The Really Easy Sax Book (Instrumental Solo)
If you can play just a few notes on the alto saxophone, then you're ready for this book. Here are 14 imaginative little pieces specially composed f...
If you can play just a few notes on the alto saxophone, then you're ready for this book. Here are 14 imaginative little pieces specially composed f...
檢視完整細節If you can play just a few notes on the trumpet (or cornet), then you're ready for this book. Here in the Really Easy Trumpet Book, are 15 imaginat...
檢視完整細節If you can play just a few notes on the flute, then you're ready for the Really Easy Flute Book. Here are 21 imaginative little pieces for the abso...
檢視完整細節Sonata per Flauto Solo Op.39 (Sonata for Solo Flute) by Hungarian composer Miklós Rózsa.
Piano Lessons Book Two is a part of The Waterman/Harewood Piano Series, and includes pieces by Bach, Gurlitt, Mozart, Gounod and Tchaikovsky. The b...
檢視完整細節The Young Pianist's Repertoire Book 1 is part of The Watermann/Harewood Piano Series for piano solo repertoire, devised jointly by the world famous...
檢視完整細節Piano Lessons Book One is a part of The Waterman/Harewood Piano Series, and includes easy pieces by Purcell, Mozart, Bach, Beethoven and Schumann, ...
檢視完整細節Paul Harris’s brilliant series of workbooks contains not only the complete scales and arpeggios for the current ABRSM, Trinity and LCM Initial-leve...
檢視完整細節就算是初學者,或者是不擅長讀譜的人也ok!用玩遊戲的心情愉快地拍打木箱鼓吧! 由於木箱鼓簡單又容易上手,近年來,無論在專業還是業餘樂手當中,都成為越來越受歡迎的一項樂器。而這本書正是為了入門~初學者所設計,從最基礎的“8 beats”、“16 beats”,進而到拍打Bossa Nova等...
檢視完整細節《日本DOREMI》快樂彈鋼琴! 佈爾格彌勒併用鋼琴曲集 精選著名歌曲,包含變換節奏及踏瓣練習。 【目錄】 1. 小小世界真奇妙 C大調 2. 光與暗的舞蹈 C大調 3. 遙遠之地 (「風之谷」主題) A小週 4. 嗨.呵 (「白雪公主」主題) G大調 5. 大提琴協奏曲 G大調...
檢視完整細節學習古典吉他的第一本有聲影音書學習者可以利用行動裝置掃描書中QRCode,即可立即觀看所對應的彈奏示範。另外也可掃描右方QR Code,連結至教學影片之播放清單。●為初學者設計的教材,學習古典吉他從零開始●內附線上教學影音及示範音樂下載●詳盡的樂理、音樂符號術語解說、吉他音樂家小故事、古典吉他...
檢視完整細節Sonny Chua's Cool Keys 1 is packed with irresistible tunes that progress from Initial to Grade 2 standard (Elementary level). Featuring an assortme...
檢視完整細節Because a fine orchestra depends on fine players, Solo Time for Strings emphasizes individual accomplishment, progress, and achievement while prepa...
檢視完整細節Because a fine orchestra depends on fine players, Solo Time for Strings emphasizes individual accomplishment, progress, and achievement while prepa...
檢視完整細節本直笛課程其分為三冊,專為7歲以上兒童設計。自出版以來,本書已成為最受歡迎的直笛教材之一,廣受世界各地使用。 《愛笛生樂園-高音直笛初級教本)未因襲先前的音樂或直笛知識,且在每個階段均提供完整的解說,因此不需要專家來教學。每個階段都有教師用手冊,裡面包含簡單的鋼琴伴奏、吉他和弦符號以及給每...
檢視完整細節【內容簡介】 崔佛懷著名的長笛使用手冊,在全世界已經受到贊同與喝采,並且對任何階段的學習、演奏者來說,是無價之寶。 長笛實用手冊 第2冊 技巧:本書以逐步導引的方式提升讀者的吹奏技巧,在所有音域中,都能充份的、有效的練習。另外,還有許多來自崔佛.懷有趣的忠告 【目錄】 技巧概論...
