toxic steel shot Recharge the glow by placing in direct light (under a lamp or in the sun) The longer the shakers are in the light...
檢視完整細節Featuring some of our favorite K Sweet models, this K Sweet Cymbal Pack extends the rich sounds of the K Zildjian Series in a sweet and responsi...
檢視完整細節Samson's ultra-compact Go Mic Connect improves your digital communications and computer recordings through groundbreaking Focused Pattern Technol...
檢視完整細節Body Size: D-14 FretConstruction: Dovetail Neck JointTop: Solid Sitka SpruceBack & Sides: MahoganyNeck: Mahogany, Low ProfileNut & Saddle: ...
檢視完整細節THE BIG COUNTRY Experience the spirit of freedom and explore the wide open spaces and endless soundscapes of cowboy music with the Big Valley, the ...
檢視完整細節Happy Colour Harps come in a selection of bright, fun colours, making music colourful!Hohner´s new Happy Colour Harps bring colour into their quali...
檢視完整細節On December 16th 1965, a musical instrument was played in outer space for the first time - the HOHNER Little Lady. As this event demonstrates, HOHN...
檢視完整細節THE JOURNEYMAN HARP Imagine sitting on a paddle steamer, slowly floating down the Mississippi. The sun is shining, and you look over the rail while...
檢視完整細節Name after Manji Suzuki- the 10 hole diatonic harmonica is dedicated to perfectionVarious keys availableAll new resin comb material with more than...
檢視完整細節The traditional saxophone strap or saxophone harness transfers the whole weight of the instrument to the neck. By the time many performers complain...
檢視完整細節**不包含歌詞 收錄曲目: 1. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Opening theme2. Castle in the Sky3. Carrying You4. My Neighbor Totoro5. Hey Let's Go6. A T...
檢視完整細節精選36首久石讓經典宮崎駿動畫配樂,日本電影、電視、廣告主題曲,包括日本花式溜冰選手羽生結弦本季使用的「Asian Dream Song/VIEW OF SILENCE」曲目等鋼琴曲集。 曲目: 「鳥の人」~エンディング~/作曲者:久石譲 タイアップ:映画「風の谷のナウシカ」より Resp...
檢視完整細節01. 風の伝説 (作曲: 久石譲) 02. ナウシカレクイエム (作曲: 久石譲) 03. 鳥の人 ‐エンディング‐ (作曲: 久石譲) 04. 風の谷のナウシカ (作曲: 細野晴臣 作詞: 松本隆) 05. ハトと少年 (作曲: 久石譲) 06....
Inspiring, Intuitive, and Instant With the i3 Music Workstation, your musical themes and phrases catch fire and quickly explode into complete rea...
檢視完整細節-通利琴行網上商店獨家折扣-Pearl Egg紙盒具有三個egg shakers 可以單獨播放或作為完整單元播放的電子管。
A High-pitched / low-pitched castanet for your cajon Adds a satisfying crack to your percussion Made of durable ABS plastic for regular use Rubber...
檢視完整細節Remo's 2.5" x 12" Ocean Drum with Fish Graphic allows players to achieve multiple types of sounds with this drum. This frame drum can be played by ...
檢視完整細節400-watt, portable PA system with 8-channel powered mixer, two 8" speakers, a Bluetooth® input, SPX digital reverbs, an onboard feedback suppressor...
檢視完整細節Step Up Your Livestreams Ditch the webcam and step up your livestreams with the Roland V-02HD MK II Streaming Video Mixer. Compact, affordable, an...
檢視完整細節Tombo 3124 , C key Tremolo harmonica Comb body made of ABS solo-tuned and very airtight Easy playing 24 notes, 48 reeds
Only one sound made by wooden body and wooden cover. This harmonica was developed as a supreme wooden Suzuki 10holes harmonica for the harmonica p...
檢視完整細節Clear tone and good for melodic songs The body is made of aluminum and the features a clear sound.Because of its high rigidity, the blown breath r...
檢視完整細節THE BLACK BEAUTY When the original Super 64X hit the market it astonished chromatic enthusiasts with its beautiful black and gold design and its vo...
檢視完整細節THE NEXT STEP UP The original HOHNER Super 64 has embodied the high end chromatic harmonica since it first came on the market. With the new Super 6...
檢視完整細節HELICORE VIOLIN STRING SET Model: H310 4/4 SCALE, MEDIUM TENSION Helicore strings are crafted with a multi-stranded steel core, resulting in optima...
檢視完整細節Thomastik Infled Red violin string sets is an advanced composite core strings Enable customization of sound for entire tonal spectrum Players can ...
檢視完整細節不包含歌詞 收錄曲目: 1. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Opening theme 2. Castle in the Sky 3. Carrying You 4. My Neighbor Totoro 5. Hey Let's Go 6....
檢視完整細節4 songs from 4 cinemas arranged for solo piano in intermediate level.1. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind -Opening Theme2. Carrying You3. Always w...
檢視完整細節Song List: 風の谷のナウシカ/「風の谷のナウシカ」より 君をのせて/「天空の城ラピュタ」より さんぽ /「となりのトトロ」より 風のとおり道/「となりのトトロ」より となりのトトロ はにゅうの宿/「火垂るの墓」より ルージュの伝言/「魔女の宅急便」より やさしさに包まれたなら/「魔...
檢視完整細節An evolved next-generation analog synthesizer with huge potential for sound design and performance. We wanted to deliver a next-generation analo...
檢視完整細節This is a cool little shaker by Remo - fits right in your pocket and sounds very cool! Perfect for vocalists or hip drummers! Must have for percuss...
檢視完整細節The LP Cyclops Tambourine is ergonomically designed for the ultimate in player comfort. Its unique, patented shape is designed to reduce stress on ...
檢視完整細節The Kids Percussion® Bongo features Skyndeep® pre-tuned drumheads pitched high and low, and features a fun Rainforest graphic. Introduces children ...
檢視完整細節K Custom Dark cymbals are known for their warm, rich sound that cuts through and sings out. Overhammering on top of the cymbal provides slightly dr...
檢視完整細節THE BEST FOR AMPLIFYINGThe Rocket Amp is designed for loud and amplifying the sound. Ergonomic covers with closed sides ensure that all the power a...
檢視完整細節Hohner chromatic harmonica- Chrometta 14 14-holes , C key ABS comb, mouthpiece Stainless steel cover plates Tonal range : 3.5 octaves Length " 19 cm
原廠到貨‧信心之選 -------------------------------------------------- DOMINANT PRO exceptionally powerful good balance of brilliance and warmth broad rang...
檢視完整細節Songlist: [1] 風の谷のナウシカ~オープニング スタジオジブリ『風の谷のナウシカ』より 編成: 二重奏[2] 君をのせて スタジオジブリ『天空の城ラピュタ』より 編成: 三重奏/二重奏[3] ハトと少年 スタジオジブリ『天空の城ラピュタ』より 編成: 二重奏[4] とな...
檢視完整細節**不包含歌詞,附小提琴獨奏別冊收錄曲目:1. Carrying You2. Hey Let's Go3. The Path of the Wind4. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Opening Theme5. A Town with an O...
檢視完整細節Song List: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Opening theme Carrying You My Neighbor Totoro Hey Let's Go On a Clear Day A Town with and Ocean Vi...
檢視完整細節Songlist: DON'T SAY “LAZY” CAGAYAKE!GIRLS ふわふわ時間 カレーのちライス わたしの恋はホッチキス ふでペン ~ボールペン~ LISTEN!! GO! GO! MANIAC ぴゅあぴゅあはーと NOTHANK YOU! UTAUYO!!MIRACLE ...
檢視完整細節雖然想開始學鋼琴,但是因為曲子的難易度而放棄的人,對於還沒有自信讀譜的人來說是最適合的一本書。 【曲目】6:残酷な天使のテーゼ7:創聖のアクエリオン8:ハレ晴レユカイ9:優しい忘却10:君の知らない物語11:天使にふれたよ!12:ライオン13:only my railgun14:LEVEL5 ...
檢視完整細節Produces quick, delicate and responsive sounds Grape Safety approved for ages 2 and up Sold in pairs Available in 4 Colors (Bubble Gum, Black, Blu...
檢視完整細節Wide body shell Thumb notch and four holes located around the circumference of the Acoustic on shell Increased the projection Equipped with a Remo...
檢視完整細節Tongue drums derive their name from the tongue shaped areas where you strike the instrument. The results are a cosmic blend of tones that are as mu...
檢視完整細節The GC1CE is a great-looking acoustic-electric classical guitar that provides rich nylon-string sound and performance features such as a Venetian-...
檢視完整細節The GN11M-NS takes everything you loved about the GD11MNS such as the all mahogany body construction which provides you with fantastic depth and wa...
檢視完整細節For users who want to play more songs. 23-hole tremolo harmonica which is two notes wider in high note. This is the model for users who want to pla...
檢視完整細節THE GOLDEN AGE A melody floats through the air, pearls of sound falling like raindrops to ripple the placid surface of a mountain...
檢視完整細節Tombo 3121 , C key Tremolo harmonica 21 holes with plastic comb solo-tuned and very airtight Easy playing 21 notes, 42 reeds
THE PIANO MANWith over 150 million albums sold, six Grammy Awards and hundreds of sold out shows around the globe, Billy Joel has been one of the w...
檢視完整細節Jean-Jacques Milteau, born 17 April 1950 in Paris, is a French blues harmonica player, singer, and songwriter. Milteau became interested in the har...
檢視完整細節COMFORTABLE, RESPONSIVE AND LOUD Rock is many things – quiet is not one of them. For a harmonica to not be lost between squealing guitars and heavy...
檢視完整細節THE CLASSICAL AND BALLAD LEGEND Not many artists could handle the chromatic harmonica as incredibly well as Jean-Baptiste Fréderic Isidor, Baron Th...
檢視完整細節4 songs from "My Neighbor Totoro" arranged in entry level. 1. My Neighbor Totoro 2. Strolling3. The Path of the Wind4. Cat Bus
かぐや姫の物語 輝耀姬物語 生命之記憶 いのちの記憶 崖の上のポニョ 崖上の波兒 崖上の波兒 崖の上のポニョ 向日葵家的圓舞曲ひまわりの家の輪舞曲 天空の城ラピュタ 天空之城 シッタの決意 シッタの決意 把你乘載 君をのせて 風の谷...
檢視完整細節**不包含歌詞,附小提琴獨奏別冊收錄曲目:Castle in the SkyCat BusDepartureYasashisani TsutsumaretanaraStarting the JobDay of the RiverThe Promise of the WorldTherru's ...
檢視完整細節After decades of anticipation, Alfred is proud to release the officially licensed, collectible sheet music companion folios to the Super Mario Bros...
檢視完整細節含8面全彩圖照Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Movie: Mugen Train3 arrangements of "Homura", theme of "Kimetsu" The movie, with 8 color pages.收錄曲目:1. 炎...
檢視完整細節全13曲収載。 【収載曲】Inori - 祈リKaikyō - 懐郷Tōriame - 通リ雨Shinpan - 審判Ruten - 流転Hoshi no Mebuki - 星ノ芽吹キSabigoe - 寂声Toki no Kane - 時ノ鐘Shikku - 疾駆Aun - 阿吽Omokag...
The classic MS-20 –recreated in mini size! An analog synthesizer that reproduces the original circuitry from 1978 Korg’s MS-20 monophonic synthesi...
檢視完整細節LP Santana Logo Egg Shakers produce a quick, delicate and responsive sound. Grape Safety approved for ages 2 and up Sold in pairs
The LP Groove Wire Cajon's thin-line, compact design provides extra punch while maximizing resonance. Constructed entirely of hand-select, Balt...
檢視完整細節Larger than standard Cajons, 12-1 / 2 "W by 20-1 / 2" H and 13 "D Padded seat Dual adjustable snares Front plate can be adjusted for sound pre...
檢視完整細節The Kids Percussion® Frame Drum creates a fun, rich and vibrant tone. Featuring an Acousticon® shell, a pre-tuned Skyndeep® drumhead and a vibrant ...
檢視完整細節The K Custom Special Dry Cymbal Pack is a collection of cymbals from Zildjian's very popular Special Dry Series. These specially selected cymbals a...
檢視完整細節Your Audience Awaits. The AG03MK2 LSPK (Live Streaming Package) is a full streaming setup that includes, and centers around an AG03MK2 3-channel m...
檢視完整細節Out Of This World Meteorite is the perfect solution for capturing high-quality recordings on your computer. Meteorite is ideal for podcasting, crea...
檢視完整細節680-watt, portable PA system with 10-channel powered mixer, two 10" speakers, a Bluetooth® input, SPX digital reverbs, an onboard feedback suppress...
檢視完整細節Signature CR Series Sound Professional studio quality sound Great for home studio, content creators, gaming and more Fresh New Look Brushed me...
檢視完整細節THE ROCK HARPPowerful sound, rugged good looks and roadworthy durability. That’s the Pro Harp. Often known as the Rock Harp, its all black design m...
檢視完整細節The new Chromonica “XPRESSION“ offers the latest technical features and impressive musical capabilities, lending to an expressive and comfortable ...
檢視完整細節The handmade EX Model plays with ease because of its handcut silver headjoint combined with a silver plated German silver body and footjoint. Its t...
Studio Ghibli Best Hit 10 Easy Level 宮崎駿 吉卜力動畫最佳流行金曲選鋼琴獨奏譜(簡易)
Songlist: [1] 「風の谷のナウシカ」~オープニング~ 「風の谷のナウシカ」より 編成: アルトサックス/ピアノ 難易度: 中級[2] 空から降ってきた少女(君をのせて) 「天空の城ラピュタ」より 編成: アルトサックス/ピアノ 難易度: 中級[3] となりのトトロ 「...
檢視完整細節不包含歌詞 收錄曲目: 1. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Opening Theme 2. Hey Let's Go 3. My Neighbor Totoro 4. A Town with an Ocean View 5. The Leg...
檢視完整細節4 songs from 4 cinemas arranged for solo piano in easy level.1. Carrying You2. Always with Me3. Princess Mononoke4. Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea
**不包含歌詞,附長笛獨奏別冊收錄曲目:1. Nausicaa Requiem2. My Neighbor Totoro3. On a Clear Day4. Le Temps des cerises5. Princess Mononoke6. The Legend of Ashitaka7...
檢視完整細節14 arrangements for 11 songs from "Howl's Moving Castle" for piano solo. Song List: [1] 人生のメリーゴーランド[2] 陽気な軽騎兵[3] 大掃除[4] 星の湖へ[5] 雨の中で[6] サリマンの魔法陣[...
檢視完整細節1:鳥の人 -エンディングー2:天空の城ラピュタ3:君をのせて4:さんぽ -オープニング主題歌ー5:風のとおり道6:となりのトトロ -エンディング主題歌ー7:晴れた日に・・・8:風の丘9:マルコとジーナのテーマ10:カントリーロード(主題歌)11:もののけ姫12:アシタカとサン13:あの夏へ1...
檢視完整細節名曲をあなたの手で 大人のためのはじめてのピアノ [宮崎 駿 & スタジオジブリ編] This piano song book is for those who want to start piano, and adults who want to have their hands f...
檢視完整細節【吉卜力爵士】鋼琴演奏合集 (原版) 湛藍的大海、茂密的森林、清澈清新的色彩,吉卜力動畫以其唯美的色彩和獨特的世界觀,是很多人的喜愛。將吉卜力配樂編排成swing、bossa nova、funk、jazz ballad等各種流派的爵士樂,爵士鋼琴家 Jimin Dorothy 的感性編曲讓吉卜...
檢視完整細節Easy to play! Easy to read! Easy to understand! Features of this book♪ All notes have Doremi pretending ♪♪ Easy arrangement that you can play with ...
檢視完整細節For the first time, Star Wars® A Musical Journey (Music from Episodes I-VI): Instrumental Solos includes selections from all six Star Wars® movies ...
檢視完整細節世界動漫鋼琴改編第一人: 在網上享有高知名度的鋼琴家擁有破億點擊率及超過 186 萬 YouTube 訂閱者(截至 2021 年 11 月)的流行 YouTube 鋼琴家「我的目標,是能夠成為連接動畫音樂,以及古典音樂的橋樑」 收錄曲目:[1] unravel[2] 君の知らない物語...
檢視完整細節Shape your sound, bring it anywhere. The microKORG S continues to build on the success of the original. The new microKORG S features a built-in 2+...
檢視完整細節Big Sound, small synth Don't let its size fool you; MiniNova has the most powerful sound engine and effects of any micro synth. More polyphony, mo...
