Lovelock First Year Harmony
This is the first of three books dealing with harmonic resource, covering all that is required in the way of chords and their decoration.
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This is the first of three books dealing with harmonic resource, covering all that is required in the way of chords and their decoration.
尺寸: W7.7xH5.5xD2.3cm 顏色:粉紅、藍、黃、水藍、綠、紫、桃紅
收錄曲目:1. Someday My Prince Will Come2. A Whole New World3. Under the Sea4. Beauty and the Beast
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View full details1. Intro : Singularity - 6 2. FAKE LOVE - 10 3. 전하지 못한 진심(The Truth Untold) (Feat. Steve Aoki) - 16 4. 134340 - 22 5. Love Maze - 28 6. Magic shop ...
View full details1. Intro: Singularity - 6 2. FAKE LOVE - 10 3. 전하지 못한 진심(The Truth Untold) (Feat. Steve Aoki) - 14 4. 134340 - 16 5. Love Maze - 20 6. Magic shop -...
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View full details磁鐵鋼琴夾 型號: NC049 品名: 造型筆插鋼琴磁鐵留言夾 尺寸: W4.8xH4.8cm