Jazz Classics for Easy Guitar
Jazz Classics for Easy GuitarEasy Guitar with Notes & Tab Softcover A great collection of nearly sixty jazz standards that every developing gui...
檢視完整細節Jazz Classics for Easy GuitarEasy Guitar with Notes & Tab Softcover A great collection of nearly sixty jazz standards that every developing gui...
檢視完整細節Wolf Marshall's Jazz Guitar Course Mastering the Jazz Language The world of jazz guitar is one that can be challenging, featuring a deep well of in...
檢視完整細節First 15 Lessons – Jazz GuitarAn Advancing Musician's Guide, Featuring Step-by-Step Lessons with Audio, Video & Classic Standards The First 15 ...
檢視完整細節Learn to improvise fluently over common jazz progressions. Learn to use simple source material, such as four-note “cells,” and characteristic bebop...
檢視完整細節Quick -- how many scales do you know? If you answered several, you're not alone. Lots of piano players know several scales, but how many really kno...
檢視完整細節高雄流行音樂中心副執行長 黃中岳 專文推薦 專為樂手寫的爵士吉他工具書,解決爵士吉他彈奏的三大難題: comping, chord melody , single note soloing,一網打盡; 附錄超過130分鐘的獨奏雙CD -------------------...
檢視完整細節在樂器行的書籍專區,所擺放的吉他教材多不勝數。就算把書買回家,也只看一兩次就收起來了。結果,彷彿從吉他手搖身一變成為書籍收藏家。相信這樣的人為數不少!究竟要如何維持對吉他的熱情,有效率地練習呢?其實比起買書,更重要的是制定練習計畫。 人的生活大多是以週為單位,換算起來一年共有...