檢視完整細節限定優惠,送延音腳踏一個,優惠期至2024年12月31日,送完即止。 附送原廠AC變壓器 音色和效能的進化 PSR-EW425 具備 76 鍵觸鍵感應鍵盤和功能,這些功能是以著名的 PSR 系列可攜式鍵盤為基礎並進行改進,PSR-EW425 提供強大的功能和效能,讓您的音樂表現更上一層樓...
檢視完整細節The Remo Crystal Kalimba traces its roots to African tribal music. Translated from Bantu to mean "little music," the kalimba is known for its soft,...
檢視完整細節Easily attaches to all LP Agogos. Fits 3/8” diameter rods. Patent Pending
The Pearl Percussion PTH10S Tambourine is a 10" Headless hand-held version with Stainless Steel Jingles.
Designed in collaboration with LP Artist Doug Hinrichs, the One-Handed Triangle can be played with one hand, allowing more complex rhythm patterns ...
檢視完整細節The Praise Tambourine features a bright open jingle tone for use in worship applications. Constructed with an Acousticon® shell and a pre-tuned gra...
檢視完整細節This absolutely professional wooden shaker is great for just about every situation. Two fill-chambers allow for diverse playing possibilities and t...
檢視完整細節The Cajon is fun to play, but sitting on a wooden box for a 2 hour gig can be tough. Make life a little more comfortable for yourself with this squ...
檢視完整細節The Kids Percussion® Djembe produces a bright, playful sound and can be played while sitting or standing. Recipient of the prestigious Oppenheim Go...
檢視完整細節The Pearl Igniter is built to draw inspiring performances out of players at all stages in their drumming development, from the beginner to the prof...
檢視完整細節Pearl的Symphonic Concert軍鼓是音樂會品質軍鼓設計的卓越體現。 這些出色的鼓是專為concert hall 開發的,具有6層,7.5毫米厚,100%老化的楓木外殼,成型 由Pearl的專利熱壓外殼成型系統製成,並在美麗的高光澤古董旭日紋上完成。 帶有壓鑄箍的經典管耳使這款鼓...
檢視完整細節Condenser microphones have become a staple of most studio and broadcasting environments around the world for good reason. Their ability to capture ...
檢視完整細節Your Audience Awaits. The AG03MK2 LSPK (Live Streaming Package) is a full streaming setup that includes, and centers around an AG03MK2 3-channel m...
檢視完整細節The OD505 Active Dynamic Vocal Microphone is designed primarily for the stage, though it is also a very capable microphone for studio application. ...
檢視完整細節Body Size: D-14 FretConstruction: Dovetail Neck JointTop: Solid MahoganyBack & Sides: MahoganyNeck: Mahogany, Low ProfileNut & Saddle: Bone...
檢視完整細節The Little Martin is big on tone, quality, and versatility and includes sustainable wood parts. New to the series, the LX1R features a solid Sitka ...
檢視完整細節We took the 000X1AE and reimagined it. The result is the 000-X2E. This Auditorium sized model has a Sitka spruce top and figured mahogany pattern ...
檢視完整細節We took the DX1KAE and reimagined it. The result is the D-X2E. The back and sides of this new guitar are constructed from a gorgeous, koa-patte...
檢視完整細節For users who need heavy tremolo sound 24-hole model arranging same tone reeds by different octave up and down. It features a heavy tremolo sound. ...
檢視完整細節Amazing sound great for traditional, folk, country music A new standard tremolo harmonica Specifications : Plastic comb 21 holes, 21 tones Major ...
檢視完整細節THE SOUND OF INNOVATION The Minor Pentatonic scale is one of the most useful in popular music. Play any of these notes in the right key and you c...
檢視完整細節Key: C, Diatonic Features brass and silver alloy reeds 1 mm Brass reed plate ABS plastic body 0.4 mm Stainless steel cover with galvanised gold s...
檢視完整細節Chromatic Harmonica with 12 holes, 48 notes and brown-tinted acrylic comb The Chromatic DE LUXE offers an affordable start into the world of the c...
檢視完整細節Hohner chromatic harmonica- Chrometta 12 12-holes , C key ABS comb, mouthpiece Stainless steel cover plates Tonal range : 3.5 octaves Length " 19 cm
Helicore viola strings are crafted with a multi-stranded steel core, resulting in optimal playability while producing a clear, warm tone. These str...
檢視完整細節The handmade EX Model plays with ease because of its handcut silver headjoint combined with a silver plated German silver body and footjoint. Its t...
檢視完整細節567是一支設計基本的雙調性法國號,簡單的響應及穩定中心音調非常適合學生,同時,多采多姿的音色及精準的音調也吸引了專家們,這支樂器以演奏者內心到最小的零件做為製造的方針,例如可調整的第四拇指調節管與排水口。 YHR567 規格 F調 / 降B調 喇叭口尺寸:中 喇叭口類型:一體式 (YHR...
檢視完整細節The DS model is the highest quality sterling silver flute with drawn tone holes made by Muramatsu. It has quick response and the ability to produc...
檢視完整細節The GX model has the warm and mellow sound of a handmade flute with silver head and body. This is an all sterling silver flute except for the silve...
Songlist: [1] 風の谷のナウシカ~オープニング スタジオジブリ『風の谷のナウシカ』より 編成: 二重奏[2] 君をのせて スタジオジブリ『天空の城ラピュタ』より 編成: 三重奏/二重奏[3] ハトと少年 スタジオジブリ『天空の城ラピュタ』より 編成: 二重奏[4] とな...
檢視完整細節Songlist: [1] 風のとおり道 「となりのトトロ」より 編成: ピアノ・ソロ 難易度: 入門[2] となりのトトロ 「となりのトトロ」より 編成: ピアノ・ソロ 難易度: 入門[3] ねこバス 「となりのトトロ」より 編成: ピアノ・ソロ 難易度: 入門[4] さん...
檢視完整細節4 songs from "My Neighbor Totoro" arranged in intermediate level.1. Strolling2. Cat Bus3. My Neighbor Totoro4. The Path of the Wind
Songlist: [1] 風の谷のナウシカ~オープニング スタジオジブリ『風の谷のナウシカ』より 編成: 二重奏[2] 君をのせて スタジオジブリ『天空の城ラピュタ』より 編成: 三重奏/二重奏[3] ハトと少年 スタジオジブリ『天空の城ラピュタ』より 編成: 二重奏[4] とな...
檢視完整細節Songlist: 01. ■鍵盤と五線譜 02. ■楽譜に関するきまりごと 03. 指番号と手のかたち/五線譜のきまりごと 04. 音符休符一覧/繰り返し記号と演奏法 05. ◆【曲集】・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 06. ナウシカレクイエム (...
檢視完整細節曲名 作曲/作詞/編曲 風の谷のナウシカ 作曲:細野晴臣 遠い日々 作曲:久石 譲 鳥の人 同上 シータの決意 同上 君をのせて 同上 さんぽ 同上 まいご 同上 風のとおり道 同上 ...
檢視完整細節【吉卜力爵士】鋼琴演奏合集 (簡易版) 湛藍的大海、茂密的森林、清澈清新的色彩,吉卜力動畫以其唯美的色彩和獨特的世界觀,是很多人的喜愛。將吉卜力配樂編排成swing、bossa nova、jazz ballad等各種流派的爵士樂,爵士鋼琴家 Jimin Dorothy 感性而輕鬆的編曲讓吉卜力...
檢視完整細節A contoured fit with a gentle touch on the body By conforming to the body, the strap helps make the instrument feel lighter, allowing for a larger ...
檢視完整細節21 songs from Anime songs sang by Japanese women singers, LiSA, Eiru Aoi, EGOIST and Kalafina. Please feel their cool and powerful songs on the key...
Piano Collection Nier Gestalt Replicant 鋼琴譜
The soundtrack to Nintendo's New Super Mario Bros.™ Wii is packed with melodic, syncopated themes that sound great on the piano! With this official...
檢視完整細節A collaboration between Mai Kuraki and "Detective Conan", which has 21 songs. A collection of matching piano pieces from the album containing all t...
檢視完整細節A dozen Star Wars classics penned by John Williams and masterfully arranged here by Phillip Keveren for piano solo, including: Across the Stars • B...
檢視完整細節世界動漫鋼琴改編第一人: 在網上享有高知名度的鋼琴家擁有破億點擊率及超過 186 萬 YouTube 訂閱者(截至 2021 年 11 月)的流行 YouTube 鋼琴家「我的目標,是能夠成為連接動畫音樂,以及古典音樂的橋樑」 收錄曲目:[1] 紅蓮の弓矢/Linked Horizon[...
檢視完整細節The MX49 BK features over 1000 Voices from the legendary MOTIF series plus deep computer and iOS integration in a compact, lightweight keyboard...
檢視完整細節Fiberskyn®手鼓具有輕巧傳統設計的經典溫暖音色。 採用Acousticon®外殼和經過預先調校的Fiberskyn®鼓面構造而成,其中6"型號設置有單排6響,而8"和10"型號則設置了單排或雙8響。 ®手鼓是一種經濟實惠的高品質樂器,非常適合娛樂和專業鼓迷。
Medium weight Constructed of wipe clean plastic For Ages 4+ (Not for Children 0-3) Filled with non-toxic steel shot Patented
Filled with non-toxic steel shot Recharge the glow by placing in direct light (under a lamp or in the sun) The longer the shakers are in the light...
檢視完整細節LP RAW Sound Enhancers connect to most triple flanged hoops with an exclusive magnetic clamping system and come in three unique styles for you to c...
檢視完整細節The LP Aspire Triangle is an outstanding instrument for the working musician. Durable, heavy gauge steel construction delivers clean and crisp soun...
檢視完整細節CP Wood Maracas are Great for students or beginning players. The medium size is designed for a drier, tighter sound. Available in Large & Mediu...
檢視完整細節The LP Jangle Bell starts with their acclaimed Ridge Rider Cowbell. Then LP adds steel jingles to the mouth of the bell. This adds an inspiring ele...
檢視完整細節Designed in conjunction with master percussionist Bart Fermie, Pearl’s Ago-Sha allows the multi-faceted percussionist to achieve a variety of sound...
檢視完整細節This fabulous ClatterPillar makes a wonderful wave of sound that will delight children with a rewarding sound. The Clatterpillar instrument makes a...
檢視完整細節The Pearl Drums PTM09BK Primero Rock Tambourine features six double-sets of Millennium Chrome Jingles in a 9" matte black oval frame.
The Kids Percussion® Konga produces a bright, playful sound and can be played while sitting or standing. Recipient of the prestigious Oppenheim Gol...
檢視完整細節Tuna Fish Drum Lug Locks 10 Pack - Tune your drum then lock it! Tunerfish lug locks are a great tuning tool to help drummers stay in tune all the t...
檢視完整細節This wood block holder clamps to most stands.
-通利琴行網上商店獨家折扣- Zildjian City Pack 鈸片套裝旨在提供 傳統的Zildjian聲音適合較小的鼓組和打擊樂器組。 此組中較小的片具有混和的泛音,提供了緊密而清晰的彩色聲音。 套裝包括12英寸的New Beat Hi-Hat Pair,14英寸的Fast Cras...
檢視完整細節Pearl Modern Utility Maple Snare Drum 13x5 fusing reliability and flexibility for today’s demanding gigging environment, Pearl has developed Mod...
檢視完整細節This Pearl Free Floater snare drum has everything you expect in a pro snare. The sleek 1.2mm aluminum shell has a sensitive touch and plenty of str...
檢視完整細節The 13x6.5 Pearl Joey Jordison Signature Snare Drum (JJ1365N) has a 1mm steel shell with Black Super Hoops. Although Joey is known for his furociou...
檢視完整細節PHP Philharmonic 的8層100%楓木外殼具有令人難以置信的力量,其深色,完整的音調反應已成為世界各地樂團和藝術家的首選的聲音。 從最輕的手感到最厚的輥子-Philharmonic Ply Maple鼓都是最適合的工作。新型Triad Silent Strainer提供三個獨立的...
檢視完整細節Studio-quality sound for the stage The handheld OC707 True Condenser Vocal Microphone brings professional sound quality to both studio and stage. ...
檢視完整細節The PRS SE Silver Sky is a familiar iteration of the original Silver Sky model that was first introduced with John Mayer in 2018. The SE Silver ...
檢視完整細節THE TIMELESSNESS OF ELEGANCEGreat aesthetics, great playing comfort, great sound. Elegant chrome plated covers enclose the entire length of the ano...
檢視完整細節The SESSION STEEL is the upgrade to our successful SESSION model is presented with a bold new look and superior technical reliability, excellent pl...
檢視完整細節Diatonic harp with plastic comb and stainless steel covers If you start as a beginner, then you should be aware, that this is the mother of all tu...
檢視完整細節Only one harmonica in the world. As a unique feature of wood, the same patterns and colors do not exist, so you can get only one harmonica in the ...
檢視完整細節The NONSLIDER Chromatic DE LUXE STEEL - playing chromatically re-thought Is there a chromatic harmonica ... ... with direct tone response like...
檢視完整細節THE NEXT CHROMATIC REVOLUTIONThe ACE48 is set as a new benchmark. In close cooperation with leading players, Hohner revolutionized the chromatic ha...
檢視完整細節The "chromatic larry adler" series emphasizes the association between Hohner and Larry Adler. About Larry Adler, he is a pioneer on the chromatic h...
檢視完整細節With a tonal range of just over 2 full octaves the Chrometta 8 is the smallest instrument in the series. However, don't let appearances fool you, i...
檢視完整細節Many people have heard the sound of the chromatic harmonica without even realizing. Hohner Chrometta Series offers you an affordable starting point...
檢視完整細節Thomastik Infled Blue violin string sets is composite core strings with matched tension Enable customization of sound for entire tonal spectrum Pla...
檢視完整細節與客製級型號音色非常接近,豐富且華麗 YCL-650 是款專業級型號,音色溫暖而豐富的音色,有理想的吹奏阻力,並提供豐沛的吹奏感。這些都是可能的,因為在它的製程上,使用了些對音色產生有著顯著影響的客製級型號規格技術。 溫暖的音色,投射效果絕佳 皮革皮墊的選材,是經過音質上嚴格...
檢視完整細節Yamaha YEP321 降B調上低音號具備強而溫暖的音調,易於吹奏,音高準確。 Yamaha YEP321 規格: 調性:降B調 喇叭口直徑:280mm (11") 管徑:14.5-15.5mm (0.571-0.610") 外觀:鍍亮漆 吹嘴:SL-48S 樂器盒:Included...
檢視完整細節Yamaha 專業款長號因其敏捷的反應力、極精確音高和溫暖豐富的音調,長期以來大受歡迎。專業款系列保留所有最佳特質,並增添一些來自 Xeno 系列長號的設計特點。他們寬廣的音色具備明確的核心音調,在任何力道和音域都有極佳的投射力。兩片式揚音管,可產生快速回應;窄型滑管和中等重量的架構,則為演...
檢視完整細節The GX model has the warm and mellow sound of a handmade flute with silver head and body. This is an all sterling silver flute except for the silve...
檢視完整細節4 songs from "Kiki's Delivery Service" arranged in intermediate level.1. A Town with an Ocean View2. On a Clear Day…3. If I’ve been Enveloped by Te...
檢視完整細節Songlist: [1] 「風の谷のナウシカ」(オープニング) 「風の谷のナウシカ」より 編成: トランペット/ピアノ 難易度: 中級[2] 空から降ってきた少女 「天空の城ラピュタ」より 編成: トランペット/ピアノ 難易度: 中級[3] ハトと少年 「天空の城ラピュタ」より...
檢視完整細節4 Songs from 4 cinemas arranged for piano solo in easy level.1. Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea2. Always with Me3. Carrying You4. Princess Mononoke
4 songs from "Kiki's Delivery Service" arranged in entry level."1. On a Clear Day…2. A Town with an Ocean View3. Starting the Job4. Message of Rouge"
3 songs arranged for 4 hands, 2 pianits in easy level. 1. A Town with an Ocean View 2. Carrying You 3. My Neighbor Totoro
Songlist: [1] 君をのせて 『天空の城ラピュタ』より 編成: 連弾 難易度: 初級[2] ねこバス 『となりのトトロ』より 編成: 連弾 難易度: 初級[3] さんぽ 『となりのトトロ』より 編成: 連弾 難易度: 初級[4] となりのトトロ 『となりのトトロ』...
檢視完整細節Studio Ghibli Songs Horn & Piano 吉卜力 宮崎駿 圓號 鋼琴譜
**不包含歌詞,附長笛獨奏別冊收錄曲目:1. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Opening Theme-2. Carrying You3. Hey Let's Go4. The Path of the Wind5. A Town with an O...
