Altus Handmade 系列 A12 925純銀長笛
The handmade drawn tone hole silver flutes are introduction models that feature lighter weight and less feeling of resistance when playing. The fre...
檢視完整細節The handmade drawn tone hole silver flutes are introduction models that feature lighter weight and less feeling of resistance when playing. The fre...
檢視完整細節Standard Series serves as the perfect introduction to Altus’s art and technology in decades of flute making. By finishing up with silver plating al...
檢視完整細節Developed through industrial cooperation between our Research & Development arm and our Production facilities based in France and Germany, the ...
檢視完整細節The name E13 is legendary for a clarinet that has never changed in 40 years. With its origins in the BC20 – the clarinet played by Jacques Lancelot...
檢視完整細節This R13 Bb Clarinet is specially selected by Buffet Crampon Clarinet Artist Mr. Florent Héau, for Hong Kong Clarinet players.這枝 R13 降B調單簧管,是由 Buf...
檢視完整細節The Legendary Choice of Professionals was created in 1955 by Robert Carrée and is the most popular professional clarinet in the world. Its tone is ...
檢視完整細節德國SAUTER首德鋼琴成立於1819年,至今超過200年的製琴歷史,它是德國最古老的鋼琴製造公司之一,更是世界鋼琴製造史上從創立至今一直由家族私人掌控和管理的一家公司。 幾個世紀以來,「德國製造」(MADE IN GERMANY)的鋼琴在市場上享有極高的聲譽,始終是全...