Yamaha BB234 Bass Guitar - Black
The introductory model of the hardest working bass in the business: the Yamaha BB series. Solid Alder Body Custom V3 Pickups (Ceramic) Vintage S...
檢視完整細節The introductory model of the hardest working bass in the business: the Yamaha BB series. Solid Alder Body Custom V3 Pickups (Ceramic) Vintage S...
檢視完整細節Sized for small venues and practice spaces, the Yamaha Stage Custom Hip kit provides a big sound from a compact configuration. How compact? The ent...
檢視完整細節When you need a big, bold snare sound with limitless projection and sustain, brass is the way to go. This Recording Custom snare delivers on all co...
檢視完整細節NS-SW1000 重低音 跨越HiFi及劇院之聲音重現,深沉、紮實的低音賦予了此機種的獨特性能。具1000W輸出功率的Yamaha高端超低音喇叭隆重登場。 具 Twisted Flare Port的高強度箱體結構 使用最新數位元件的1000W 強大動態功率以及大容量電容 3...
檢視完整細節V4A - 內建 CINEMA DSP 3D、HDMI™ 4入/1出及無線環繞功能的 5.2 聲道影音擴音機。 5.2 聲道強力環繞音效 Wi-Fi、Bluetooth®,、AirPlay 2、Spotify 串流服務與 M...
檢視完整細節The five-string version of the B234 Solid Alder Body Custom V3 Pickups (Ceramic) Vintage Style Bridge Lightweight Open Gear Tuners Custom V...
檢視完整細節Yamaha has taken oak to new levels of beauty, response, and projection with the Live Custom Hybrid Oak shell pack. Each 7-ply handcrafted shell i...
檢視完整細節70% OFF B-Stock item: Warranty is NOT available. No Refund or Exchange. 這套 DTX760K 鼓組提供了更好的設定自由度及更真實的打鼓體驗。您不僅可以使用其內建的高品質音源演出,更可以連接電腦當作鼓機音源 VST控制...
檢視完整細節70% OFF B-Stock item: Warranty is NOT available. No Refund or Exchange. 這套 DTX750K 鼓組提供了更好的設定自由度及更真實的打鼓體驗。您不僅可以使用其內建的高品質音源演出,更可以連接電腦當作鼓機音源 VST控制...
檢視完整細節70% OFF B-Stock item: Warranty is NOT available. No Refund or Exchange. 這套 DTX720K 鼓組結合了DTX-PADs卓越的演奏性、真實感受的hi-hat控制器以及自然的音色。這是一套具最真實動態反應的電子鼓組,可...
檢視完整細節From the DNA of Yamaha's world-famous Recording Custom comes the all-birch Yamaha Stage Custom Bebop shell pack. This little kit is perfect for jaz...
檢視完整細節Unamplified ambiance Yamaha's groundbreaking TransAcoustic technology delivers onboard reverb and chorus effects. What sets TransAcoustic guitars a...
檢視完整細節APXT2 is a 3/4 size of the world best-selling acoustic-electric guitar, APX500II. (3/4 size is based on the size of Yamaha APX500II). This fun, yet...
檢視完整細節Half guitar, half ukulele…100% fun. A unique mini 6-string nylon guitar that is sized like a baritone ukulele (17” scale) and plays like a standard...
檢視完整細節Create your sound any place, any time. For keyboardists, music creators and sound interfaces of classic reface Mobile Mini Keyboards are reimagin...
檢視完整細節Create your sound any place, any time. For keyboardists, music creators and sound interfaces of classic reface Mobile Mini Keyboards are reimagin...
檢視完整細節Create your sound any place, any time. For keyboardists, music creators and sound interfaces of classic reface Mobile Mini Keyboards are reimagin...
檢視完整細節上低音號的嶄新傳統 Yamaha YEP842S Custom 降B調上低音號是突破性的嶄新設計,奇蹟地結合所有過去的傳承經驗以及當代技術。所有幸運搶先試用的樂手無不立刻接納此款新樂器,包含數位世界上的頂尖大師。它開始重新定義「上低音號」所代表的意涵,並且即將開啟另一個新的歷史篇章。 ...
檢視完整細節銅管樂隊的樂器新標準 Yamaha YEP642SII NEO 降B調上低音號 - Yamaha的技術人員與世界知名的銅管樂團指揮 Bill Millar 一同合作,從零開始,創造出多種上低音號原型,重新設計每一個部件,直到研發出全部人都在追尋並同意的音色─那是對銅管樂團而言最理想的音色。...
檢視完整細節2019年最新版本,前所未有的傑出表現力 Yamaha YTR9445CHS Custom Xeno Artist "Chicago" C調小號。被視為大師傑作的Xeno Artist Mode小號,並不只是一般的樂器成品,而是經過無數次徹底研究與精心設計所改造而成的完美樂器。 所有材料和零...
檢視完整細節Yamaha YFB621 專業級大號非常適合獨奏者及追求純淨音色及良好操控感的樂手。 反應靈敏穩健,音準極其準確。 溫暖,豐富的聲音同時具有出色的穿透力。 第五活塞閥滑管 延伸的第五活塞閥滑管 Yamaha YFB621 規格: 調性:F調 尺寸:3/4型 喇叭口直徑:366...
檢視完整細節Yamaha YBB641 降BB調專業款低音大號具備旋轉閥構造,可在音高精準、容易演奏的前提下,產生傳統日耳曼式的音色,只有當代工程專家才能製造出這樣的成品。它的特色是溫暖深沈、帶有豐富音調的音色。 Yamaha YBB641 規格: 調性:降BB調 尺寸:4/4型 喇叭口...
檢視完整細節對於需要高音質低音號音色、但又有預算考量的人來說,Yamaha YBB321 降BB調低音大號就是最佳的選擇。易於吹奏,音高準確,且有強力而溫暖的音調。 Yamaha YBB321 規格: 調性:降BB調 尺寸:4/4型 喇叭口直徑:443mm (17 1/2") 管徑:18.5-19....
檢視完整細節Yamaha YBB105 降BB調低音大號是初學者或有預算考量者的最佳選擇。它比進階款還輕,以便易於掌握與演奏,但依然有強大飽滿的聲音,並且反應靈敏。體積較鈿小,是初學者的最佳選擇。 Yamaha YBB105 規格: 調性:降BB調 尺寸:3/4型 喇叭口直徑:366mm (14 3...