檢視完整細節Song List: Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind - Opening Theme Sheeta's Decision My Neghbor Totoro Merry-Go-Round of Life Departure A Town with an Ocea...
檢視完整細節4 songs from "Kiki's Delivery Service" arranged in easy level1. On a Clear Day…2. A Town with an Ocean View3. Starting the Job4. If I’ve been Envel...
檢視完整細節4 songs from "My Neighbor Totoro" arranged in easy level..1. My Neighbor Totoro2. Strolling3. Cat Bus4. The Path of the Wind
Songs From The Studio Ghibli Movies 生命之記憶 [輝耀姬物語] いのちの記憶 かぐや姫の物語 崖上の波兒 [崖上の波兒] 崖の上のポニョ 人生的旋轉木馬 [哈爾移動城堡] 人生のメリーゴーランド~ハウルの動く城 世界的約定 [哈爾移動城堡] 世界...
檢視完整細節Songlist: 01. ミステリアスワールド (作曲: 久石譲) 02. 動く城の魔法使い (作曲: 久石譲) 03. ソフィーの明日 (作曲: 久石譲) 04. ボーイ (作曲: 久石譲) 05. 動く城 (作曲: 久石譲) 06. ウォーウォ...
檢視完整細節Songlist: 01. ●『もののけ姫 イメージアルバム』より 02. アシタカせっ記 (作曲: 久石譲) 03. タタリ神 (作曲: 久石譲) 04. 失われた民 (作曲: 久石譲) 05. もののけ姫 (作曲: 久石譲 作詞: 宮崎駿) 06. ...
檢視完整細節Song List: 01. Summer アーティスト: 久石譲(作曲: 久石譲) 02. Asian Dream Song アーティスト: 久石譲(作曲: 久石譲) 03. 6番目の駅 アーティスト: 久石譲(作曲: 久石譲) 04. アシタカとサン アーティスト: ...
檢視完整細節Song List: 01. Summer アーティスト: 久石譲(作曲: 久石譲) 02. Asian Dream Song アーティスト: 久石譲(作曲: 久石譲) 03. 6番目の駅 アーティスト: 久石譲(作曲: 久石譲) 04. アシタカとサン アーティスト: ...
檢視完整細節Songlist: 01. いつも何度でも (作曲: 木村弓) 02. いのちの名前 (作曲: 久石譲) 03. 崖の上のポニョ (作曲: 久石譲) 04. 海のおかあさん (作曲: 久石譲) 05. 鳥の人 (作曲: 久石譲) 06. カン...
1:風の谷のナウシカ2:君をのせて3:さんぽ4:風のとおり道5:となりのトトロ6:はにゅうの宿 (原題:Home,Sweet Home)7:ルージュの伝言8:やさしさに包まれたなら9:愛は花、君はその種子 (原題:The Rose)10:さくらんぼの実る頃 (原題:Le Temps des C...
檢視完整細節内容介紹 1:鍵盤と五線譜2:指番号と運指3:音符と休符の長さ4:シャープ・フラット・ナチュラルについて5:拍子について6:楽譜に出てくるその他の音楽記号7:反復記号について8:●「風の谷のナウシカ」より9:風の谷のナウシカ10:「風の谷のナウシカ」~オープニング~11:王蟲との交流12:「...
檢視完整細節適合初學者易於演奏的編排3人4手1鋼琴:演奏者 1(右手)、演奏者 2(右手)、演奏者 3(双手)樂譜為樂譜記譜式(各聲部垂直排列),讓您一目了然地看到所有聲部的演奏內容,便於教學。您可以在各種組合中享受它,例如教師和學生或學生。 -------------------------------...
檢視完整細節以古典作曲家的風格編排吉卜力工作室的傑作!編曲風格包括從維瓦爾第和巴哈到拉威爾 共 15 首歌曲。以古典作曲家特有的豐富作曲風格和傑作,以華麗的方式呈現。您可以在充滿刺激的編排中享受華麗的音符帶來的樂曲新魅力~同時也非常適合音樂發表會等公開表演。 -----------------------...
檢視完整細節從「風之谷」至「回憶中的瑪妮」 相關介紹影片: 收錄曲目:1.「風の谷のナウシカ」~オープニング~2. 空から降ってきた少女(君をのせて)3. となりのトトロ4. さんぽ5. ねこバス6. 風のとおり道7. 海の見える街8. 旅立ち9. 晴れた日に・・・10. 仕事はじめ11. やさしさに包...
檢視完整細節【収載曲 1/3】Summer(映画「菊次郎の夏」より)The Rain(映画「菊次郎の夏」より)One Summer's Day[あの夏へ](映画「千と千尋の神隠し」より)The Sixth Station[6番目の駅](映画「千と千尋の神隠し」より)Reprise[ふたたび](映画「千と千...
檢視完整細節Your voice, the new Custom EX alto saxophone 新Yamaha YAS-875EX Custom EX 中音色士風代表著Yamaha樂器設計上的一大躍進,演奏家更能自由地吹奏其所要的音樂表現力! 新Custom EX是與Nobuya Sugawa, ...
檢視完整細節21 songs from Anime songs sang by Japanese women singers; fripSide, Aimer, angela and GARNiDELiA for piano solo. Song List: [1] only my railgun...
檢視完整細節Song List: 01. Star!! (作曲: 田中秀和(MONACA) 作詞: 森由里子) 02. メッセージ (作曲: 滝澤俊輔(TRYTONELABO) 作詞: 遠藤フビト) 03. 夕映えプレゼント (作曲: BNSI(Yoshi) 作詞: 遠藤フビト) 04. ...
檢視完整細節2014年春にTVアニメ2期が決定しているスクールアイドルプロジェクト『ラブライブ!』。「μ's」の楽曲はもちろん、TVアニメ1期の挿入歌など、『ラブライブ!』の名曲の数々をピアノ・ソロにアレンジしました。また、「愛してるばんざーい!(Prepro Piano Mix)」「START:DASH...
檢視完整細節1:紅蓮華2:from the edge3:竈門炭冶郎のうた4:逆光5:I beg you6:春はゆく7:Prover8:Tell me9:究極アンバランス!10:Forever Lost11:Easy come,Easy go!12:final phase13:only my railgun...
檢視完整細節The globally beloved musical themes of Nintendo's Super Mario™ video games sound great when they're played on the piano, and these new jazzy rendit...
檢視完整細節This is an ensemble song collection of only popular anime theme songs. The composition is a trio arrangement that has been devised so that it can b...
檢視完整細節This is an ensemble song collection of only popular anime theme songs. All the songs are arranged so that even those who have just started playing ...
檢視完整細節This is an ensemble song collection of only popular anime theme songs. The composition is a trio arrangement that has been devised so that it can b...
檢視完整細節For the first time, Star Wars® A Musical Journey (Music from Episodes I-VI): Instrumental Solos includes selections from all six Star Wars® movies ...
檢視完整細節1:再会(produced by Ayase)2:廻廻奇譚3:炎(HOMURA)4:紅蓮華5:竈門炭治郎のうた6:unlasting7:Catch the Moment8:crossing field9:ADAMAS10:シルシ11:courage12:oath sign13:躍動14:独白
収載曲 [1] タキシード・ミラージュ/三石 琴乃/久川 綾/富沢 美智恵/篠原 恵美/深見 梨加[2] ムーンライト伝説/DALI[3] 乙女のポリシー/石田 よう子[4] Catch You Catch Me/グミ[5] 扉をあけて/ANZA[6] プラチナ/坂本 真綾[7] ゆずれない願...
檢視完整細節在全球下載量超過2100萬的音樂遊戲: 熱門歌曲輯在全球下載量超過2100萬的音樂遊戲應用程序“DEEMO”的熱門歌曲終於出版樂譜了! CD專輯“DEEMO Piano Collection”的完整收錄歌曲集。以鋼琴編曲再現 DEEMO 的音樂世界的 CD 專輯《DEEMO Piano Col...
檢視完整細節雷亞遊戲10週年紀念作、經典IP《DEEMO》正統音樂遊戲系列作帶領全球玩家再次踏入音樂的奇幻冒險。2022年1月13日全球同步發售的解謎節奏遊戲《DEEMO II》。僅一周下載量就突破100萬次,同年2月發行鋼琴編曲CD《DEEMO II Piano Collection》。 CD完美收錄樂...
檢視完整細節Solo arrangements of 10 favorite selections from the blockbuster movie. The price of this book includes access to online audio demonstration and ba...
檢視完整細節Next generation analog for everyone UNO Synth Pro gives you the power to create nearly any analog synth sound you can imagine. With its unique dual...
檢視完整細節More beautiful than ever.The long-awaited rebirth of KORG's famous keytar. Since its appearance, the RK-100S keytar has been a hit for its uniquel...
檢視完整細節與Kevin Ricard共同設計,這款木箱鼓採用了LP獲得專利的頂級調音機構,配備了四個獨立調音的D’Addario結他弦。 Baltic Birch琴身由人工挑選的11層種植園製成,並配有精美的Heartwood音板,帶有彎角,增加了演奏的舒適度。
-通利琴行網上商店獨家折扣- ArtBEAT® Artist Collection Tambourine - Artwork by José Pasillas 作品具有明亮的開放叮噹聲,並進行了圖形處理,將Incubus樂隊的Jose Pasillas的原始作品注入到Mylar鼓皮中。 Art...
檢視完整細節Place both palms over ends and shake Vary sound by cupping and lifting hands at shaker end
This Fiberglass cajon has two playing surfaces: a traditional hardwood front faceplate and a padded, cloth covered side that produces a Brazilian S...
檢視完整細節Fun to Play with its' authentic look and sound! See our listings for other available vegetable-shaped percussion shakers! They're Wild! Display the...
檢視完整細節Pearl's Horacio Hernandez HH-5 AnaBELLa Signature Foot Clave Cowbell is designed exactly to Horacio Hernandez's specific specifications. With two p...
檢視完整細節The Kids Make Music Kit provides the ideal supplies to ignite a love of music in the life of a young child. Ages 2 – 5. Featuring a Tambourine, Rhy...
檢視完整細節Frame material: Wood Design: Round Colour / Finish: Natural Number of Jingles: 18 pairs Ring assembly: Double rowed Mounting attachement: no Diame...
檢視完整細節Easily attaches to all LP Vibra-Slap models. Allows musician to use hand or stick to play. Fits 3/8” diameter rods.
Leagues ahead in quality and sound definition: tried and tested a thousand times, La-Perù technology is based on special cajon strings, whose indiv...
檢視完整細節This percussion pack is the result of the collaboration between Latin Percussion and the artist Matt Sorum. He uses the LP Jam Block, LP Cyclops Ta...
檢視完整細節Like a side snare in a drum set, the Schlagwerk Buzz Boards allow you to integrate an additional sound option when playing the cajon. The easy hook...
檢視完整細節CP Solid Wood Tambourines are perfect for the beginner. The jingles produce bright, lively tone. Headed models feature natural, calf skin heads whi...
檢視完整細節CP Solid Wood Tambourines are perfect for the beginner. The jingles produce bright, lively tone. Headed models feature natural, calf skin heads whi...
檢視完整細節The LP Cowbell Mount Bracket easily attaches to the mounts of LP Prestige Timbales so you can easily attach a cowbell or other accessories right to...
檢視完整細節Each end of LP Ching-Chok carries a pair of hard, wooden balls that are supported by spring steel and strike against a rosewood sound chamber. Shak...
檢視完整細節LP Aspire™ Castanets produce rich, authentic sound for percussionists of all levels. They are available in a traditional hand held model or a mount...
檢視完整細節Kiln dried Maple wood Clave and Striker are the same size (10" L x 1" W) Sharp clicking tone that can be described as moderately pitched
The Pre-tuned Prizmatic Pinwheel Tambourines are lightweight, durable as well as stylish, producing a quality drum sound for all music activities.T...
檢視完整細節This pro-quality cajon features an integrated 40-watt amp, with 2-channel mixer allowing players to jam with their friend or along with their favou...
檢視完整細節Solid wood 10" shells and a single row of bright, cutting jingles. These headed Tambourines feature real, traditionally mounted, calf-skin heads. S...
檢視完整細節The LP Salsa Uptown Timbale Bell is a high pitched bell that is designed to be the perfect companion to the LP Salsa Downtown Bell in timbale setup...
檢視完整細節The LP Salsa Downtown Timbale Bell is a lower pitched bell that is designed to be the perfect companion to the LP Salsa Uptown Bell in timbale setu...
檢視完整細節Cajon mounted hi hats! Durable base allows for adjustable tension. Can be played open or closed. Speciailly designed striker allows for stick-free ...
檢視完整細節LP Professional 10-inch Tambourines have sonically matched, American-made nickel silver alloy jingles that produce a vintage sound reminiscent of t...
檢視完整細節The powerful, middle overtones produced by this bell are as unique as “El Rey del Timbal” himself. The Tito Puente Signature Cowbell is made in the...
檢視完整細節The LP Multi-Guiro has two textured sides and is filled with steel shot, allowing it to be used as a shaker. One of the textured surfaces has large...
檢視完整細節Combining some of nature's most durable materials, the Pangi Nut Shaker from Pearl is a unique percussion instrument that will add wonderful tone a...
檢視完整細節Pearl Ultra Grip Tambourine With Volume Adjustable Steel Jingles And Ergonomic Grip And Quick-mount Holder.
Headless tambourines offer the player a different level of expression and are perfect for the lead singer, choir or school band. The wood frame of ...
檢視完整細節Pearl’s innovative Quick Draw tambourine lets you quickly transition from playing your tambourine in a mounted position to hand-held with nothing m...
檢視完整細節The PBP510 has true Brazilian flair with the crisp sound of the steel Platinellas. Pearl’s 10 inch Pandeiro features 5 sets of steel Platinellas, a...
檢視完整細節Fits Many LP Conga Models 12.5" Diameter Rawhide Head Tucked Collar Real Rawhide for Authentic Sound Warm, Deep Tone Susceptible to Changes in Wea...
檢視完整細節Pearl Introduces New Horacio Hernandez Signature Cowbells. Pearl has partnered with Grammy Award winning artist Horacio “el Negro” Hernandez to cre...
檢視完整細節Your start into anarchy: the Anarchy Pack consists of Cowbell, Anarchy Crasher and the PCS-10 Stacker. PEARL Heavy Metal Cowbell PCB-20 features: A...
檢視完整細節The Pearl Ago-Sha is two instruments in one. Designed with master percussionist Bart Fermie, it takes the shaker sound of the Ganza and fuses it wi...
檢視完整細節This Pearl 10" Primero Rock Bell Cowbell features a sleek almost-black Millennium Chrome finish. Its large size and raised striking lip can put out...
檢視完整細節Designed in conjunction with master percussionist Bart Fermie, Pearl Shakerines and Ganzeiros offer three sounds in one handheld instrument: A shak...
檢視完整細節6" Mini Timbale with acrylic shell. Excellent add-on to any existing drum set or percussion set-ups! Mounts to any 3/8” rod, rubber bottom. Availab...
檢視完整細節The Bossa shakers make a cool sound that fit in all style of music activities and matches the hot new Remo Designer Djembes. The Bossa shakers are ...
檢視完整細節Fun drumming sticks Shakers Bright red fun sticks Kids percussion great for groups
LP Tambo-Rings were designed to add a jingle effect to a variety of drums, cymbals and other percussion instruments. Simply place on any batter h...
檢視完整細節LP Tambo-Rings were designed to add a jingle effect to a variety of drums, cymbals and other percussion instruments. Simply place on any batter h...
檢視完整細節Introducing the CAJ-100W and CAJ-100, multi-type cajons. Designed from the ground up to be played on all four panels, including the back and sides....
檢視完整細節The Big Fat Bling Ring from BFSD is no mere tambourine. Sure, it's capable of that effect. But think of it more as a mobile tambourine accessory ...
檢視完整細節For rock music, especially onstage, you need a cymbal that cuts. The A Zildjian Rock Crash delivers doses of that classic Avedis Zildjian characte...
檢視完整細節The K Zildjian K Custom Worship Pack features cymbals are hand-picked for the worship music genre. You get 14" Dark Hi-hats for full-bodied defini...
檢視完整細節The K Zildjian K Custom Hybrid Pack features cymbals are characterized by a perfect mix of brilliant and dark tones. This round mixture is due to t...
檢視完整細節The K Zildjian Pack features cymbals with that sought-after traditional K sound.Cymbals included:- 14" HiHats- 16" Dark Crash Thin- 18" Dark Crash ...