檢視完整細節【目錄】 1. Drums Key 2. 揮棒動作 3. 下擊和上舉的時間關係練習 4. 手指練習 5. 單擊 6. 雙擊 7. 雙擊基本練習 8. 小鼓綜合練習 9. 切分拍的練習 10. 5連音、7連音、9連音 11. 大鼓練習 a. 8分音符 b. 16分音符 c. 3連音 12. 大鼓...
檢視完整細節獨奏教本是根據『好連得鋼琴教本』一頁一頁的配合鋼琴獨奏、鋼琴樂理遊戲的進度所編寫,在彈奏的技巧上也做了更深入的挑戰。由於傑出的編著教授群,也編寫出各種音樂風格的樂曲,使得本書中的每一樂曲顯得十分重要。此外再彈奏這些樂曲時,使我們更加確認鋼琴教本中的音樂概念和技巧。◆22.5x30cm 彩色書3...
檢視完整細節獨奏教本是根據『好連得鋼琴教本』一頁一頁的配合鋼琴獨奏、鋼琴樂理遊戲的進度所編寫,在彈奏的技巧上也做了更深入的挑戰。由於傑出的編著教授群,也編寫出各種音樂風格的樂曲,使得本書中的每一樂曲顯得十分重要。此外再彈奏這些樂曲時,使我們更加確認鋼琴教本中的音樂概念和技巧。◆30x22.5cm 彩色書3...
檢視完整細節當音樂觸動我們的心靈和興趣時,我們就會渴望想去了解並學習音樂的衝動。這套『好連得成功鋼琴教程』正是提供鼓勵大家學習、進步和自信和成功的捷徑。第三級鋼琴教本內容包括:八分音符、6度、附點四分音符-八分音符的音型、大調的五指音型、大三和弦、小調的五指音型和小三和弦的課程。◆22.5x30cm 彩色...
檢視完整細節《巴斯田成人鋼琴教程》為成人級初學鋼琴最全備的新教材,結合教本、樂理、技巧、視奏。教本內附兩片教學cd是一本搜羅了聖詩與流行的聖誕歌謠可彈可唱曲譜。期盼大家可以藉著它與家人朋友分享聖誕佳節的喜樂。 本書特色: 1.自最基本的樂理開始。 2.示範樂曲-包含全新的概念並不斷複習。 3....
檢視完整細節崔佛懷著名的長笛使用手冊,在全世界已經受到贊同與喝采,並且對任何階段的學習、演奏者來說,是無價之寶。 長笛實用手冊 第1冊 音色:音色是將長笛吹奏好的一切基礎,此書著作也是音色練習上最可靠的書籍。本書帶領你藉由一系列的步驟,去建立音色(包含所有音域的練習),進而學習不同色彩的音色、呼吸法以及...
檢視完整細節崔佛懷著名的長笛使用手冊,在全世界已經受到贊同與喝采,並且對任何階段的學習、演奏者來說,是無價之寶。 長笛實用手冊 第5冊:呼吸的控制對所有長笛演奏者來說,是非常重要的。本冊將指導讀者加強呼吸控制、吹奏明確音階的技巧、並提供實用的琶音訣竅,希望讀者能善用這些技巧,去發展自身的吹奏技術,並附...
檢視完整細節崔佛懷著名的長笛使用手冊,在全世界已經受到贊同與喝采,並且對任何階段的學習、演奏者來說,是無價之寶。 長笛實用手冊 第4冊 音準與抖音:這本書論及如何吹奏在正確的音標上。並且幫助你訓練更好的聽力。本書著眼於長笛的泛音、音階系統、絕對音感、調音、抖音等也包括24首音準練習。
崔佛懷著名的長笛使用手冊,在全世界已經受到贊同與喝采,並且對任何階段的學習、演奏者來說,是無價之寶。 長笛實用手冊 第3冊 運舌發音法:練就良好的運舌發音法是長笛技巧的基礎之一,它决定了音樂的表達方式,好的運音方法是技巧中必要的一部份-它是音樂的語言。這本書涵蓋了圓滑奏、單吐、雙吐、...
