32K筆記本(樂譜)x1本、高音符號譜夾x1個、平台鋼琴橡皮擦x1個、鍵盤木頭鉛筆x4隻 尺寸: H18.5xW14xD3.5cm
32K筆記本(音符)x1本、高音符號譜夾x1個、平台鋼琴橡皮擦x1個、鍵盤木頭鉛筆x2支 尺寸: H18.5xW14xD3.5cm
CONTROLLER DELUXE The definitive MIDI controller keyboard, KeyLab MkII is a luxurious, expressive tool for your studio or live rig. Unsurpasse...
檢視完整細節MiniBrute 2 is going under the radar with sleek all-black exteriors for a limited time. WIRED UP, ANALOG MUTANT MiniBrute 2 has evolved from ...
檢視完整細節MiniBrute 2S is going under the radar with sleek all-black exteriors for a limited time. UNRESTRAINED ANALOG The synth that kick-started the...