檢視完整細節-通利琴行網上商店獨家折扣- 此TAMA Woodworks軍鼓具有外殼 由8毫米8層楊木製成,帶來飽滿而溫暖的音調,並具有中等的衝擊力。 凸耳和三凸緣箍以光滑啞光黑色製成。
Tama's original Starclassic series revolutionized the way we think about building drums, inspiring the thin-shelled Maple movement that still reins...
檢視完整細節In a class of its own, the TAMA SLP Fat Spruce Snare Drum features an 8-ply, 7mm spruce shell with a beautiful wood grain finish, eight brass tube ...
檢視完整細節When drummers dream of maple snare drums, the 5 1/2"x14" Tama S.L.P. Classic Maple Snare Drum is surely near the front of the pack. With a robust 8...
檢視完整細節TAMA's Sound Lab Project Black Brass snare drum gives you the deep, loud, and wonderfully warm sound of brass for a great low price. Built for seri...
檢視完整細節Nothing matches the timbale crack of a cranked steel snare. Its voice is as much a part of funk, rock, punk, and dixieland as the ensemble musician...
檢視完整細節This steel snare drum offers a bright tone with a tight crispness in high-tuning and a smooth resonance in low-tuning. A 1.2mm matte black steel sh...
檢視完整細節Tune the TAMA Metalworks Steel Snare Drum high, and you've got a bright, tight tone that sounds exceptionally crisp. Tune it low, and you've got a ...
檢視完整細節TAMA's Metalworks “Effect” Series Mini-Tymps are ideal for adding a new sonic color to your kit. The Mini-Tymps produce a clear, sharp and percussi...
檢視完整細節Warm and powerful, the TAMA PMM146STM Starphonic maple snare drum gives you a massive sound with with rich tone and full resonance. TAMA innovation...
檢視完整細節Part of TAMA's Sound Lab Project (SLP), the SLP Bold Spotted Gum snare drum was designed to give hard-working drummers, such as you, a great all-ar...
檢視完整細節The Pearl SensiTone Premium Beaded Phosphor Bronze Snare Drum has a brilliant 1.2mm shell that projects powerful low end resonance, without the m...
檢視完整細節The Pearl SensiTone range has been revamped and offers a great selection of snares with upgraded hardware components and redesigned shell composit...
檢視完整細節The Pearl Philharmonic Cast-Aluminum Snare Drum (PHA) features a 3mm cast shell and offers a warmth and richness similar to wood, but with the incr...
檢視完整細節If you're a modern drummer out there working the circuit, gig after gig, you need reliable, high-performance gear that won't let you down — and ...
檢視完整細節Piccolo and Effects Snare Drums have become some of the most widely used and best selling Snare Drums in popular music today. Their crisp brilliant...
檢視完整細節The Pearl FTBR1450 14″×5″ Brass Task Specific Free Floating Snare Drum is a full-spectrum, general purpose model that is both bright in punch and w...
檢視完整細節Pearl's original snare collaboration with groove drumming legend Omar Hakim, this signature drum sports a 13”x5” power piccolo shell with 6-plies o...
檢視完整細節The Pearl 14" x 5" Dennis Chambers Signature Aluminum Snare Drum is rather unique thanks to its asymmetric lug design - it's got 12 lugs on the top...
檢視完整細節Your Audience Awaits Configuring a streaming setup from scratch can be a daunting task, particularly for users with little or no music production e...
檢視完整細節This limited edition PRS SE parlor acoustic adds a fresh look to the popular Parlor acoustic model with a Lotus Pink solid-mahogany top. The PRS...
檢視完整細節Powered by a set of Player Plus Noiseless Jazz Bass pickups, the Player Plus Jazz Bass® V delivers the clarity and growl that defines Fender bass t...
檢視完整細節Fusing classic Fender® design with player-centric features and exciting new finishes, the Player Plus Telecaster® delivers superb playability and u...
檢視完整細節Fusing classic Fender® design with player-centric features and exciting new finishes, the Player Plus Stratocaster® delivers superb playability and...
檢視完整細節The 0X2MAE is now the 0-X1E. This Concert sized model features figured mahogany pattern high-pressure laminate (HPL) top, back and sides. New Style...
檢視完整細節The PRS SE P20 is a parlor-sized acoustic with a big voice. Boasting traditional parlor features like sweet, midrange tone, historic vibe, and easy...
檢視完整細節PRS SE Series Custom 22 Electric Guitar (Vintage Sunburst) The PRS SE Custom 22 adds a more vintage tone and feel to the traditional Custom platf...
檢視完整細節We took the GPCX2AE MACASSAR and reimagined it. The result is the GPC-X2E Macassar. This Grand Performance sized model features a cutaway body with...
檢視完整細節Art & Lutherie 042340 Legacy Bourbon Burst CW QIT Acoustic Electric 6 String RH Guitar ART & LUTHERIE 042340 DETAILS: Rich Dynamic Sounds...
檢視完整細節Special limited edition of wavestate SE. The limited color model, wavestate SE Platinum, is released at the same time as the wavestate SE. The Pl...
檢視完整細節Organic, inspirational, and mind-blowingly powerful. wavestate SE is the powerful evolution of KORG’s legendary WAVESTATION, taking Wave Sequencin...
檢視完整細節Legendary synthesis, radically re-imagined.Extended polyphony, extended possibilities. KORG’s legendary WAVESTATION introduced the world to Wave ...
檢視完整細節A shining homage to two decades of microKORG legacy The new microKORG S features a built-in 2+1 speaker system with power that far exceeds its siz...
檢視完整細節The S Dark Cymbal Pack marks the next era for S Family, with a darker line of cymbals that comes complete with a pair of 14” hihats, a 16" crash, a...
檢視完整細節AeroCaster makes it easy and affordable for anyone to create a wireless multi-camera setup with pro-level production quality. Leveraging the A/V ...
檢視完整細節Pro Sound for Pro Gamers Take online gaming sound to the next level with BRIDGE CAST, your all-in-one solution for premium livestream audio. This c...
檢視完整細節SU7 跨時代巔峰之作,力臻完美 YAMAHA 鋼琴一直以高品質聞名世界,不論是設計及選料上,還是後期的生產工序以及出廠前的調律及整音,我們都毫不妥協、力臻完美。當中,YAMAHA SU7 直立式鋼琴以最細膩的琴鍵靈敏度、豐富的音色及超越一般直立式鋼琴的共鳴感,為一眾鋼琴演奏者帶來最出色的直...
檢視完整細節The 1847 SILVER- corrosion-free Richter-diatonic harmonica with stainless steel reeds. Also as Paddy or half-valved! The 1847 SILVER impresses b...
檢視完整細節Just Play Harmonica - Junior Starter Kit - booklet (36 pages) & video workshop for children from 6 - 99 years With this workshop you will ...
檢視完整細節The SEYDEL SAMPLER is a real must have for the ambitious melody-player:One instrument in two keys and three full octaves available. The SAMPLER ...
檢視完整細節THE BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO DIATONIC HARMONICAS It’s not a coincidence that the word “blue” can mean both devoted or sad, in addition to the descriptio...
檢視完整細節THE PRINCE OF DARKNESSFrom his first career steps in a blues band, through the days with Black Sabbath up to his incredible, ongoing solo career, o...
檢視完整細節THE FOLK HERO Few artists have been as influential as Bob Dylan. A recording artist for over 50 years and on an “Endless Tour” since the 1980s, Dyl...
檢視完整細節THE MEANEST, FATTEST LOW-PITCHED SOUND AROUND Sometimes the sound of a harmonica in regular tuning is just not fat enough to really counterbalance ...
檢視完整細節A real must-have - the BIG SIX with 6 holes! An eye-catcher with great playing features: • Great sound because of stainless steel reeds also used i...
檢視完整細節The first serial-produced Richter-diatonic harmonica with stainless steel reeds • Full and loud, overtone-rich sound and extremely fast tone-respon...
檢視完整細節As one of the greatest and most original harmonica players the world has ever seen, Sonny Terry remains an iconic role model for blues musicians ar...
檢視完整細節The Chromatic DE LUXE STEEL - DESIGNED SOUND Chromatic Harmonica with 48 Stainless Steel reeds and orange-tinted acrylic comb and halfmoon-shaped...
檢視完整細節The Eruption of Sound - the VOLCANY CHROMATIC - a result of more than 175 years of research and development at SEYDEL! Powerfu...
檢視完整細節The Origin of Sound - the SAXONY CHROMATIC - the first serial-produced chromatic harmonica with stainless steel reeds! The SAXONY CHROMATIC is a...
檢視完整細節THE BIG CHROMATIC When it came on the market in 1938, the 64 Chromonica was the first chromatic to boast a range of over four octaves. Thanks to th...
檢視完整細節THE BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO CHROMATIC HARMONICAS Classical music and jazz can do many things: they can invite us to dream, reminiscent, dance, excite u...
檢視完整細節THE JAZZ LEGEND Being one of the greatest Jazz harmonica players of the 20th century, and an influence to countless artists, it was always clear th...
檢視完整細節THE MASTERPIECE ( 7565 Meisterklasse ): The Meisterklasse is our only 14 hole chromatic, with a scale extending downwards to G3, giving it the sam...
檢視完整細節Helicore cello strings are crafted with a multi-stranded steel core, resulting in optimal playability while producing a clear, warm tone. These str...
檢視完整細節2019年最新版本,前所未有的傑出表現力 Yamaha YTR9445CHS Custom Xeno Artist "Chicago" C調小號。被視為大師傑作的Xeno Artist Mode小號,並不只是一般的樂器成品,而是經過無數次徹底研究與精心設計所改造而成的完美樂器。 所有材料和零...
檢視完整細節2019年最新版本,前所未有的傑出表現力 Yamaha YTR9335CHS Custom Xeno Artist "Chicago" 降B調小號。被視為大師傑作的Xeno Artist Mode小號,並不只是一般的樂器成品,而是經過無數次徹底研究與精心設計所改造而成的完美樂器。 所有材料和...
檢視完整細節經典 Custom 875 改良版的 EX 色士風,是數十年來與世界幾位色士風大師共同合作、辛苦研究與試驗所得到的成果。反應順暢,深沈精緻的聲音充滿豐富色彩,而且快速靈活的動作讓人感覺相當堅固、音域寬廣生動、投射力驚人、音色相當具有權威,卻有美麗清晰的整體核心。您將發現它的聲音擁有無法置信的深...
檢視完整細節YTR8335WS 規格 由Osamu Kamiyoshi共同開發 音調: Bb 喇叭口材質: One-piece, yellow brass 喇叭口直徑: 123mm (4-7/8") 喇叭口形狀: YT Bell 管徑: ML 不鏽鋼活塞彈弓 外觀: 鍍銀 吹咀: TR-KMV14...
檢視完整細節The Miyazawa 958 Flute Series are handmade flute models available with 958 silver headjoint, body, and footjoint. Choice of silver plated nickel si...
檢視完整細節The Miyazawa Silver Flute Series is a handmade flute available with French style pointed tonearms, drawn toneholes and pinless partial Brögger Syst...
檢視完整細節對於需要高音質低音號音色、但又有預算考量的人來說,Yamaha YBB321 降BB調低音大號就是最佳的選擇。易於吹奏,音高準確,且有強力而溫暖的音調。 Yamaha YBB321 規格: 調性:降BB調 尺寸:4/4型 喇叭口直徑:443mm (17 1/2") 管徑:18.5-19....
檢視完整細節Yamaha YHR871D F調 / 降B調雙調性法國號是Yamaha客製級Geyer繞管型法國號,擁有傑出的明亮音色與深沉的共鳴。 繞管型式與喇叭口 傳統的Geyer繞管型式搭配加厚緣線的M尺寸喇叭口,音色變得更豐富與深沉外,聲音也更集中。 吹口管 全新金銅吹口管...
檢視完整細節Sankyo 601 系列手工專業長笛 CF601 型號是在Sankyo 系列中最頂尖的型號 ,是有焊接音孔。只有熟練的手工才能對生產過程進行控制,生產出高品質的樂器 601RONEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵風格:開孔配備法式尖臂音鍵 音鍵:純銀 標準...
檢視完整細節CF501系列長笛的專業規格令它可在音樂廳演奏時大大保持良好反應。專為追求完美音色的長笛演奏家而製造,把準確性和工藝與SANKYO工程技術結合。越使用此長笛,越會發現它的美和價值。優美的法式尖頭栓更突顯此長笛的美。 501RONEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵...
檢視完整細節這401系列是Sankyo產品中純銀系列的代表,受到全球演奏家的推薦。精準的構造使奏出的旋律更美妙。 401RONEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵風格:開孔配備法式尖臂音鍵 音鍵:純銀 標準音高:A=442 音孔:抽孔式音孔 管壁厚度:0.38 毫米 低音...
檢視完整細節301 系列是Sankyo最受歡迎的長笛型號之一。Sankyo銀音長笛是經濟的專業長笛選擇。Sankyo銀音長笛特有手工切割銀製笛頭、笛身及尾管,是正在學習室樂、管弦樂及管樂的學生的理想選擇。 301RONEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵風格:開孔配有法式尖臂...
檢視完整細節301 系列是Sankyo最受歡迎的長笛型號之一。Sankyo銀音長笛是經濟的專業長笛選擇。Sankyo銀音長笛特有手工切割銀製笛頭、笛身及尾管,是正在學習室樂、管弦樂及管樂的學生的理想選擇。 301RNEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵風格:開孔配有法式尖臂音...
檢視完整細節The Miyazawa Silver Flute Series is a handmade flute available with French style pointed tonearms, soldered toneholes and pinless partial Brögger S...
檢視完整細節The Miyazawa Silver Flute Series is a handmade flute available with French style pointed tonearms, soldered toneholes and pinless partial Brögger S...
檢視完整細節YSS-475在中等價格中具專業品質,多數設計以Custom EX色士風為基礎,並具許多同樣的特點,475提供卓越的響應、音色及音調,以及舒適的演奏性。 YSS475 規格 調性 : 降B調 表面塗層:亮光金色漆 前F及高音升F鍵 可調教姆指托 < 無鉛焊接 > Yamah...
檢視完整細節YamahaYSS-875EXHG在不影響原有機制,擁有高音G鍵。 頸管 YSS-875EXHG提供直型和曲型的頸管,以適應個人的演奏喜好。 高音G鍵 YSS-875EX 的高音 G 鍵維持與原本 EX 相同的功能性,讓您能更穩定地舒適吹奏高音 G(比一般高音色士風高半音)。 ...
檢視完整細節The DS model is the highest quality sterling silver flute with drawn tone holes made by Muramatsu. It has quick response and the ability to produc...
檢視完整細節Sankyo silver flutes are prized for their solid, stable core which provides the foundation for complete freedom of expression. With projection, pow...
檢視完整細節YG250D 採用經過特殊迴火製程處理的全新高碳鋼,呈現更純淨、清亮的音色,節點支撐絃搭配單針音柱固定裝置 Deep frame and case that provide a resonating chamber. Full F57 - C88 range satisfies more r...
檢視完整細節本書是高音直笛曲集。各曲皆含〈簡易旋律〉與〈原曲旋律〉。 〈簡易旋律〉為使吹奏容易,省略了旋律之細部動作或間奏部份等。除此之外,每個音符都用注音符號表示。所以,視譜有困難的人也極容易可以演奏。〈原曲旋律〉是按原曲編列樂譜。從“簡易旋律”熟悉曲子之感覺後,來演奏這原曲旋律。還有在原曲旋律裡加上了...
檢視完整細節Songlist: [1] 風の谷のナウシカ~オープニング スタジオジブリ『風の谷のナウシカ』より 編成: 二重奏[2] 君をのせて スタジオジブリ『天空の城ラピュタ』より 編成: 三重奏/二重奏[3] ハトと少年 スタジオジブリ『天空の城ラピュタ』より 編成: 二重奏[4] とな...
檢視完整細節Songlist: [1] 風の谷のナウシカ~オープニング スタジオジブリ『風の谷のナウシカ』より 編成: 二重奏[2] 君をのせて スタジオジブリ『天空の城ラピュタ』より 編成: 三重奏/二重奏[3] ハトと少年 スタジオジブリ『天空の城ラピュタ』より 編成: 二重奏[4] とな...
檢視完整細節Songlist: [1] なよたけ スタジオジブリ『かぐや姫の物語』より 編成: ピアノ・ソロ 難易度: 中級[2] 春のワルツ スタジオジブリ『かぐや姫の物語』より 編成: ピアノ・ソロ 難易度: 中級[3] 飛翔 スタジオジブリ『かぐや姫の物語』より 編成: ピアノ...
收錄曲目:1. Carrying You2. My Neighbor Totoro3. Hey Let's Go4. Doves and the Boy5. A Town with an Ocean View6. The Legend of Ashitaka7. Princess Monon...
