Step by Step Piano Course The Fun Way Step 1
The Step 1-3 of Step series, hopes to provide a very sound foundation for reading, understanding and position shifts. It enables teachers to develo...
View full detailsThe Step 1-3 of Step series, hopes to provide a very sound foundation for reading, understanding and position shifts. It enables teachers to develo...
View full detailsThe Step 1-3 of Step series, hopes to provide a very sound foundation for reading, understanding and position shifts. It enables teachers to develo...
View full detailsThe Step 1-3 of Step series, hopes to provide a very sound foundation for reading, understanding and position shifts. It enables teachers to develo...
View full detailsThe Master Series provides a gradual transition from the nursery tunes to the serious classics. It reinforce each position whilst introducing the f...
View full detailsThe Master Series provides a gradual transition from the nursery tunes to the serious classics. It reinforce each position whilst introducing the f...
View full detailsThis first book presents the rudiments of theory divided into short chapters. There are revision chapters, covering two topics at one time, intersp...
View full detailsTheory of Music covers all aspects of theory at each grade or level.
Having covered basic theory in the first two volumes, the third tackles more complex issues such as chord structures and compound time, chapters th...
View full detailsIn book four, Theory Of Music Made Easy students are introduced to the alto clef, double sharps and double flats, more complex key signatures and o...
View full detailsThis volume will take students through the topics required for the ABRSM Grade 5 exam, building upon the information covered in the preceding books...
View full detailsGuidelines on harmony is to be used with Workbook On Harmony (one each for Grade 6, 7 and 8). This series provides the very basics of harmony and t...
View full detailsGuidelines on harmony is to be used with Workbook On Harmony (one each for Grade 6, 7 and 8). This series provides the very basics of harmony and t...
View full detailsGuidelines on harmony is to be used with Workbook On Harmony (one each for Grade 6, 7 and 8). This series provides the very basics of harmony and t...
View full detailsThis workbook was written with the intention of giving pupils additional exercises and help in their preparation for theory examinations. The exerc...
View full detailsThis workbook was written with the intention of giving pupils additional exercises and help in their preparation for theory examinations. The exerc...
View full detailsThis workbook was written with the intention of giving pupils additional exercises and help in their preparation for theory examinations. The exerc...
View full detailsThis workbook was written with the intention of giving pupils additional exercises and help in their preparation for theory examinations. The exerc...
View full detailsThis workbook was written with the intention of giving pupils additional exercises and help in their preparation for theory examinations. The exerc...
View full details為了讓年幼的鋼琴初學者能展現有彈性的手指和改善彈奏技巧而設計的教材,另外還包括拍打節奏、歌唱、肢體動作、打擊樂器、視唱練習。在每本書後並附有測驗兒童學習能力的評分表。
拜爾程度,彩色插畫故事與鋼琴曲集。附巴哈年表 Song List:1. 小步舞曲 (其一) 2. 小步舞曲 (其二) 3. 小步舞曲 (其三) 4. 小步舞曲 (其四) 5. 嘉禾舞曲 6. 輪旋曲 7. 波羅奈斯舞曲(其一) 8. ...
View full details拜爾程度,彩色插畫故事與鋼琴曲集。 【目錄】 1. 鬱金香 (聯彈) 2. 布穀鳥 (聯彈) 3. 練習曲 4. 小蜜蜂嗡嗡嗡 5. 青蛙的合唱 6. 月夜 7. 瑪莉的小綿羊 8. 小河的呼喚 9. 高聲歡唱 10. ...
View full details1. 舒伯特搖籃曲 2. 菩提樹 3. 鱒魚 4. 街頭樂師 5. 聖母頌 6. 小夜曲 7. 野玫瑰 8. 軍隊進行曲 第一號 9. 魔王 10. 樂興之時 11. 未完成交響曲