Miyazawa 203 系列 PB203REH 鍍銀長笛, 925純銀笛頭
The Miyazawa Silver Flute Series is a handmade flute available with French style pointed tonearms, soldered toneholes and pinless partial Brögger S...
檢視完整細節The Miyazawa Silver Flute Series is a handmade flute available with French style pointed tonearms, soldered toneholes and pinless partial Brögger S...
檢視完整細節The Miyazawa Silver Flute Series is a handmade flute available with French style pointed tonearms, drawn toneholes and pinless partial Brögger Syst...
檢視完整細節The Miyazawa Silver Flute Series is a handmade flute available with French style pointed tonearms, soldered toneholes and pinless partial Brögger S...
檢視完整細節The Miyazawa 958 Flute Series are handmade flute models available with 958 silver headjoint, body, and footjoint. Choice of silver plated nickel si...
檢視完整細節Sankyo silver flutes are prized for their solid, stable core which provides the foundation for complete freedom of expression. With projection, pow...
檢視完整細節301 系列是Sankyo最受歡迎的長笛型號之一。Sankyo銀音長笛是經濟的專業長笛選擇。Sankyo銀音長笛特有手工切割銀製笛頭、笛身及尾管,是正在學習室樂、管弦樂及管樂的學生的理想選擇。 301RNEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵風格:開孔配有法式尖臂音...
檢視完整細節301 系列是Sankyo最受歡迎的長笛型號之一。Sankyo銀音長笛是經濟的專業長笛選擇。Sankyo銀音長笛特有手工切割銀製笛頭、笛身及尾管,是正在學習室樂、管弦樂及管樂的學生的理想選擇。 301RONEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵風格:開孔配有法式尖臂...
檢視完整細節這401系列是Sankyo產品中純銀系列的代表,受到全球演奏家的推薦。精準的構造使奏出的旋律更美妙。 401RONEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵風格:開孔配備法式尖臂音鍵 音鍵:純銀 標準音高:A=442 音孔:抽孔式音孔 管壁厚度:0.38 毫米 低音...
檢視完整細節CF501系列長笛的專業規格令它可在音樂廳演奏時大大保持良好反應。專為追求完美音色的長笛演奏家而製造,把準確性和工藝與SANKYO工程技術結合。越使用此長笛,越會發現它的美和價值。優美的法式尖頭栓更突顯此長笛的美。 501RONEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵...
檢視完整細節Sankyo 601 系列手工專業長笛 CF601 型號是在Sankyo 系列中最頂尖的型號 ,是有焊接音孔。只有熟練的手工才能對生產過程進行控制,生產出高品質的樂器 601RONEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵風格:開孔配備法式尖臂音鍵 音鍵:純銀 標準...
檢視完整細節對於需要高音質低音號音色、但又有預算考量的人來說,Yamaha YBB321 降BB調低音大號就是最佳的選擇。易於吹奏,音高準確,且有強力而溫暖的音調。 Yamaha YBB321 規格: 調性:降BB調 尺寸:4/4型 喇叭口直徑:443mm (17 1/2") 管徑:18.5-19....
檢視完整細節Yamaha YEP321 降B調上低音號具備強而溫暖的音調,易於吹奏,音高準確。 Yamaha YEP321 規格: 調性:降B調 喇叭口直徑:280mm (11") 管徑:14.5-15.5mm (0.571-0.610") 外觀:鍍亮漆 吹嘴:SL-48S 樂器盒:Included...
檢視完整細節The AMBIKA IV Tenor Mouthpiece is the darkest Theo Wanne mouthpiece. It has a deep, hauntingly gorgeous tone! The AMBIKA IV has a full bodied sound...
檢視完整細節The DURGA 5 tenor has a fuller, richer, and more expressive sound. It is powerful and warm sounding simultaneously with an added core and thickness...
檢視完整細節We designed the DURGA 5 soprano to be the fullest sounding soprano mouthpiece ever made. It is a giant leap forward in soprano mouthpiece design!!!...
檢視完整細節The DURGA 5 alto has a big, rich and contemporary sound, but due to its unique chamber it also plays amazing ballads. The DURGA 5 does everything t...
檢視完整細節The DURGA 5 alto has a big, rich and contemporary sound, but due to its unique chamber it also plays amazing ballads. The DURGA 5 does everything t...
檢視完整細節Big BIG body to the sound! A truly versatile mouthpiece that can work in all worlds, whisper or screammmm! Winner of the Editor’s Choice Award from...
檢視完整細節The FIRE is bright and fiery! Power and flexibility that will make you want to turn up the heat!! Winner of the Editor’s Choice Award from Music In...
檢視完整細節The GAIA 4 tenor does everything previous GAIA tenor mouthpieces did, but with an incredible CORE to the sound! GAIA 4 has evolved into work of art...
檢視完整細節The GAIA 4 alto is fully re-designed! It still has the classic alto sound, but is so much more full and alive sounding!!!! The result of the GAIA 4...
檢視完整細節The GAIA 4 alto is fully re-designed! It still has the classic alto sound, but is so much more full and alive sounding!!!! The result of the GAIA 4...
檢視完整細節The MANTRA mouthpiece has a huge core sound with amazing bite and edge. This is not an Otto Link copy. It is a beautiful blend of the fatness of an...
檢視完整細節The MANTRA soprano mouthpiece has a fat projecting sound with just the right amount of edge. It’s unique rollover baffle, square window, Shark Gill...