檢視完整細節3 songs arranged for 4 hands, 2 pianists in easy and intermediate level.1. Carrying You2. Merry-Go-Round of Life3. My Neighbor Totoro
3 songs arranged for 4 hands, 2 pianists in entry and easy level.1. Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea2. Always with Me3. Strolling
Songlist: [1] 風の谷のナウシカ(オープニングテーマ) 「風の谷のナウシカ」より 難易度: 初中級[2] 空から降ってきた少女(君をのせて) 「天空の城ラピュタ」より 難易度: 初中級[3] となりのトトロ 「となりのトトロ」より 難易度: 初中級[4] さんぽ 「と...
檢視完整細節6 pieces from "Ghibli" arranged for many instruments such as Keyboard harmonica, Glockenspiel, Handbells, Other percussion and Piano.1. My Neighbor...
檢視完整細節不包含歌詞 收錄曲目: 1. Carrying You 2. Yasashisani Tsutsumaretanara 3. Nausicaa Requiem 4. Princess Mononoke 5. The Path of the Wind 6. Merry-Go-Round ...
檢視完整細節收錄曲目:1. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Opening Theme-2. My Neighbor Totoro3. On a Clear Day4. Le Temps des cerises(The Time of Cherries)5. P...
檢視完整細節**不包含歌詞,附薩克斯風獨奏別冊收錄曲目:1. Carrying You2. Hey Let's Go3. The Path of the Wind4. Departure5. A Town with an Ocean View6. The Legend of Ashitaka7. Merr...
檢視完整細節Songlist: 【収載曲】[1] 風の谷のナウシカ~オープニング スタジオジブリ『風の谷のナウシカ』より 編成: 二重奏[2] 君をのせて スタジオジブリ『天空の城ラピュタ』より 編成: 三重奏/二重奏[3] ハトと少年 スタジオジブリ『天空の城ラピュタ』より 編成: 二重奏[...
檢視完整細節Songlist: [1] 風の谷のナウシカ~オープニング スタジオジブリ『風の谷のナウシカ』より 編成: 二重奏[2] 君をのせて スタジオジブリ『天空の城ラピュタ』より 編成: 三重奏/二重奏[3] ハトと少年 スタジオジブリ『天空の城ラピュタ』より 編成: 二重奏[4] とな...
檢視完整細節收錄曲目:1. Nausicaa Requiem2. My Neighbor Totoro3. on a Clear Day4. Le Temps des cerises(The Time of cherries)5. Princess Mononoke6. The Legend of As...
檢視完整細節Song List(8 songs) Carrying You Hey Let's Go Cat Bus Always with Me Starting the Job The Promise of the World Princess Mononoke Ponyo on the Cliff...
檢視完整細節宫崎駿 動画音樂作品集01. 崖の上のポニョ 崖上の波兒 [崖の上のポニョ(Ponyo ) 崖上の波兒]02. 唄 蒂露之歌 [ゲド戦記地海傳說]03. 人生のメリーゴーランド 人生的旋轉木馬 [ハウルの動く城 哈爾移動城堡]04. 世界の約束 世界的約定05. いつも何度でも 與我常...
檢視完整細節14 arrangements for 11 songs from ""Castle in the Sky"". Song List: [1] 空から降ってきた少女[2] ハトと少年[3] ハトと少年[4] 愉快なケンカ(~追跡)[5] ゴンドアの思い出[6] 失意のパズー[7] シータとパズ...
檢視完整細節13 arrangements for 10 songs from ""Naucicaa"". Song List: [1] 「風の谷のナウシカ」 ~オープニング~[2] 「風の谷のナウシカ」 ~オープニング~[3] 虫愛ずる姫[4] 王蟲との交流[5] ナウシカ・レクイエム[6] 戦闘[7]...
檢視完整細節14 arrangements for 10 songs from ""My Neighbour Totoro"". Song List: [1] さんぽ[2] さんぽ[3] 五月の村[4] オバケやしき![5] すすわたり[6] おかあさん[7] 小さなオバケ[8] まいご[9] 風のとおり...
檢視完整細節Songlist: 01. Arrietty’s Song <ピアノソロ> (作曲: Simon Caby、Cecile Corbel 作詞: Cecile Corbel/伊平容子(日本語詞)) 02. Arrietty’s Song <やさしいピアノソロ> (作曲: Simon Caby、...
檢視完整細節Song List: いつも何度でも いのちの名前 崖の上のポニョ 海のおかあさん カントリーロード ~主題歌~ テルーの唄 ~歌集バージョン~ シータの決意 君をのせて 風のとおり道 さんぽ となりのトトロ もののけ姫 アシタカとサン やさしさに包まれたなら Arietty’s Song ...
檢視完整細節Songlist: 01. ■指番号と手のかたち 02. ■鍵盤と五線譜・楽譜の読み方 03. ■音符・休符の長さ 04. ■くり返し記号と演奏順 05. ◆【曲集】・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 06. Oriental Wind (作曲: ...
檢視完整細節Songlist: 01. ◆【演奏を始める前に】 02. アルト・リコーダーの選び方 03. 持ち方 04. リコーダー各部の名称 05. 取り扱い方 06. チューニング 07. リコーダーのテクニック 08. リコーダー運指表 09. ◆【リコーダ...
檢視完整細節Song List: かあさんのホウキ 作曲者:久石譲 タイアップ:「魔女の宅急便 イメージアルバム」より ナンパ通り 作曲者:久石譲 タイアップ:「魔女の宅急便 イメージアルバム」より 町の夜 作曲者:久石譲 タイアップ:「魔女の宅急便 イメージアルバム」より 元気になれそう 作曲者...
檢視完整細節Songlist: ハジマリノウタ~遠い空澄んで~ <ピアノソロ> 鋼琴獨奏1:■【演奏を始める前に】2:ソプラノリコーダーの選び方3:持ち方4:リコーダー各部の名称5:取り扱い方6:チューニング7:リコーダーのテクニック8:リコーダー運指表9:■【リコーダー・ソロ】 ~1本のリコーダーでメロ...
檢視完整細節Song List: 01. ●【天空の城ラピュタ イメージアルバム『空から降ってきた少女』より】 02. 天空の城ラピュタ (作曲: 久石譲) 03. ハトと少年 (作曲: 久石譲) 04. 鉱夫 (作曲: 久石譲) 05. 飛行石 (作曲: 久石譲) ...
檢視完整細節Song List: 「鳥の人」~エンディング~[風の谷のナウシカ] 天空の城ラピュタ[天空の城ラピュタ] 君をのせて[天空の城ラピュタ] さんぽ―オープニング主題歌―[となりのトトロ] 風のとおり道 [となりのトトロ] となりのトトロ―エンディング主題歌―[となりのトトロ] 晴れた日に…[...
檢視完整細節精選近34首宮崎駿與吉卜力工作室專輯與原聲帶「神隱少女」鋼琴樂譜集 Song List: あの日の川へ 夜が来る 神々さま 油屋 不思議の国の住人 さみしい さみしい ソリチュード 海 白い竜 千尋のワルツ あの夏へ とおり道 誰もいない料理店 夜来る 竜の少年 ボイラー虫 神さま達 湯婆婆...
檢視完整細節Songlist: The Dream of the Lambs(映画「羊と鋼の森」より) この世界の片隅に<ピアノソロ・バージョン>(ドラマ「この世界の片隅に」より) Summer(映画「菊次郎の夏」より) あの夏へ(映画「千と千尋の神隠し」より) Innocent[空から降っ...
檢視完整細節精選49首改編自宮崎駿和吉卜力工作室動畫電影「風之谷、天空之城、龍貓、魔女宅急便、歲月的童話、心之谷、紅豬、歡喜碰碰狸、魔法公主、神隱少女、霍爾的移動城堡、貓的報恩、崖上的波妞、地海戰記、借物少女艾莉緹、來自紅花坂、風起、輝曜姬物語、回憶中的瑪妮」等主題曲配樂改編為鋼琴演奏樂譜集。 Song ...
檢視完整細節Song List: naushikarekuiemu(作曲:久石讓) 風的山谷的naushikaopuningu(作曲:久石讓) 希它的決心(作曲:久石讓) gondoa的回憶(作曲:久石讓) 裝上你(作曲:久石讓作詞:宮崎駿) 按照風道路(作曲:久石讓) 散步(開放主題歌)(作曲:久石讓...
檢視完整細節Songlist: 1:■【演奏を始める前に】2:ソプラノリコーダーの選び方3:持ち方4:リコーダー各部の名称5:取り扱い方6:チューニング7:リコーダーのテクニック8:リコーダー運指表9:◆【リコーダー・ソロ】 ~1本のリコーダーでメロディーを奏でてみよう~10:風の伝説11:遠い日々~ナウ...
檢視完整細節天空之城 Laputa -The Girl Who Fell From the Sky 空から降って来た少女 -Sheeta’s Decision シータの決意 龍貓 My Neighbor Totoro -The Path of the Wind 風のとおり道 -Mother お母さ...
檢視完整細節Song List:★「紅の豚 イメージアルバム」より アドリア海の青い空 冒険飛行家の時代 真紅の翼 雲海のサボイア ピッコロ社 戦争ゴッコ ダボハゼ アドリアーノの窓 世界恐慌 マルコとジーナのテーマ ★「紅の豚 サウンドトラック」より 時代の風-人が人でいられた時- MAMMAIU...
檢視完整細節A lot of impressive music is used in the Studio Ghibli movie works. This is a collection of easy-to-play piano solo songs that contain the title so...
檢視完整細節日本卡通大師宮崎駿的作品,一直為音樂人所喜愛,其中耳熟能詳的樂曲更奠定期無國界的音樂瑰寶。 本系列精選了宮崎駿大師最為人喜愛的動畫電影中的名曲,編輯了各式樂器宮崎駿最佳名曲集,深信必得您喜愛,每冊皆附有精采的cd,不但方便學習,更可提高學習趣味與效果。
檢視完整細節精選22首宮崎駿與吉卜力工作室專輯與原聲帶「風之谷、天空之城、地海戰記、霍爾的移動城堡」、三鷹吉卜力美術館動畫短片「買下星星的日子」曲目等改編吉他樂譜集,附TAB譜,示範演奏CD。 Song List: 風の谷のナウシカ 風の伝説 久石 譲 谷への道 久石 譲 ナウシカ・レ...
檢視完整細節01. 風の谷のナウシカ(オープニング)02. ナウシカ・レクイエム03. 君をのせて04. となりのトトロ05. さんぽ06. おかあさん07. 風のとおり道08. 海の見える街09. 空飛ぶ宅急便10. 旅立ち11. やさしさに包まれたなら12. はにゅうの宿13. カントリー・ロード14...
檢視完整細節A number of masterpieces of Studio Ghibli works are included in a gentle solo guitar arrangement. All songs, model performances by Shoji Sakamoto ...
檢視完整細節收錄曲目:[1] さんぽ[2] さんぽ (中級)[3] 五月の村[4] オバケやしき![5] すすわたり[6] おかあさん[7] 小さなオバケ[8] まいご[9] 風のとおり道[10] 風のとおり道 (中級)[11] ねこバス[12] ねこバス (中級)[13] とな...
檢視完整細節吉卜力人氣曲: 豎笛二重奏、三重奏、四重奏譜集 Songlist: [1] 風の谷のナウシカ~オープニング[2] 君をのせて[3] ハトと少年[4] となりのトトロ[5] さんぽ[6] ねこバス[7] 風のとおり道[8] 海の見える街[9] 仕事はじめ[10] 晴れた日に...
檢視完整細節從「風之谷」至「回憶中的瑪妮」吉卜力工作室的熱門歌曲一應俱全! 收錄曲目:[1] 風の谷のナウシカ(オープニング)[2] ナウシカ・レクイエム[3] 空から降ってきた少女(君をのせて)[4] となりのトトロ[5] さんぽ[6] ねこバス[7] 風のとおり道[8] 海の見える...
檢視完整細節(Clarinet Solo / Clarinet and Piano). If you are a Studio Ghibli fan and play an instrument, here it is! All time favorite Studio Ghibli songs are ...
檢視完整細節在保留原曲氛圍的同時、演奏得更獨特華美 收錄曲目:[1] 鳥の人~エンディング~[2] 君をのせて[3] 海の見える街[4] ねこバス[5] となりのトトロ[6] さんぽ[7] いつも何度でも[8] 崖の上のポニョ[9] アシタカせっ記[10] 人生のメリーゴーランド
在保留原曲氛圍的同時、演奏得更獨特華美 收錄曲目:[1] 「風の谷のナウシカ」~オープニング~[2] 君をのせて[3] 晴れた日に…[4] となりのトトロ[5] 風のとおり道[6] アシタカとサン[7] 人生のメリーゴーランド[8] ふたたび[9] あの日の川[10] ...
檢視完整細節【収載曲】Oriental Wind〈サントリー緑茶「伊右衛門」CM曲〉HANA-BI〈映画「HANA-BI」より〉おくりびと〜on record〜〈映画「おくりびと」より〉「風の谷のナウシカ」-オープニング-〈映画「風の谷のナウシカ」より〉君をのせて〈映画「天空の城ラピュタ」より〉風のとお...
檢視完整細節為每個吉卜力工作室作品開發的系列。選自吉卜力工作室第一部長篇動畫《天空之城》的原聲帶和影像專輯。享受為初學者和中級水平安排的總共 14 首歌曲,包括主題曲「君をのせて」和 Pazu 的小號「ハトと少年」!*本書與《鋼琴獨奏:天空之城(GTP01085816)》內容相同。
Composer: 久石讓 Joe Hisaishi Piano: 康子妮 Lily Hong
やさしく樂しく吹けるオカリナの本 宮崎駿&スタジオジブリ編 改訂版 陶笛宮崎駿吉卜力動畫精選樂譜集(新版) Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli Collection for Ocarina Music Book (revised version) 「風の谷のナウシ...
檢視完整細節はじめての ひさしぶりの 大人のピアノ 宮崎駿&スタジオジブリ編[改訂版] THE FIRST ADULT PIANO HAYAO MIYAZAKI & STUDIO GHIBLI [REVISED EDITION] 大きく見やすい譜面と音名ふりがな付きの大人のピアノシリーズ。今作は宮...
檢視完整細節やさしく樂しく吹けるアルト‧リコーダーの本 宮崎駿&スタジオジブリ編 HAYAO MIYAZAKI AND STUDIO GHIBLI ALTO RECORDER REVISED EDITION 「風の谷のナウシカ」から「思い出のマーニー」まで、スタジオジブリ映画の人気曲を集めたアルト・リコー...
檢視完整細節ウクレレソロ&ウクレレ彈き語り ぽろろ~んウクレレ 宮崎駿&スタジオジブリ 【改訂版】 スタジオジブリの映画の名曲・人気曲を集めたウクレレ曲集です。ウクレレ・ソロとウクレレ弾き語りの両方に対応!全59曲収載。【収載曲】「風の谷のナウシカ」〜オープニング(ウクレレ・ソロ/「風の谷のナウシカ」より...
檢視完整細節スタジオジブリ ベストヒット10 中級編 決定版 Studio Ghibli Best Hit 10 Intermediate Definitive Edition (Piano) 中級でジブリを弾くなら、まずこの10曲! 中級程度玩吉卜力的話,這10首曲子必玩! 中級者に人気のジブリ作品を取...
檢視完整細節The JET is a bright saxophone mouthpiece with excellent projection, extra easy altissimo register and yet can be played with a warm versatile feel....
檢視完整細節The SUPER JET is a very contemporary sounding mouthpiece with many characteristics that have not offered in our range up until this time. It’s goin...
檢視完整細節The GIANT series introduces a new concept in saxophone mouthpiece design that we call “Stealth Metal” combining the outside shape and look of a har...
檢視完整細節Each mouthpiece in the DV Series of 24kt Gold Plated Metal Saxophone Mouthpieces delivers free blowing power with an unusually full tone. The DV's ...
檢視完整細節The SUPER JET is a very contemporary sounding mouthpiece with many characteristics that have not offered in our range up until this time. It’s goin...
檢視完整細節The JET is a bright saxophone mouthpiece with excellent projection, extra easy altissimo register and yet can be played with a warm versatile feel....
檢視完整細節The HR* (pronounced HR star) produces a beautiful warm sound with free blowing ease. This Hard Rubber Saxophone Mouthpiece features a round, medium...
檢視完整細節a contoured fit with a gentle touch on the body By conforming to the body, the strap helps make the instrument feel lighter, allowing for a larger ...
