(#461) Super Solos for Baritone or Euphonium - 10 Selected Solos with Piano Accompaniment
Composer Philip Sparke Philip Sparke’s Super Solos is the third volume of a progressive series of solo books that takes the young wind player fr...
Composer Philip Sparke Philip Sparke’s Super Solos is the third volume of a progressive series of solo books that takes the young wind player fr...
檢視完整細節Guitar Works of Agustín Barrios Mangoré, Vol. III By Agustín Barrios Mangoré / ed. Richard Stover Twenty-one pieces, including: Una Limosna por el ...
檢視完整細節arr. Alan Gout, Various Going Solo (Trombone) is a lively collection designed to bridge the gap between music for beginners and more intermediate ...
檢視完整細節This book features the classic repertoire of the masters along with digital access of piano accompaniments for practice use. Air On The G StringAur...
檢視完整細節30 Sacred Masterworks presents a wealth of invaluable, original repertoire for upper voice choirs. Many of the pieces collected in this volume are ...
檢視完整細節These songs were written in 1965 to a commission from the University of California in Santa Barbara, a rare accolade for a British composer. Berkel...
檢視完整細節最新合唱曲集收錄數十首曲目,類型豐富包含愛國歌曲、藝術歌曲、民謠歌曲、通俗歌曲、宗教歌曲、康樂歌曲等六大類,適合國中、小朋友演唱二、三聲部合唱曲譜。 出版社: 樂韻出版社編訂者: 林福裕/劉天林/周幼英ISBN: 9789579222112
曲目 1. Blow the Wind Southerly 2. Children of the World 3. Clap Your Hands and Sing Hallelujah! 4. Explosion 5. Hitch Your Drea...
檢視完整細節聲樂曲選集- 中國作品第二冊 高等師範院校試用教材《聲樂曲選集》是受教育部委托選編的。 《聲樂曲選集》的選編以一九八一年教育部印發的聲樂教學大綱的曲目為基礎,補充了一些思想性及藝術性較高,為各院校廣泛采用的新曲目。新教材中還納入了一些淺易的,能為中等學校選用的歌曲,以供學生運用所學知識對作品...
檢視完整細節Roger Quilter (Composer) William Shakespeare (Author of original text)3 Shakespeare Songs Content: Blow Blow thou Winter WindCome Away DeathO Mis...
檢視完整細節Frank Bridge (Composer)Songs Content: AdorationDawn and EveningFair DaffodilsGo Not Happy DayInto her KeepingStrew No More Red RosesThe Devon Mai...
檢視完整細節A superb collection of standard repertoire for the Classical singer. Titles range from Baroque to late 19th century. Vocal: Soprano, Vocal: Tenor
ABRSM Grades 7-8+ This special collection of intermediate to advanced piano repertoire has been lovingly curated by internationally renowned pianis...
檢視完整細節ABRSM Grades 4-6 This special collection of intermediate piano repertoire has been lovingly curated by internationally renowned pianist, Isata Kann...
檢視完整細節Sonata for Trumpet and Piano Editions Durand Series: Editions DurandPublisher: DurandComposer: Jean Hubeau This edition presents a new engraving of...
檢視完整細節The Complete Piano Player – Book 1 Music Sales America Softcover with CD Series: Music Sales AmericaPublisher: Music Sales AmericaFormat: Softcover...
檢視完整細節Oboe Solos Everybody's Favorite Series No. 99 by Jay Arnold With piano accompaniment This collection of performance parts with separate pull-out o...
檢視完整細節張朝暉 - 聲樂作品選集(合唱及獨唱) 本歌集有10首獨唱曲及17首合唱曲,包括三套合唱組曲及兩套聲樂套曲,但每首歌也可以單獨選唱.書內附有歌曲背景介紹、作品分析及演唱要點.本書獲香港作曲家協會主席陳永華教授及著名指揮家曹丁教授的大力推薦,讚譽"張朝暉先生身兼聲樂家、指揮家、作曲家、填詞家...
檢視完整細節76MF #55 中學合唱團 中文 男子 第一組別 - 初級組 15歲或以下,只限童聲 登獅子山 何崇志 何崇志合唱作品精選集 Steve Ho Choral Collections 曲目 1. 乘風去2. 噯姑乖3. 恭喜恭喜4. 登獅子山5. 韻樂共流6. 令當令當令7. 功課圓舞曲...
檢視完整細節聲樂教學曲庫 中國作品 第7卷 中國藝術歌曲選(1978-1995) 上冊、下冊 (簡中) 《聲樂教學曲庫》是《聲樂藝術教育叢書》的系列之一,由人民音樂出版社陸續出版。這標誌著我國聲樂藝術教育事業的教學曲目建設開始了一個新的里程。中國藝術歌曲四卷囊括了20世紀20-90年代後期幾乎一...
檢視完整細節聲樂曲選集 中國作品 (一) Vocal Anthology (Chinese Works 1) 作者: 罗宪君,李滨荪,徐朗 主編 內容提要高等師範院校試用教材《聲樂曲選集》是受教育部委托選編的。《聲樂曲選集》的選編以一九八一年教育部印發的聲樂教學大綱的曲目為基礎,補充了一些思想性及藝術...
檢視完整細節曲目 本地作品及兒歌 人生多麼可愛 小星船 父母恩 可愛的家 何家小雞何家猜 雨 香蕉船 狼來了 跳飛機 種子的故事 綠色組曲 綠與白 齊到動物園 Good Morning 中國民歌 沙里洪巴 青春舞曲 哇哈哈 紅彩妹妹 紫竹調 ...
檢視完整細節77MF #2 Vocal Solo Foreign Language Alto Secondary School Age 19 or under: A Night in May by Brahms Contralto Songs The New Imperial Edition The Ne...