檢視完整細節*長笛日課練習大全集合世界長笛吹奏家所採用的日常練習,現在集結成一本書! *立基於法國學派技巧和Trevor Wye建立的多種提示,建議和原創的練習上。 *本書抱括暖身、二十四個大小調音階和琶音練習,專門為第三個八度設計的單元,及使用率最高的各類日課練習集錦。 *運用練習卡計書進度。 *翻譯:宋麗曼
唯一一套由國際長笛大師所撰寫,暢銷全球二十年,銷售量超過一百萬冊的長笛初級教材。針對初學的學習疑處用重點教學解說,讓初學者能從中得到全面性的幫助,更加了解長笛的學習技巧與關鍵,並從中享受演奏的樂趣。 此暢銷長笛教本是由著名的長笛演奏家及老師崔佛懷Trevor Wye 所著作,適合團體或...
檢視完整細節速彈是一種手段。藉由這個手段,吉他手才能在音樂展現上追求更進一步的表現! 既然書名叫做『為何速彈總是彈不快?「明明拚命練習還是沒變快」這種人非讀不可!起死回生的35種訓練』,適合嬝牧熒穔M就是“認真練習卻還是彈不快”的人。 本書將告訴你「怎麼練、怎麼彈、怎麼想」,並提供樂句集,針對各種症狀...
檢視完整細節放大照片及文字的全彩教材 本書放大文字及彩色照片,附上實際示範的DVD&CD,是一本從零開始的速彈教材。藉由大量圖片及照片、簡單明瞭的頁面、與DVD同步的譜例,讓你紮紮實實學會各種必修技巧!
檢視完整細節2016年全新修訂改版。 內容全彩印刷,全華人界第一本全彩吉他教材,讓內容更為清楚,嬝爭颽陘隢K清晰。 完全依照教學老師與讀者反映修正內容.更加簡單易懂! 本書以『教本』為發行為主旨,技術性解說詳細,輔以最新及最經典的歌曲提高學習者的學習興趣。為一詳實,與新穎並融的吉他教本。 ...
檢視完整細節當音樂觸動我們的心靈和興趣時,我們就會渴望想去了解並學習音樂的衝動。這套『好連得成功鋼琴教程』正是提供鼓勵大家學習、進步和自信和成功的捷徑。 第二級鋼琴教本內容包括:彈C、D、E、F、G、4度、5度、升記號、降記號、還原記號及彈G、A、B、C、D的課程。
這套『好連得成功鋼琴教程』正是提供鼓勵大家學習、進步和自信和成功的捷徑。 第一級內容包括:黑鍵組、白鍵組、彈奏所有白鍵、級進與跳進(三度音程)的課程。 當音樂觸動我們的心靈和興趣時,我們就會渴望想去了解並學習音樂的衝動。這套『好連得成功鋼琴教程』正是提供鼓勵大家學習、進步和自信和成功...
檢視完整細節Musidoku is a musical variation on the hugely popular Sudoku number-place puzzle. So, if you're a musician who loves Sudoku, then Musidoku will def...
檢視完整細節Musidoku is a musical variation on the hugely popular Sudoku number-place puzzle. So, if you're a musician who loves Sudoku, then Musidoku will def...
檢視完整細節Danse Rustique Op.20 No.5 is a lively and spirited work for Solo Cello with Piano Accompaniment, composed by William Henry Squire (1871-1963). The ...
檢視完整細節Peter Wastall’s award-winning series of tutor books for woodwind and brass instruments, is now available in revised and refreshed editions to instr...
檢視完整細節The latest addition to the best-selling Fiddler series focuses on the rich, diverse and pure folk tradition of Greece. A wide variety of styles ...
檢視完整細節20 very elementary pieces for young players. Note-reading symbols are introduced one at a time.This is part of the Trinity syllabus (grade initia...
檢視完整細節Solos for Young Cellists is an eight-volume series of music compilations with companion CDs. The series ranges from elementary to advanced levels a...
檢視完整細節Solos for Young Cellists is an eight-volume series of music compilations with companion CDs. The series ranges from elementary to advanced levels a...
檢視完整細節76MF #222 Viola Solo Senior: Pastorale and Gavotte by Herman Ritter arr. Barbara Barber Solos for Young Violists is a five-volume series of music b...
檢視完整細節Philip Sparke’s Super Solos is the third volume of a progressive series of solo books that takes the young wind player from beginner to accomplishe...