檢視完整細節CRYO4 Stage Perfect For orchestra and solo performance Warm and round sound with 4 Fine Tuner Cryogenically treated metal allows for uniform and ...
檢視完整細節TITANIUM Meet the all new HEXA Titanium, Silverstein’s flagship ligature. With the heart of a beast and the spirit of a ghost, forged from the stro...
檢視完整細節QUATTRO The QUATTRO is our affordable four-cord version with two fine tuners. It is designed to provide an open, free-blowing approach while mainta...
檢視完整細節ORIGINAL Enjoy the ligature that established the Silverstein brand. This ligature strikes a pleasing balance between flexible response and focused ...
檢視完整細節HEXA The HEXA ligature from Silverstein is a true leap forward in ligature design. With six cords and four fine tuners, this ligature offers unprec...
檢視完整細節CRYO4T Series Features Resizable (+/- 1 size) : Use a standard 1.5mm hex wrench or our Resizing Kit (sold separately) Fuller and rounder sound Str...
檢視完整細節The GAIA 4 tenor does everything previous GAIA tenor mouthpieces did, but with an incredible CORE to the sound! GAIA 4 has evolved into work of art...
檢視完整細節The DURGA 5 tenor has a fuller, richer, and more expressive sound. It is powerful and warm sounding simultaneously with an added core and thickness...
檢視完整細節The GAIA 4 alto is fully re-designed! It still has the classic alto sound, but is so much more full and alive sounding!!!! The result of the GAIA 4...
檢視完整細節The GAIA 4 alto is fully re-designed! It still has the classic alto sound, but is so much more full and alive sounding!!!! The result of the GAIA 4...
檢視完整細節The DURGA 5 alto has a big, rich and contemporary sound, but due to its unique chamber it also plays amazing ballads. The DURGA 5 does everything t...
檢視完整細節The DURGA 5 alto has a big, rich and contemporary sound, but due to its unique chamber it also plays amazing ballads. The DURGA 5 does everything t...
檢視完整細節The SHIVA IV ‘The Destroyer’ mouthpiece is TOTALLY updated…BIG! BOLD! GROWLY!!! Redesigned from the bottom up, and now without a doubt the most gna...
檢視完整細節The Theo Wanne™ WATER mouthpiece has been in Research and Development for over five years. The sound concept of the WATER is unlike any other Theo ...
檢視完整細節The MANTRA mouthpiece has a huge core sound with amazing bite and edge. This is not an Otto Link copy. It is a beautiful blend of the fatness of an...
檢視完整細節The AMBIKA IV Tenor Mouthpiece is the darkest Theo Wanne mouthpiece. It has a deep, hauntingly gorgeous tone! The AMBIKA IV has a full bodied sound...
檢視完整細節The MANTRA soprano mouthpiece has a fat projecting sound with just the right amount of edge. It’s unique rollover baffle, square window, Shark Gill...
檢視完整細節Theo Wanne is the world’s foremost expert on vintage sax mouthpieces and he understands WHY an Otto Link sounds great. So Theo utilized the best de...
檢視完整細節We designed the DURGA 5 soprano to be the fullest sounding soprano mouthpiece ever made. It is a giant leap forward in soprano mouthpiece design!!!...
檢視完整細節The FIRE is bright and fiery! Power and flexibility that will make you want to turn up the heat!! Winner of the Editor’s Choice Award from Music In...
檢視完整細節Big BIG body to the sound! A truly versatile mouthpiece that can work in all worlds, whisper or screammmm! Winner of the Editor’s Choice Award from...
檢視完整細節The MANTRA alto mouthpiece has a thick, full and clear sound versatile enough for all types of playing! It has more power than a vintage Meyer sty...
檢視完整細節Updated to NYBROS 2 with an updated baffle and floor, the NYBROS 2 has even more body and fullness to the sound. Theo Wanne is the world’s foremost...
檢視完整細節The ultimate powerhouse alto mouthpiece… is now even better in every way! Totally new technology has been created for the Mindi Abair 2 alto mouthp...
檢視完整細節LIMITED IN 2023 !!! This Limited Edition S.L.P. 14"x6" G-Kapur snare drum features a beautiful Mappa Burl outer ply, 10mm/11ply Kapur shell, and Bl...
檢視完整細節Songlist: ウィーアー!<3部> 銀河鉄道999 <2部> さんぽ <2部> はじめてのチュウ <3部> やさしさに包まれたなら <3部> 生きてこそ <2部(DIV.あり)> 七色アーチ <3部> カントリーロード <3部> 夢をかなえてドラえもん <2部> アララの呪文 <2部>...
【収載曲】[1] 深愛 / 水樹 奈々 テレビアニメ『WHITE ALBUM』オープニングテーマ 編成: ピアノ・ソロ 難易度: 中級[2] ETERNAL BLAZE / 水樹 奈々 テレビアニメ『魔法少女リリカルなのはA'S』オープニングテーマ 編成: ピアノ・ソロ 難易度: ...
檢視完整細節This artist collection contains 18 famous songs by RADWIMPS, and arrange them for piano playing. Songlist: 01. ふたりごと アーティスト: RADWINPS(作曲: 野田洋次郎 作詞:...
檢視完整細節28 piano solos for the music that envelops you as you lose yourself in the world of video games. Song List: Angry Birds Theme Assassin's Creed III...
檢視完整細節Songlist: [1] 夢灯籠 / RADWIMPS 編成: サックス/ピアノ 難易度: 中級[2] 前前前世 (movie ver.) / RADWIMPS 編成: サックス/ピアノ 難易度: 中級[3] スパークル (movie ver.) / RADWIMPS 編成: サ...
檢視完整細節Songlist: [1] 夢灯籠 / RADWIMPS 編成: フルート/ピアノ 難易度: 中級[2] 前前前世 (movie ver.) / RADWIMPS 編成: フルート/ピアノ 難易度: 中級[3] スパークル (movie ver.) / RADWIMPS 編成: フル...
檢視完整細節Songlist: [1] 夢灯籠 / RADWIMPS 編成: ピアノ・ソロ 難易度: 上級[2] 前前前世(movie ver.) / RADWIMPS 編成: ピアノ・ソロ 難易度: 上級[3] スパークル(movie ver.) / RADWIMPS 編成: ピアノ・ソロ ...
檢視完整細節Songlist: [1] 夢灯籠 / RADWIMPS 編成: ピアノ・ソロ 難易度: 初級[2] 三葉の通学 / RADWIMPS 編成: ピアノ・ソロ 難易度: 初級[3] 糸守高校 / RADWIMPS 編成: ピアノ・ソロ 難易度: 初級[4] ふたりの異変 / RADW...
檢視完整細節Songlist: [1] 夢灯籠 / RADWIMPS 編成: ピアノ・ソロ 難易度: 中級[2] 三葉の通学 / RADWIMPS 編成: ピアノ・ソロ 難易度: 中級[3] 糸守高校 / RADWIMPS 編成: ピアノ・ソロ 難易度: 中級[4] はじめての、東京 / RA...
檢視完整細節15 arrangements with ""beautiful"", ""stylish"" and ""gorgeous"" sounds. Song List: [1] サザエさん / サザエさん[2] ドラえもんのうた / ドラえもん[3] 夢をかなえてドラえもん / ドラえもん[4...
檢視完整細節15 arrangements from the themes of the TV program ""Kamen Rider"" Song List: 【Band Score】[1] レッツゴー!! ライダーキック (仮面ライダー) / 藤 浩一 / メールハーモニー[2] 仮面ライダー...
檢視完整細節Songlist: 01. ファイナルファンタジーシリーズより「プレリュード」 <ピアノソロ> (作曲: 植松伸夫) 02. ファイナルファンタジーシリーズより「プレリュード」 <やさしいピアノソロ> (作曲: 植松伸夫) 03. ファイナルファンタジーシリーズより「...
檢視完整細節Songlist: 交響詩「希望」第一楽章 序曲(ピアノ・ソロ) 交響詩「希望」第二楽章 賢者の行進(ピアノ・ソロ) 交響詩「希望」第三楽章 ロード・オブ・ホープ(ピアノ・ソロ) 交響詩「希望」第四楽章 ロマンス(ピアノ・ソロ) 交響詩「希望」第五楽章 ロード・オブ・ホープ~リフレイン(ピア...
檢視完整細節Songlist: 01. めざせポケモンマスター アーティスト: 松本梨香(作曲: たなかひろかず 作詞: 戸田昭吾) 02. ライバル! アーティスト: 松本梨香(作曲: たなかひろかず 作詞: 戸田昭吾) 03. OK! アーティスト: 松本梨香(作曲: たなか...
檢視完整細節Songlist: 進めゴレンジャー ああ電子戦隊デンジマン 超新星フラッシュマン 五星戦隊ダイレンジャー 星獣戦隊ギンガマン JIKU~未来戦隊タイムレンジャー~ ガオレンジャー吼えろ!! ハリケンジャー参上! 爆竜戦隊アバレンジャー 特捜戦隊デカレンジャー 魔法戦隊マジレンジャー ...
檢視完整細節Song List: Make it!/i☆Ris ミラクル☆パラダイス/i☆Ris Realize!/i☆Ris ドリームパレード/i☆Ris ブライトファンタジー/i☆Ris Goin'on/i☆Ris Ready Smile!!/i☆Ris プリパラ☆ダンシング!!!/らぁら&ガァルル...
檢視完整細節After decades of anticipation, Alfred Music is proud to release the officially licensed, collectible sheet music companion folios to the Super Mari...
檢視完整細節Now classical guitarists can play 14 masterpieces from Star Wars with this collection, including: Cantina Band • Duel of the Fates • Han Solo and t...
檢視完整細節14 selections from all seven Star Wars films, arranged and approved by John Williams for easy guitar. Includes: Across the Stars • Cantina Band • D...
檢視完整細節The Rise of Skywalker marks the last Star Wars film for which John Williams will compose the score. This collection features 13 Williams-approved p...
檢視完整細節This is an ensemble song collection of only popular anime theme songs. The composition is a trio arrangement that has been devised so that it can b...
檢視完整細節新版 New Edition: 119/GTW01101332 https://www.tomleemusic.com.hk/products/anime-themes-for-trombone-ensemble-長號合奏動漫歌曲精選-新版-new-edition This is an ens...
檢視完整細節This is an ensemble song collection of only popular anime theme songs. The composition is a trio arrangement that has been devised so that it can b...
檢視完整細節This is an ensemble song collection of only popular anime theme songs. The composition is a trio arrangement that has been devised so that it can b...
檢視完整細節This songbook features piano solo arrangements from the blockbuster seventh installment of the Star Wars® saga featuring more music by John William...
檢視完整細節1:炎 <ピアノ弾き語り>2:炎 <ピアノ・ソロ>3:炎 <やさしいピアノ・ソロ>
以劍和魔法的奇幻世界為舞台的動作冒險遊戲「薩爾達傳說」系列,在1986年於日本任天堂FC磁碟機推出第1作「薩爾達傳說」後,便因為迷人的故事、多彩多姿的動作以及解謎要素而大受歡迎。 本書收錄這部 不只是在日本,而是在全世界都擁有超高人氣的動作冒險「薩爾達傳說」系列各代共33首世界各地玩家們所鍾愛...
檢視完整細節After decades of anticipation, Alfred is proud to release the officially licensed, collectible sheet music companion folios to The Legend of Zel...
檢視完整細節Video game soundtracks both old and new feature work by some of the greatest composers of our time. Orchestras all over the world play entire conce...
檢視完整細節The soundtrack to Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda(tm): Spirit Tracks is packed with melodic themes that sound great on the piano! With this offic...
檢視完整細節程度: Late Intermediate / Early Advanced 進階中級/初進階系列簡介:巡迴演出的管弦樂隊表演《薩爾達傳說:女神交響曲》展示了無與倫比的《薩爾達傳說》電玩遊戲系列中近30年的音樂,以四種動作現場表演並帶有多媒體支持。 對於那些希望將史詩般的音樂栩栩如生的...
檢視完整細節程度: Late Intermediate / Early Advanced 初中級/初進階系列簡介:“《薩爾達傳說:女神交響曲》的補編中包含了全新的樂章“天空之劍””和““曠野之息”兩首附贈的曲目。對於那些想要將這種史詩般的音樂栩栩如生的人來說,這本補充作品集將這兩首作品展示為鋼琴獨...
檢視完整細節さらなる領域への誘い…。南澤大介が奏でるFFワールド。ファン待望の第2弾!! ダイアグラム譜、奏法解説など細部にわたって、さらに詳しく充実した待望の改訂版です。ベスト・トラックをギター1本で演奏する、ファイナルファンタジー・ギター・スコアの決定版。ファン投票によるリクエストを含めたベスト曲をソ...
檢視完整細節収載曲 [1] マジLOVEレボリューションズ/ST☆RISH (CV. 寺島 拓篤・鈴村 健一・谷山 紀章・宮野 真守・諏訪部 順一・下野 紘・鳥海 浩輔)[2] マジLOVE2000%/ST☆RISH (CV. 寺島 拓篤・鈴村 健一・谷山 紀章・宮野 真守・諏訪部 順一・下野 紘・鳥海 ...
檢視完整細節【収載曲】一途逆夢Greatest StrengthThis Is Pure Love廻廻奇譚Your Battle is My Battle ft. Chica呪術廻戦強く聡い仲間虚式「茈」REMEMBER
全22曲収載。 【収載曲】君をのせて(映画「天空の城ラピュタ」より)となりのトトロ(映画「となりのトトロ」より)カントリー・ロード(主題歌)(映画「耳をすませば」より)いつも何度でも(映画「千と千尋の神隠し」より)ひこうき雲(映画「風立ちぬ」より)名探偵コナン メイン・テーマ(TVアニメ「名探...
檢視完整細節鬼滅之刃無限列車篇片頭曲:享受各級編排樂趣的鋼琴譜 收錄曲目:[1] 明け星/LiSA (初級)[2] 明け星/LiSA (中級)[3] 明け星/LiSA (高級)
Solo arrangements of 10 favorite selections from the blockbuster movie. The price of this book includes access to online audio demonstration and ba...
檢視完整細節精選11首暢銷電影星際大戰六部曲配樂,改編為單簧管演奏曲,隨書附樂團CD伴奏,跟著CD伴奏,讓好聽的配樂完美地襯托出您的演奏。 For the first time, Star Wars® A Musical Journey (Music from Episodes I-VI): Instru...
檢視完整細節附線上音頻網址及每本不同的連結存取密碼,您可以上網直接聆聽或存取這些音檔。 收錄曲目:•Farewell And The Trip (from STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS)•Finn's Confession (from STAR WARS: THE FORCE ...
檢視完整細節バンドスコア HIT5シリーズ Vol.02 アニメヒット 1 收錄5首熱門動漫歌曲的樂隊樂譜和指南 【曲目】[1] 紅蓮の弓矢/Linked Horizon (進擊的巨人)[2] 自由の翼/Linked Horizon (進擊的巨人)[3] 残酷な天使のテーゼ/高橋 洋子 (新世紀福音戰士)...
檢視完整細節收錄了 TV 卡通「進擊的巨人」主題曲的鋼琴迷你專輯! !產品描述包括由 Linked Horizon 演唱的《紅蓮之弓箭手》和《自由之翼》,以及片尾主題曲《Utsukushiki Zanko Taka na Sekai》和《Great Escape》。 從快節奏的搖滾樂到帶有令人印象深刻...
檢視完整細節深受兒童和成人歡迎的 鬼滅之刃主題曲:「LISA - 紅蓮華」現在已提供"各種編曲"供大家彈奏!除了適合初級到高級的獨奏編曲外,一共有7種模式供一人或多人演奏,例如可用於小提琴等樂器獨奏的“歌曲和鋼琴伴奏”,以及 2~4人可以聯彈的鋼琴合奏曲。 除了獨奏樂譜外,還有用QR Code就可以讀取的...
檢視完整細節用鋼琴彈奏人氣動畫「SPY x FAMILY」的主題曲! 收錄了 OP《Mixed Nuts》(ミックスナッツ) 和 ED《喜劇》,並提供不同難度的鋼琴獨奏譜,《Mixed Nuts》更有4手聯彈版本。除了樂譜外,還附上了全彩特典:人物介紹和動畫中的場景,讓你再一次重溫動畫情節!
有5首歌曲只編有副歌旋律,易於演奏,可以用一隻手輕鬆彈奏,小手也可以。 可以先試著用一隻手彈奏旋律,當覺得有信心時,再試著用雙手彈奏。任何人都可以從拿起樂譜的那一天起享受輕鬆彈唱的樂趣。 帶有Doremi 唱名簡譜!孩子們即使不擅長使用樂譜,也可以通過 Doremi 唱名簡譜,快速上手彈唱他們...
