發音音樂詞滙 (2021新版) Pronouncing Glossary of Musical Terms (2021 New Edition)
本書特色:本詞滙收錄音樂術語五百餘個,全部根據英國皇家音樂學院 2020 年樂理考綱 的要求編寫。各詞目下均有詳細之英漢雙解。所有詞目均用國際音標注音,並於正文之前附有音標例釋 (Key phonetic symbols)。考試中最常見的音樂術語,按照常用的程度,用星號 (***, **, *...
本書特色:本詞滙收錄音樂術語五百餘個,全部根據英國皇家音樂學院 2020 年樂理考綱 的要求編寫。各詞目下均有詳細之英漢雙解。所有詞目均用國際音標注音,並於正文之前附有音標例釋 (Key phonetic symbols)。考試中最常見的音樂術語,按照常用的程度,用星號 (***, **, *...
檢視完整細節Guidelines on Harmony is to be used with Workbook on Harmony (one each fro Grade 6, 7 and 8). It is a continuation of Guidelines and Workbook on Tr...
檢視完整細節Guidelines On Instruments Of The Orchestra explores the development of the orchestra throughout its entire history with facts in point-form for eas...
檢視完整細節This Handy Guide shows the notation, fingering and keyboard diagrams for all the important chords used in modern popular music. Only the most pract...
檢視完整細節Guidelines on Figured Bass takes a clear and constructive look at reasons for figured bass in harmony training and takes the student through the me...
檢視完整細節Master chord theory ... in minutes! The Chord Wheel is a revolutionary device that puts the most essential and practical applications of chord theo...
檢視完整細節Guidelines On Identifying Music Scores Grade 6 To 8 is tailor-made to meet the requirements of candidates in answering Questions 4 and 5 of the Gra...
檢視完整細節• concise guide to musical structures of the tonal era• text illustrated with many music examples• invaluable introduction for music students, perf...
檢視完整細節This handy reference guide fits into your guitar case or pocket and is organized in a unique dictionary style permitting you to locate any chord qu...
檢視完整細節簡介: 由音樂系導師親自編寫教材,內含700條題目。題目根據網上樂理考試而設,由淺入深,只要做過書上的題目,便能熟習考試題型,輕鬆應付考試 坊間的樂理教材內容散亂,缺乏統一的學習教材,以致學習成效低。《演奏級鋼琴老師教你自學5級學理:1-5級教程一本通》將第1至5級的樂理內容簡化為一本書,每...
檢視完整細節Theory of Music covers all aspects of theory at each grade or level.
此書是特別為進階程度(七、八級或以上)學琴人士所寫的技巧「內功秘笈」,解構鋼琴技巧的原理,輔以詳細練習方法,引導讀者突破技術瓶頸。 書中第一部分解釋如何在短時間內學習放鬆手臂、增加手指強度,及通過協調呼吸和「氣息」,釋放肌肉力量。 第二部分包含常見技術問題的解決方法,指出、糾正常見的謬誤,幫助...
Music in Words is both a guide and an invaluable reference tool for researching and writing about music. Fully updated and revised, the book aims t...
檢視完整細節the essential handbook for instrumental and singing teachers, relevant for working at home or in schools, full-time or part-time, teaching individ...
檢視完整細節This stimulating guide will help students and their teachers to achieve stylish performances of music of the Baroque period. Individual chapters f...
檢視完整細節An All-in-one Book for Exam Preparation
• answers to all the exercises set in Harmony in Practice ISBN 1 86096 833 4
Chords are listed alphabetically and chromatically for easy reference with 36 different chords listed for each key. With chapters on chord theory, ...