檢視完整細節Superstart Violin Accompaniments is a break-through for beginner violinists, full of exciting music and fun activities from the very first less...
檢視完整細節This revolutionary new series presents Paul Harris’s Simultaneous Learning approach to teaching music. Co-written with Richard Crozier, this book g...
檢視完整細節Harmonica In Practice (Elementary) 2nd Edition: The coursebook focuses on the basic skills in playing the harmonica and the general musical knowled...
檢視完整細節Sound Innovations: Creative Warm-ups emphasizes four aspects of string performance essential to the refinement of musicianship and skill at the int...
檢視完整細節The 25 pieces in this collection represent some of the best miniature masterworks in the piano literature. These pieces were carefully selected not...
檢視完整細節Sound Innovations for Concert Band, Book 2 continues your student's musical journey by teaching with a complete review of Book 1, and a segmented p...
檢視完整細節Sound Innovations for Concert Band, Book 2 continues your student's musical journey by teaching with segmented presentation of new concepts and int...
檢視完整細節Sound Innovations for String Orchestra, Book 2 continues your student's musical journey by teaching with a complete review of Book 1, and a segment...
檢視完整細節Sound Innovations for String Orchestra, Book 2 continues your student's musical journey by teaching with a complete review of Book 1, and a segment...
檢視完整細節Sound Innovations for String Orchestra is a revolutionary, flexible, and comprehensive method that combines time-tested educational concepts, input...
檢視完整細節Sound Innovations for Concert Band, Book 2 continues your student's musical journey by teaching with a complete review of Book 1, and a segmented p...
檢視完整細節Sound Innovations for Concert Band, Book 2 continues your student's musical journey by teaching with a complete review of Book 1, and a segmented ...
檢視完整細節Sound Innovations for String Orchestra, Book 2 continues your student's musical journey by teaching with a complete review of Book 1, and a segment...
檢視完整細節Sound Innovations for String Orchestra is a revolutionary, flexible, and comprehensive method that combines time-tested educational concepts, input...
檢視完整細節Sound Innovations for Concert Band, Book 2 continues your student's musical journey by teaching with a complete review of Book 1, and a segmented ...
檢視完整細節String Basics: Steps to Success for String Orchestra is a comprehensive method for beginning string classes. Utilizing technical exercises, music f...
檢視完整細節The colourful new recorder method for primary schools. These books integrate the teaching of the recorder with the general music skills taught ...
檢視完整細節Anthology of various works chosen and annotated by Hugo Geliot' Lemoine edition no' 25266 HL'Just one of the many exciting Music collection product...
檢視完整細節HARPING ON Book 1' by Fiona Clifton'Welker' 10 Pieces for harp with or without pedals' for grades 1 to 2' Titles are' Skaters' Lullaby' Charlotte i...
檢視完整細節Panorama Of The Celtic Harp is a collection of 50 pieces which make it possible to embark upon the repertoire for this instrument. These are short...
檢視完整細節Tradition of Excellence by Bruce Pearson and Ryan Nowlin is a comprehensive and innovative curriculum designed to appeal to today’s students. The m...
檢視完整細節Tradition of Excellence is a flexible performance-centered band method that seamlessly blends classic and contemporary pedagogy, instrument-specifi...
檢視完整細節Tradition of Excellence by Bruce Pearson and Ryan Nowlin is a comprehensive and innovative curriculum designed to appeal to today’s students. The m...
檢視完整細節Each book provides a fascinating introduction to fundamentals of technic, complete with clear graphics and clever illustrations. Students develop h...
檢視完整細節With Successful Warmups, your choir can learn every aspect of good vocal production while warming up for rehearsals or performance. Just a few minu...
檢視完整細節With Successful Warmups, your choir can learn every aspect of good vocal production while warming up for rehearsals or performance. Just a few minu...
檢視完整細節Another fun review for students who have learned staff notation. Students identify notes, connect the dots, and color the pictures. Imaginative fun!
Beautifully presented and intelligently paced, the Lesson Books combine unusually attractive music and lyrics. The books feature note reading, rhyt...
檢視完整細節This well-structured saxophone method will help you develop your technique to a professional level. It includes scale exercises, chord exercises, m...
檢視完整細節Trumpet. product type Book Only. A product from Oxford University Press