檢視完整細節任何人都可以輕鬆上手!初學者也沒有問題! J-pop Song Book for Beginners (Piano and Vocal) 「如果我能用鋼琴彈唱那首歌……」只要你想便能實現!“邊唱邊彈”其實很難,但有這本書就沒有問題!為了兼顧同時“唱”和“彈”,伴奏樂譜經過了重新編排。您可...
檢視完整細節J-POP Best Hit 2022 Jan - Jun Piano Song Book 不只有 J-POP 熱門歌曲,還有電視劇、TV 動畫主題曲和在網絡上流行的歌曲,例如人氣動畫 Spy x Family 主題曲《Mixed Nuts》、印象深刻的電視劇插曲《Far Away》、流行組...
檢視完整細節A J-POP hit song that everyone wants to play.Easy arrangement, do-re-mi furigana, important finger numbers included (easy-to-play piano solo) 每個人都想...
Updates - modwave System Updater v1.1 and Sound Editor, Sample Builder are now available! Click the image to learn more! Synthesis powerhouse wi...
檢視完整細節Next generation analog for everyone UNO Synth Pro gives you the power to create nearly any analog synth sound you can imagine. With its unique dual...
檢視完整細節Your musical centerpiece. Powerful entertainment keyboard with professional Roland sounds, auto-accompaniment features, full-range stereo speakers,...
檢視完整細節附送YAMAHA原廠琴櫈 CVP旗艦款系列的表現力與平台鋼琴並駕齊驅,且同時提供數百種其他樂器音效。 CFX 和Bösendorfer Imperial的取樣、CFX 雙耳道取樣 配備配重功能的 GrandTouch™ 88 鍵線性漸進式琴槌 GP 響應制音踏板 1,605 音色...
檢視完整細節The Valencia Tamburello Calabria Key-Tuned Tambourine features low bass tone fundamentals. Constructed with an Acousticon® shell, a Key-Tuned Skynd...
檢視完整細節Remo 50 Series pre-tuned Tubano drums are an excellent option for your music classroom, therapy session, or virtually any drumming situation! They ...
檢視完整細節Compatible for all products that are equipped with REMO Mondo heads;Black;Excellent alternative when a high volume is undesired; Ideal for schools,...
檢視完整細節The NEW Tri-Agogos and Tri-Bells offer 3 bells in one package. Designed to be hand-held or mountable upon any of the popular 3/8" accessory holders...
檢視完整細節An extra wide cajon with bongo cajons built into the side, you can sit in any one of three directions and play different instruments or sit forward...
檢視完整細節The fully tunable LP Pandeiro has a lightweight, 10" hardwood shell, black synthetic head and a flush rim with hook style tension rods. Each set of...
檢視完整細節This unique drum has a thunderous punch and explosive power. Constructed of a 1mm beaded steel shell, it features a resonant head-free design. Amp ...
檢視完整細節The fully tunable LP Pandeiro has a lightweight, 10” hardwood shell, natural drum head and a flush rim with hook style tension rods. Each set of pl...
檢視完整細節Reintroduced by popular demand, the LP Tri-Bells began their life when the smallest bell was found in an antique shop and tuned to blend with our T...
檢視完整細節LP Aspire Cowbells are a great value with the right sound and style for the intermediate player. Each offers different tones. The convenient wing s...
檢視完整細節The Precise OS Cajon models captivate with Schlagwerk’s typical pared-down basic design coupled with the natural beauty of the selected woods and v...
檢視完整細節Thanks to its hammered stainless steel jingles, the JSR100 produces a rich, beautifully balanced sound without being overpowering. When combined wi...
檢視完整細節The stainless steel jingles of the JSR80 are what make this Jingle Stick a universal replacement for the tambourine. The number of jingles in parti...
檢視完整細節The brass jingles are imbued with a completely unique character. These small jingles are associated with everything from sleigh bells to festive cy...
檢視完整細節LP's taken our three most popular cajon accessories — The Cajon Throne (LP1445), Foot Tambourine (LP188) and Small Cajon Castanet (LP433) — and pac...
檢視完整細節The LP Cyclops Tambourine is ergonomically designed for the ultimate in player comfort. Its unique, patented shape is designed to reduce stress on ...
檢視完整細節Medium weight Constructed of wipe clean plastic For Ages 4+ (Not for Children 0-3) Filled with non-toxic steel shot Patented
The most durable rhythm sticks on the market Rub the sticks together to create sounds of the Latin guiro Dishwasher-safe plastic Safety approved f...
檢視完整細節"Mini Maracas" in bright colour pink, 1 pair, Dimensions: 13 cm / 5 cm / 5 cm, Patented Non-toxic, safety approved for ages 3 and up Complies to U...
檢視完整細節Remo's headless tambourines feature a traditional open jingle sound in a lightweight economical design. The Headless Tambourine provides a classic ...
檢視完整細節The Babies Make Music Kit provides the ideal instruments to ignite an early love of music for infants ranging in age from birth to 2 years. Equippe...
檢視完整細節CP Tunable Wood Tambourines have bright, cutting jingles that sound great at any tuning.
These solid metal shells with bright cutting jingles are a great tambourine at a terrific value. Designed for the beginner this durable tambourine ...
檢視完整細節This LP Salsa Bell has a resounding deep pitch with lively overtones, making it perfect for any Latin rhythm. The eye-bolt fits 3/8” diameter rods....
檢視完整細節The LP Salsa Hand Held Bell delivers a dominant fundamental tone with medium pitch and an authentic "Salsa" sound that cuts through even the loudes...
檢視完整細節The hand held LP Salsa Bongo Cowbell is a high pitched bell with bright overtones that cut through the loudest of bands. Made in the USA.
The Piccolo Jam Block is LP’s highest pitch block. Crafted from the indestructible material Jenigor, LP Jam Blocks produce rich, cutting tone and a...
檢視完整細節Create spooky sound effects and unique percussion textures with the LP Flex-A-Tone! The LP1-5 brings the singing saw sound to a single hand, featur...
檢視完整細節This blue LP Jam Block produces a clear, high-pitched sound. Crafted from the indestructible material Jenigor, LP Jam Blocks produce rich, cutting ...
檢視完整細節LP's original, innovative and patented Jam Block is the best-selling block on the market. In that spirit, LP introduces the Stealth Jam Block (LP 1...
檢視完整細節This red LP Jam Block produces a reliable medium-pitched sound. Crafted from the indestructible material Jenigor, LP Jam Blocks produce rich, cutti...
檢視完整細節Created from LP's Bellastic Plastic, they add musical and visual color. Sharp, cutting sound with explosive punch. Blocks have eye-bolt assemblies ...
檢視完整細節Padded cajon seat for added player comfort during extended play. ***Cajon sold separately***
The LP mountable Cyclops Tambourine is designed for the ultimate in playability for any drummer or percussionist. The durable frame is formulated t...
檢視完整細節LP RAW Sound Enhancers connect to most triple flanged hoops with an exclusive magnetic clamping system and come in three unique styles for you to c...
檢視完整細節Based on its Black Beauty® Cowbell, LP makes its Collect-A-Bell series using a special process that embeds the graphics into the metal surface, ens...
檢視完整細節Developed and introduced by LP over 40 years ago, the Afuche®/Cabasa has become one of the most essential percussion instruments in history. Loops ...
檢視完整細節Developed and introduced by LP over 40 years ago, the Afuche®/Cabasa has become one of the most essential percussion instruments in history. Loops ...
檢視完整細節The LP Mount-All Chimes Bracket fits cymbal stands up to 1-1/8” to mount LP Bar Chimes. Chrome plated steel Mounts to stands up to 1-1/8" diamet...
檢視完整細節The Black Swamp steel Artisan triangle can be used for a light sound in more delicate passages. The steel Artisan triangles sound rich and dynamic....
檢視完整細節How did this shaker come to be named Longshort? The basis for developing the SK25 was providing maximum variability in the smallest of spaces. Than...
檢視完整細節The Barista’s balance of sound control and sound character is complemented by the CP410ST’s force-absorbing SoftTouch technology from Schlagwerk. T...
檢視完整細節African-style kalimbas—or thumb pianos—are among the few percussion instruments that create genuine melodic notes. Their distinctive tones are ofte...
檢視完整細節African-style kalimbas—or thumb pianos—are among the few percussion instruments that create genuine melodic notes. Their distinctive tones are ofte...
檢視完整細節Pearl aluminum Hex Ganzas are uniquely shaped shakers that produce threeseparate sounds by simply shaking them against different sides of thei...
檢視完整細節The PBP612 features 6 sets of Platinellas, a plastic head, and includes a snappy looking carry bag.
The LP Salsa Rawhide Maraca is one of the world’s most widely used percussive instruments. The natural specially prepared rawhide shells and exclus...
檢視完整細節Latin Percussion introduces a new addition to its line of premium, U. S. made cowbells with the guira cowbell. Handmade from quality stainless stee...
檢視完整細節LP's Fiberskyn conga heads - made by Remo and branded with the LP logo - fit conga drums with LP's EZ-Curve rims. This synthetic head has the tone ...
檢視完整細節Fits Many LP Conga Models 11" Diameter Synthetic Head Crimped Collar Synthetic Material for Consistent Tuning Center Dot to Manage Overtones Won...
檢視完整細節Fits Many LP Conga Models 11 3/4" Diameter Rawhide Head Tucked Collar Real Rawhide for Authentic Sound Warm, Deep Tone Susceptible to Changes in W...
檢視完整細節Fits LP Giovanni Palladium Series Congas 14" Diameter Rawhide Head Tucked Collar Real Rawhide for Authentic Sound Warm, Deep Tone Susceptible to C...
檢視完整細節The fully tunable LP Pandeiro has a lightweight, 12” hardwood shell, black synthetic head and a flush rim with hook style tension rods. Each set of...
檢視完整細節The LP Mini Merengue Guiro is an essential when performing merengue music. A stainless-steel body featuring an open-ended design and a tightly text...
檢視完整細節This 10” maple shell tambourine with an ergonomic grip handle is perfect in a live or studio setting. Brass jingles are warm and full bodied; perfe...
檢視完整細節Genuine rawhide head fits Galaxy series Requinto. Provides a deep, rich sound. Features 9-3/4" Diameter Head for Galaxy Series Requinto Congas Gen...
檢視完整細節Mini-Timbale Head Black Plastic Warm Resonant Available in 6" & 8" sizes
The LP Aspire Agudo Bell is a compact cowbell with bright overtones. The mounting mechanism accommodates rods up to 3/8”. 4-5/8" Mountable, Blac...
檢視完整細節The LP Aspire Rock Cowbell is a low pitched bell with dry overtones, perfect for the drum set player. The mounting mechanism accommodates rods up t...
檢視完整細節The Pearl New Yorker Low-Pitched Cha Cha Cowbell is designed to produce a traditional salsa sound, made out of a single piece of steel for durabili...
檢視完整細節The Pearl CAJH-100 Cajon Holster Accessory Holder is a heavy weight black nylon covering that easily attaches to the top and side of virtually any ...
檢視完整細節Metal construction Colour: Black 2 Tones - high and low tone
Don’t Conform! Make your own rules! Start your revolt with the New PAR100 Anarchy Crasher. This latest addition to the Pearl Percussion Anarchy ...
檢視完整細節Pearl's line of Brazilian Percussion Instruments brings modern refinements and Pearl quality to the traditional Samba products.Features: Steel She...
檢視完整細節The Pearl Rocar features brass and steel platinellas to create the loud, brazen jingle sound that these instruments are known for in a samba band. ...
檢視完整細節Pearl's authentic Brazilian tamborim includes the Quick Draw mount for handheld or mounted playing. The eye-catching yellow and green color scheme ...
檢視完整細節Pearl Percussion PDZ510 Brazilian Pandanza combines an 8" pandeiro with an agogo bell. Allows for a wide variety of effects and playing possibilities.
The PETM20, is an Elite series concert Tambourine. A professional quality instrument equally at home in the concert hall or the recording studio, i...
檢視完整細節Pearl drums and hardware have been the choice of thousands of drummers for many years. The rattler is a vital component of any concert percussionis...
檢視完整細節The revolutionary Pearl Ultra Grip Tambourine with Jingle Control features an innovative design that lets you match your sound to your playing styl...
檢視完整細節The Toca Player's Series Cajon is ideal for beginning drummers who don't want to compromise sound quality for affordability. Instead of loading...
檢視完整細節Remo HK-3000-HW Irish Bodhran Tipper is a lathe-turned two headed wooden tipper. Great for playing any type of bodhran.
LP Tambo-Rings were designed to add a jingle effect to a variety of drums, cymbals and other percussion instruments. Simply place on any batter h...
檢視完整細節LP Tambo-Rings were designed to add a jingle effect to a variety of drums, cymbals and other percussion instruments. Simply place on any batter h...
檢視完整細節The Black Swamp Percussion Professional Castanet Mounting Frame features a powder coated aluminum frame that looks stylish with a slick, ergonomic ...
檢視完整細節LP Bar Chimes are designed for virtually any musical setting and are crafted from a specially formulated tempered aluminum alloy to provide brigh...
檢視完整細節LP Single Castanets are made with select wood for a pure, traditional tone. Secured by a durable nylon cord, they are mounted to wooden handle that...
檢視完整細節Logjam Prolog® has become the standard to beat. Its incredibly low stomping angle, high output and integral board have made it the choice of profes...
檢視完整細節Ahead ARCAJ2 Armor deluxe Cajon case with backpack straps. • Sherpa Fleece Lining• Weatherproof Exterior• DX Core• Accessories Pocket• Carrying Ha...
檢視完整細節Cymbal Crown provides super-fast setup and tear down of your cymbals. Eliminates metal to metal contact while stopping rattle sounds, keyholes, and...
檢視完整細節CYMBAG is a single individual bag protector with a radial opening, which lets you manipulate the cymbal without touching it directly. These cymbal ...
檢視完整細節Features: Square Beater Colour: Red Material: Hardwood Black steel shaft Fits all pedals
The Big Fat Bling Ring White Copper from BFSD is no mere tambourine. Sure, it's capable of that effect. But think of it more as a mobile tambouri...
檢視完整細節Big Fat Snare Drum Head - "The Shining" Features: Mirrored Mylar Head Thinner and Snappier than "The Original"
Big Fat Snare Drum Head - "The Shining Donut" Features: Mirrored Mylar Head Thinner and Snappier than "The Original" 6" Center Circle Cutout
For the session drummer who needs a dry, controlled tone in the studio and the live player who needs to cover extra ground onstage, the BFSD Quesad...
檢視完整細節Recording engineers have been blending tambourine with snare backbeats for decades. The Snare-Bourine-Donut from Big Fat Snare Drum solves two clas...
檢視完整細節13" Big Fat Snare Drum Head - "Swiss Ride" Dry out any Ride or Cymbal with the Big Fat Snare Drum Swiss Ride. Simply place the 5" center cutout ove...
檢視完整細節Recording engineers have been blending tambourine with snare backbeats for decades. The Snare-Bourine from Big Fat Snare Drum solves two classic ...
檢視完整細節Get twice as much tone from your favorite 14" snare drum with the addition of a Big Fat Snare Drum Donut XL. When you drop this special ring on y...
檢視完整細節Turn your modern snare drum sound into massive vintage-style tone with Steve's Donut from Big Fat Snare Drum. Steve's Donut is a slightly expande...
檢視完整細節The fat, dry '70s snare sound is one of few constants in rock 'n' roll. Your favorite drummers had to resort to taping T-shirts and tea towels to t...
檢視完整細節The Backpack Cymbal Case from Tackle Instrument Supply is a stylish, durable case that transports your prized cymbals to and from the gig and prote...
檢視完整細節Cutting your own port hole just got a lot easier. The Bass Drum O's Hole Cutter works like a circular glass cutter: you push the center punch throu...
檢視完整細節Economy model with all the great features of Armor Cases. Excluding the Dyna Zip. Comes with a Handle on top. • Sherpa Fleece Lining• Weatherproof ...
檢視完整細節This versatile piezoelectric drum trigger connects to any recording interface or drum module with a 1/4" input, giving your acoustic kit the benefi...
檢視完整細節Little Booty Shakers are applied to a snare drum stand (used with a snare or small tom), with the same principles as our Original Booty Shakers: ...
檢視完整細節Designed to cut, all S Family Rock models offer the volume and projection when you need it most. Larger diameters = more cut and more volume. Get a...
檢視完整細節Express yourself with this great add-on effects pack, featuring an 18" crash and a 17" trash crash for quick, bright and trashy accents.Cymbals inc...
