BIG BELL® The Big Bell®, created by Cannonball in 2001, enhances the ability to create a broad range of dynamics for a depth of the sound color an...
檢視完整細節BIG BELL® The Big Bell®, created by Cannonball in 2001, enhances the ability to create a broad range of dynamics for a depth of the sound color an...
檢視完整細節BIG BELL® The Big Bell®, created by Cannonball in 2001, enhances the ability to create a broad range of dynamics for a depth of the sound color an...
檢視完整細節HOFFMANN & KUHNE 直立式鋼琴 HG118MFP 鍵盤採用先進數碼技術加工,琴鍵採用鉛粒配重技術,鍵盤材料採用俄羅斯白松、經嚴格控制乾濕度及長時效的穩定性處理。 擊弦機由世界最大鋼琴廠以實心楓木製造,同樣經嚴格控制乾濕度及長時效的穩定性處理,彈奏靈活,質量...