YAMAHA 幼兒鋼琴啟蒙教材 (可彈奏) YAMAHA Music Keyboard Book (Playable)
- 適合0~6歲幼童,可作啟蒙音樂之教材 - 附有可愛插圖,提升小朋友學習興趣 - 家長可陪同子女一起學習和玩樂作親子活動 - 設有"練習模式",小朋友可以按照自己的節奏輕鬆彈奏 - 包含30首童謠和古典音樂 - 內附可彈奏精美鍵盤,伴隨旋律發光,可聽歌亦可跟樂譜彈奏 - 鍵盤設有鋼...
檢視完整細節- 適合0~6歲幼童,可作啟蒙音樂之教材 - 附有可愛插圖,提升小朋友學習興趣 - 家長可陪同子女一起學習和玩樂作親子活動 - 設有"練習模式",小朋友可以按照自己的節奏輕鬆彈奏 - 包含30首童謠和古典音樂 - 內附可彈奏精美鍵盤,伴隨旋律發光,可聽歌亦可跟樂譜彈奏 - 鍵盤設有鋼...
檢視完整細節Features Tonica strings have a core made from nylon. They produce a lively well-rounded sound, perfectly balanced across all four strings. Respond...
檢視完整細節Highly flexible multi-strand synthetic core strings for violins 135B set includes a Chrome Steel ball end E string Offer a brighter and stable int...
檢視完整細節Features Chromcor strings have a single filament steel core wound with chrome steel. Clear and very brilliant sound, warmer than Piranito Big tona...
檢視完整細節原廠到貨‧信心之選 -------------------------------------------------- DOMINANT PRO exceptionally powerful good balance of brilliance and warmth broad rang...