檢視完整細節Join the greatest legacy in music by playing drums loud and hard with the A Zildjian Rock Cymbal Pack. This explosive collection features the iconi...
檢視完整細節Features crisp, sweet, sophisticated cymbals with a modern sound. Zildjian A Custom cymbals are made using radical rotary hammering techniques, thi...
檢視完整細節Features cymbals that have shaped musical history. One of the most popular and versatile cymbals used by musicians for generations, the A Zildjian ...
檢視完整細節The rhythmic tones and strong vocals of Gospel music need a bright, cutting sound that is both shimmering and able to be heard. The Zildjian Gospel...
檢視完整細節The K Zildjian Country Pack features cymbals are hand-picked for the country music genre. You get 15" Light hi-hats for sensitive dynamics and a th...
檢視完整細節The Essential Plus pack features a 13" hihat pair, a versatile 18" crash/ride, and an extra 14" crash to round out your sound.Cymbals included:- 13...
檢視完整細節Start your I Family journey with the essentials! This cymbal pack features hihats and a versatile crash / ride that will ignite your performance an...
檢視完整細節Looking to add a little color and individuality to your setup? Expand your sound with an extra crash and a 14" trash crash that can also be used as...
檢視完整細節The Pro Gig Pack expands on the standard sizes, adding a second crash for maximum expressiveness. A 14" hihat pair, 16" and 18" crashes and full 20...
檢視完整細節Warm and powerful, the TAMA Bubinga Starphonic Snare's reduced shell thickness gives you a massive sound with with rich tone and full resonance. TA...
檢視完整細節The TAMA Starphonic Copper Sanre is a premium metal snare worthy of the TAMA Star Reserve name. Its premium-grade 1.2mm copper shell is hand-crafte...
檢視完整細節Bright and powerful, the TAMA Stainless Steel Starphonic Snare delivers a vibrant, resonant overtone over a solid fundamental. TAMA innovations suc...
檢視完整細節Boasting a rich tonality with plenty of low-mid punch, the TAMA Starphonic Walnut Snare Drum delivers a luxuriously fat sound that's perfect for ro...
檢視完整細節TAMA's 6.5" x 14" Woodworks snare drum delivers a balanced tone that drummers playing in any genre or style will appreciate. Decked out in an attra...
檢視完整細節TAMA PBR146 Starphonic brass snare is ideal for drummers who need a great sounding snare drum that is reliable and easy to work with. The 6" x 14" ...
檢視完整細節The Tama STARPHONIC PST137 Snare Drum offers top-of-the-line sound at an affordable price Combining new, innovative hardware and a 1mm thick steel...
檢視完整細節Tama Starphonic系列軍鼓保持了在“鼓中最強的名字”中所期望的傳奇般的強度,耐用性和質量,但是具有現代工作鼓手所期望的軍鼓所具有的當前功能和美學。 6x14 Starphonic軍鼓鼓具有一個1毫米的薄鍍鎳鎳串珠外殼,上面有帶凹槽的鐵環和TAMA的Freedom Lug,使你無需鬆...
檢視完整細節This Limited Edition 14"x7" G-Maple snare drum with Zebrawood outer ply is built on the foundation of a thicker 11mm, 12-ply Maple shell, generatin...
檢視完整細節TAMA's Star series drums represent the very best in consistent production quality, proven shell design, and fastidious attention to detail, and the...
檢視完整細節Crafted from a 3mm, hand-hammered aluminum shell, the TAMA Star Reserve Hand Hammered Aluminum Snare Drum brings a unique voice to the renowned Sta...
檢視完整細節The TCS1455H is the first metal snare to be worthy of the TAMA Star Reserve name. Its premium-grade 1.5mm brass shell is hand hammered to achieve t...
檢視完整細節Bright and powerful, the TAMA Aluminum Starphonic Snare gives you massive, crisp attack and complex overtones. TAMA innovations such as their Freed...
檢視完整細節The TAMA S.L.P. G-Maple Snare Drum is a classic maple shell snare that delivers all the punch and pristine tone that players have come to love in a...
檢視完整細節The 12" TAMA Soundworks Maple is no mere side snare. This firecracker en potentia packs an explosive punch that sounds downright massive under clos...
檢視完整細節This steel snare drum offers a bright tone with a tight crispness in high-tuning and a smooth resonance in low-tuning. A 1.2mm matte black steel sh...
檢視完整細節The evolution of Starclassic from maple, birch, bubinga, birch/bubinga continues, and now - after intense analysis, rigorous research, development ...
檢視完整細節The combination of maple/birch projects with the warmth of maple and the clarity of birch. Tones are clean, articulate and very well balanced. The ...
檢視完整細節The 14x7 G-Maple snare drum offers a robust combination of a thick shell and hoop. With its 10mm, 12-ply shell, the Tama LGM147GTO packs some serio...
檢視完整細節The rich tone and resonance of the TAMA Star Stave Shell snare drum comes courtesy of its 10mm walnut shell, constructed from 16 individual staves....
檢視完整細節The Tama Star line of drums are taking artisan craftsmanship to the next level. We are absolutely blown away by the attention to detail paid to the...
檢視完整細節Take home a piece of TAMA history with the collectible Star maple snare drum - one of only five available in the USA. This stunning and musical TAM...
檢視完整細節The warm, responsive tone of the TAMA Star Solid Shell snare drum comes courtesy of its solid mahogany shell. The tone is pleasantly warm and soft ...
檢視完整細節The TCS1465H is the first metal snare to be worthy of the TAMA Star Reserve name. Its premium-grade 1.5mm copper shell is hand hammered to achieve ...
檢視完整細節The latest signature snare from Grammy Award-winning session drummer Ronald Bruner Jr. (Suicidal Tendencies, Kendrick Lamar) is the hybrid TAMA RB1...
檢視完整細節The smallest among the Simon Phillip Signature models.SP125H - The PageantSimon's main snare drum, "The Monarch", produces never-heard-before tones...
檢視完整細節Jazz legend Peter Erskine’s 10x6 in. signature snare drum was developed with one of his favorite STAR snare drums in mind—the Stave Ash model. Tama...
檢視完整細節The Tama MT1440 Metalworks 4" x 14" snare drum has a slightly thicker 1.2mm steel shell and triple flanged hoops, giving you the best possible stee...
檢視完整細節The Tama MT1255 Metalworks 5.5" x 12" snare drum has a slightly thicker 1.2mm steel shell and triple flanged hoops, giving you the best possible st...
檢視完整細節Titan-sized snares like the Tama S.L.P. Big Black Steel snare drum have been enormously popular with drummers, especially if they're into heavier s...
檢視完整細節Expect huge, bright, penetrating tone from the TAMA S.L.P. Vintage Hammered Steel snare drum. This 5.5" x 14" snare drum boasts a 1.2mm hammered st...
檢視完整細節TAMA's SLP Sonic Stainless Steel snare drum is one of the hardest-hitting affordable snare drums around. Part of TAMA's Sound Lab Project (SLP), th...
檢視完整細節The limited Studio Maple 5.5x14 snare drum features a stunning hand-applied Lacquered Charcoal Oyster finish and 100% Maple hoops in matte black. T...
檢視完整細節Kapur is a tonewood that has garnered the attention of drummers due to its lively, open sound and strong projection. This Tama SLP Dynamic Kapur Sn...
檢視完整細節The TAMA S.L.P. New-Vintage Hickory is built from six plies of select American hickory — a relative newcomer to the snare market . Paired with its ...
檢視完整細節With a wide dynamic range and a fat, warm sound, the TAMA S.L.P. G-Walnut snare drum would be a great addition to any acoustic drum kit. This 6.5" ...
檢視完整細節John Tempesta's signature sound can be described as tight, loud, and aggressive. The 7x14 Tama John Tempesta Signature Series Snare Drum is the per...
檢視完整細節For a lively snare with incredible clarity, you can't go wrong with the TAMA SLP G-Maple snare drum. It's got a meaty attack with exceptional snap,...
檢視完整細節With its 1.2mm aluminum shell and pronounced center bead, the LAL1455 is a clear nod to some of history's most sought-after snare drums. The TAMA S...
檢視完整細節The TAMA Drums KA145N is a great all-around snare drum with a lot of crack and attack, warmth and wide tuning range.The shell on the Tama KA145N 5"...
檢視完整細節For aggressive rock to delicate balladeering, the 14" TAMA Soundworks Steel snare drum covers a vast range of needs. Its carefully engineered, cen...
檢視完整細節The TAMA Soundworks Kapur snare drum is built from seven plies of select kapur — a heavy hardwood with a dark, oaky attack. Drummers found this sna...
檢視完整細節This steel snare drum offers a bright tone with a tight crispness in high-tuning and a smooth resonance in low-tuning. A 1.2mm matte black steel sh...
檢視完整細節This 4" x 13" steel snare from the TAMA Metalworks series exhibits a crisp, cutting tone that's great for backbeats and side-snare work. Its 1.0mm ...
檢視完整細節The Metalworks Effect snare drums offer the useful option of having additional and special snare sounds as a part of your drum kit's arsenal. A 3 i...
檢視完整細節With its fat, dry tonality, the TAMA S.L.P. Dynamic Kapur snare drum sets a great foundation for practically any style of music. Made from six laye...
檢視完整細節Tama Soundworks Snare Drums are versatile, affordable drums for the professional or hobbyist. They're fairly simple in terms of drum design, but th...
檢視完整細節President Series Deluxe snares are made true to the standard that made the original "M.I.J." snare drums so desirable. The same shell material, lu...
檢視完整細節The Pearl Sensitone Heritage Alloy Series delivers a stunning collection of snare tones that evoke the sound and personality of classic rock, soul,...
檢視完整細節The Pearl Sensitone Heritage Alloy Series delivers a stunning collection of snare tones that evoke the sound and personality of classic rock, soul,...
檢視完整細節The Pearl Sensitone Heritage Alloy Series delivers a stunning collection of snare tones that evoke the sound and personality of classic rock, soul,...
檢視完整細節A solid inch of dowel-joined Makha wood gives this Pearl StaveCraft snare a body, focus, and output that rival its exotic looks and exceptional str...
檢視完整細節A solid inch of dowel-joined Thai oak (parawood) gives this Pearl StaveCraft snare a body, focus, and output that rival its exotic looks and except...
檢視完整細節The fabled sound of Pearl's late-'70s COB Jupiter snare drums makes a triumphant return in today's Pearl Duoluxe. This handsome chrome-over-brass s...
檢視完整細節Periphery's Matt Halpern is a modern drumming tour de force, with undeniable chops and infectious energy behind the kit. Teaming up with the master...
檢視完整細節With its natural brightness, the Pearl 14" x 3.5" Task-Specific Free Floating Birch Piccolo Snare Drum fits perfectly into what you want from such ...
檢視完整細節If you're a modern drummer out there working the circuit, gig after gig, you need reliable, high-performance gear that won't let you down — and ...
檢視完整細節The Pearl Aluminum Symphonic Series Concert Snare Drum provides the Pearl SR300 Triple Strainer combined with the power and cutting tone of pro...
檢視完整細節The Pearl SensiTone Premium Maple Snare Drum has a 6 ply, 5.4mm shell that has a dark, warm tone that is slightly dry. This shell is able to sus...
檢視完整細節The Pearl SensiTone Beaded Brass Premium Snare Drum has a beefy 1.5mm shell that projects a bright, responsive tone. This shell is able to sustain...
檢視完整細節The reintroduced SensiTone line by Pearl features the same dependable performance of the original series, but with redesigned hardware components ...
檢視完整細節This Pearl Sensitone snare drum features a beaded, seamless aluminum shell that delivers a penetrating sound with crisp overtones and incredible p...
檢視完整細節Bellowing, open, and untamed, Modern Utility Steel snare drums add fat, cracking tone to your drum set playing field. Its 1mm beaded Steel shell...
檢視完整細節If you're a modern drummer out there working the circuit, gig after gig, you need reliable, high-performance gear that won't let you down — and ...
檢視完整細節Pearl Modern Utility Maple Snare Drum 12x7 fusing reliability and flexibility for today’s demanding gigging environment, Pearl has developed Mode...
檢視完整細節The Pearl 14" x 3.5" Task-Specific Piccolo Free Floating Snare Drum features an extra-thin brushed 1mm shell for bright, open attack with ringy ove...
檢視完整細節The Pearl Task Specific Free Floating Phosphor Bronze Snare Drum is equipped with a 1.2mm Phosphor Bronze Shell. This Bronze shell produces lower f...
檢視完整細節This Pearl Maple Task Specific Free Floating Snare Drum is 14x5 with a Satin Maple Finish. Pearl designers took the time to create a snare drum tha...
檢視完整細節The Eric Singer 30th Anniversary Ltd Signature Snare marks 3 decades of collaboration between the legendary KISS drummer and Pearl. Inspired by the...
檢視完整細節In 1973, Pearl set a benchmark in the drumming world with the introduction of Crystal Beat. A stunning combination of visual appeal and powerful so...
檢視完整細節Innovative.... Timeless..... Legendary...... these words not only describe this incredible player but the drum that bears his name. Pearl is proud ...
檢視完整細節Born out of Roadshow's white poplar shell construction and specially configured to smaller players and their tastes, the Roadshow Jr. is a quality ...
檢視完整細節Your Audience Awaits Configuring a streaming setup from scratch can be a daunting task, particularly for users with little or no music production e...
檢視完整細節Perfect performance. Everywhere. With the OD5, Austrian Audio introduces an active-dynamic microphone optimised for use on instruments. Handmade in...
檢視完整細節Precise performance. Everywhere. With the OC7, Austrian Audio releases a true condenser microphone with the popular OC sound, which is specially op...
檢視完整細節Condenser microphones have become a staple of most studio and broadcasting environments around the world for good reason. Their ability to capture ...
檢視完整細節PORTABLE LIVE STREAMING MIXER Easily Mix, optimize, and enhance audio for live streaming and content creation on mobile devices and Mac/PC. ...
檢視完整細節WIRELESS HANDHELD MICROPHONE SYSTEM Each system includes both a transmitter and receiver Ultra-compact, lightweight design Digital 2.4 GHz encrypt...
檢視完整細節SPECS body shape Cutaway Dreadnought body top Solid Sitka Spruce top back & sides Okoume back & Okoume sides neck AWNyatoh...
檢視完整細節The perfectly sized Concert Hall Legacy is reflective of the legendary bluesmen and folk balladeers of yesteryear with its vintage city vibe. Equip...
檢視完整細節Fusing classic Fender design with player-centric features and exciting new finishes, the Player Plus Stratocaster HSS delivers superb playability a...
檢視完整細節Resonance and Style The SE Hollowbody II combines the power and stability of a solid-body electric guitar with the captivating resonance of a hollo...
檢視完整細節As part of their new Advanced Acoustic series, the AAD100 represents a bold step forward in design and tone. With the AAD100, Ibanez offers a gr...
檢視完整細節The inspiring sound of a Stratocaster is one of the foundations of Fender. Featuring this classic sound—bell-like high end, punchy mids and robust ...
檢視完整細節Ibanez AZ Prestige Series AZ2204HRM Japan made Electric Guitar Color: HRM - Hazy Rose Metallic Features AZ Oval C S-TECH WOOD Roasted Maple neck...
檢視完整細節This concert-sized ukulele leverages an all-sapele construction, yielding a warm, resonant sound with just the right hint of high-end sparkle. The ...
檢視完整細節縝密的重新設計以及各種材質與結構上的進步,讓這些世界級的樂器更優於過往。精緻的音階設計與分音強化音調表現力,其他的調整則強化了力道與耐久度。加寬的譜架可以容納更多樂譜,整體承襲了Yamaha三角鋼琴設計,體現優雅和優秀的最高標準。 Yamaha U1 為眼光敏銳的鋼琴家心中歷久不變的最...
檢視完整細節縝密的重新設計以及各種材質與結構上的進步,讓這些世界級的樂器更優於過往。精緻的音階設計與分音強化音調表現力,其他的調整則強化了力道與耐久度。加寬的譜架可以容納更多樂譜,整體承襲了Yamaha三角鋼琴設計,體現優雅和優秀的最高標準。 響板與空間的聲音傳導性讓高達131...
檢視完整細節Yamaha YUS系列演奏級鋼琴將直立式鋼琴的品質及表現提高至新的水平。YUS系列鋼琴以Yamaha頂級CFX 9呎演奏三角鋼琴的生產技術製造,擁有完美的音色、細緻平衡和精湛工藝。簡約的外型設計令最細微的音色也有特出的音響效果,而改良的琴槌更能提供豐富的音調,這種簡單而又精確的設計更廣受歡...
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