Yamaha YTR9335CHS Custom Xeno Artist "Chicago" 降B調小號
2019年最新版本,前所未有的傑出表現力 Yamaha YTR9335CHS Custom Xeno Artist "Chicago" 降B調小號。被視為大師傑作的Xeno Artist Mode小號,並不只是一般的樂器成品,而是經過無數次徹底研究與精心設計所改造而成的完美樂器。 所有材料和...
檢視完整細節2019年最新版本,前所未有的傑出表現力 Yamaha YTR9335CHS Custom Xeno Artist "Chicago" 降B調小號。被視為大師傑作的Xeno Artist Mode小號,並不只是一般的樂器成品,而是經過無數次徹底研究與精心設計所改造而成的完美樂器。 所有材料和...
檢視完整細節經典 Custom 875 改良版的 EX 色士風,是數十年來與世界幾位色士風大師共同合作、辛苦研究與試驗所得到的成果。反應順暢,深沈精緻的聲音充滿豐富色彩,而且快速靈活的動作讓人感覺相當堅固、音域寬廣生動、投射力驚人、音色相當具有權威,卻有美麗清晰的整體核心。您將發現它的聲音擁有無法置信的深...
檢視完整細節Yamaha YEP621S 降B調上低音號具強而溫暖的音色,並且易於演奏,和準確的音調。 具有實心且著重音色的核心特色。 YEP621S是個多元化的樂器,無論是合奏或是獨奏演出都很適合。 Yamaha YEP621S 規格: 調性:降B調 喇叭口直徑:280mm (11") 管徑:14...
檢視完整細節追求音色平衡表現,給入門學習者容易吹奏的規格設計,以及最穩定的品質要求,Yamaha YCL450N 降B調單簧管是最佳選擇。 按鍵 YCL450N的鍍鎳按鍵提供清晰的聚焦音調。 可調式大拇指掛座&直帶束環 新可調式大姆指座能符合不同大小的手指而設計(使演奏者更能發揮其表現...
檢視完整細節Yamaha的上低音色士風出色的聲音為全球演奏者皆知,以更有力量卻更精緻的音色及不同凡響的演奏性,使這些樂器的傳統形象煥然一新。 八度音機械裝置 Yamaha上低音色士風的特點在於特殊設計的八度音機械裝置,使您演奏更加輕鬆,八度音轉換也更加平順。 樂器盒 耐久的硬...
檢視完整細節Yamaha客製Z系列持續升級,精雕細琢超越最高預期,聲音有力、演奏快速經過音沒有困難。從頸管到喇叭管全面重新檢視。改良為一體成形喇叭管增加共振,並結合反應佳、易控制的V1頸管。 一體成形雕花喇叭管 82Z 喇叭管一體成形,更有精緻漂亮的新設計雕花處理。大幅改善低音反應,並提供演奏者更...
檢視完整細節These reusable stave cards are perfect for teaching music theory and instrumental lessons at school or at home!Each set comes with pens, a cleaning...
檢視完整細節These cards are intended to make learning music fun and easy, helping students: - learn the value of basic notes and rests and their relationship t...
檢視完整細節This is a set of chromatic hand signs (Curwen / Kodaly) perfect for music teachers and choir directors.
The main objective of this handbook is to make Kodály’s 333 Reading Exercises accessible to those unfamiliar with the Kodály approach, showing them...
檢視完整細節With its highly attractive, full-colour, age-appropriate layout, Poco Piano For Young Children encourages young children to take the first steps on...
檢視完整細節This Poco Manuscript Book is designed with the Young Beginner in mind, featuring 4 large staves per page and a fun animal picture on the cover. Als...
檢視完整細節This Poco Music Manuscript Book and has eight staves in a page. Portrait Size: 23cm X 30cm.
This Poco Manuscript Book is designed with the Young Beginner in mind, featuring 4 large staves per page and a fun animal picture on the cover. Als...
檢視完整細節DYNAMO® strings for violin They offer a broad sound AND an excellent response. They have a wide dynamic range AND you can modulate sound colors...
檢視完整細節NR TAILPIECEEND RO01 e² mi² I Carbon steel Tin plated RO02 a¹ la¹ II Synthetic core Aluminum wound RO03A d¹ re¹ III Synthetic cor...
檢視完整細節TRUMPET CASE EVOLUTION EV-1(Made in Spain) Weight 1,8 Kg. External dimensions: 55 x 25 x 15 cms. 3 options of composition: Basic Inside: Polystyre...
檢視完整細節ALTO SAXOPHONE CASE EVOLUTION EV-1 (Made in Spain) Weight: 2,35 Kg. External dimensions: 62 x 31 x 12.5 cms. 3 options of composition: Basic Insid...
檢視完整細節The Hightech expertise made in France REFERENCE : 1005XL WEIGHT : The case structure weights 3.8 kg INSIDE DIMENSIONS : Total Length: 124 cmBody L...
檢視完整細節Great same expertise now in a range of prices to fit every budget REFERENCE : 1001SW WEIGHT : 5,9 kg INSIDE DIMENSIONS : Total Length: 131 cmBody ...
檢視完整細節Performance evolved Adams Solist Series Xylophones Adams Solist Series Xylophones feature a choice between prime Honduras Rosewood, af...
檢視完整細節Steel bars with a pure, bright tone Deep frame and case that provide a resonating chamber. Full F57 - C88 range satisfies more repertoire requirem...
檢視完整細節YG250D 採用經過特殊迴火製程處理的全新高碳鋼,呈現更純淨、清亮的音色,節點支撐絃搭配單針音柱固定裝置 Deep frame and case that provide a resonating chamber. Full F57 - C88 range satisfies more r...