初心者的獨奏吉他入門全知識 (附2 CDs)
只用一把吉他來同時演奏旋律與伴奏的演奏風格,我們稱之為「獨奏吉他(Sollo Guitar)」。比單純只彈旋律或是伴奏,來得稍難、稍有些訣竅。 本書為了讓沒彈過吉他的初學者更能理解內容,也為盡可能地就演奏獨奏吉他時,所需避免的一些事項作詳盡介紹。 當然,本身已經彈過電吉他、民謠吉他、古...
只用一把吉他來同時演奏旋律與伴奏的演奏風格,我們稱之為「獨奏吉他(Sollo Guitar)」。比單純只彈旋律或是伴奏,來得稍難、稍有些訣竅。 本書為了讓沒彈過吉他的初學者更能理解內容,也為盡可能地就演奏獨奏吉他時,所需避免的一些事項作詳盡介紹。 當然,本身已經彈過電吉他、民謠吉他、古...
檢視完整細節The number one method for young ukulele players.Starting Ukulele has been created with young players in mind.All tunes have fantastic professionall...
檢視完整細節Learn notes, chords, songs, and playing techniques from the master of modern ukulele! In this unique book with online video, Jake Shimabukuro will ...
檢視完整細節If you want to take your ukulele playing to the next level, you need to start using your fingers! The sample songs and patterns found in this book ...
檢視完整細節This fantastic beginner's guide will get your fingers on the fretboard in no time! You'll quickly learn easy chords, basic fingerpicking, strumming...
檢視完整細節If you've been inspired to start playing fingerstyle guitar or you are an experienced player wanting to enhance your knowledge, this book is perfec...
檢視完整細節Songlist: 01. ■Lesson 1: ハーモニカの基礎知識 02. 1)選び方 03. 2)音階の配列 04. 3)クロマチックハーモニカの音配列 05. 4)持ち方、姿勢、口の形 06. ■Lesson 2: 譜表(五線譜)の基礎知識 07. 1)...
檢視完整細節First published by Chappells in the late 1960s, Robert Salkelds Play the Recorder is a truly established method for recorder. Suitable for the self...
檢視完整細節The Michael Aaron Piano Course Lesson books have been completely re-engraved, expanded (adding more definitions of musical terms and more musical p...
檢視完整細節The Michael Aaron Piano Course Lesson books have been completely re-engraved, expanded (adding more definitions of musical terms and more musical p...