Author: 何永泰 Publisher: 香港口琴音樂中心 2006年出版 *現時沒有附上CD,如有需要請聯絡香港口琴音樂中心 電話:5286 3334 電郵:info@harmonica.com.hk
Author: 何永泰 Publisher: 香港口琴音樂中心 2006年出版 *現時沒有附上CD,如有需要請聯絡香港口琴音樂中心 電話:5286 3334 電郵:info@harmonica.com.hk
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檢視完整細節Features of the book 1. Fun percussive songs to familiarize students with rhythm 2. Starts with bass clef and left hand before progressing to the r...
檢視完整細節費華為德國萊比錫小提琴教師,六十首練習曲提供小提琴學習者良好的初步教材,Wohlfahrt Etudes Op. 45 for the Violin 練習曲可使學習者熟練精通技巧,進而掌握樂曲。由樂易小提琴教程的作者張家禎老師編訂,47~60首,第一到五把位,加大音符版。
14 popular works for Flute with Piano accompaniment featuring selected works from the major exam board syllabuses, spanning Grades 5 to 8 and beyon...
檢視完整細節Solos for Young Cellists is an eight-volume series of music compilations with companion CDs. The series ranges from elementary to advanced levels a...
檢視完整細節Including and expanding on the concepts presented in his best-selling DVD of the same name, Benny here brings forth a wealth of practice material f...
檢視完整細節The Art of Piano Performance is a series of comic books perfect for use as an engaging and humorous teaching aid. The comic book form has an immedi...
檢視完整細節Anyone interested in learning to play acoustic guitar can pick up this well-paced, comprehensive method and get started right away. Beginning conce...
檢視完整細節Updated editions to the bestselling series. They have been completely redesigned in colour. Includes improved backing tracks (on the CD editions) a...
檢視完整細節Song List: All Through The Night Alphabet Song Andante In C Major (“Surprise”) Au Jardin D'amour Barbara Allen The Blue Bells Of Scotland Bohemian ...
檢視完整細節A time-honored tradition just got better! The John W. Schaum Piano Course has been newly revised with 100 percent new engravings and typesetting, a...
檢視完整細節A time-honored tradition just got better! The John W. Schaum Piano Course has been newly revised with 100 percent new engravings and typesetting, c...
檢視完整細節"The Mastery of Modern Chromatic Harmonica" by CY Leo is a comprehensive guide for aspiring harmonicists of all levels. The book aims to elevate th...
費華為德國萊比錫小提琴教師,六十首練習曲提供小提琴學習者良好的初步教材,Wohlfahrt Etudes Op. 45 for the Violin 練習曲可使學習者熟練精通技巧,進而掌握樂曲。由樂易小提琴教程的作者張家禎老師編訂,31~46首,第一三把位,加大音符版。
費華為德國萊比錫小提琴教師,六十首練習曲提供小提琴學習者良好的初步教材,Wohlfahrt Etudes Op. 45 for the Violin 練習曲可使學習者熟練精通技巧,進而掌握樂曲。由樂易小提琴教程的作者張家禎老師編訂,1~30首,第一把位,加大音符版。
The first modern editions of three attractive eighteenth-century cello sonatas of moderate technical ability. Together, they offer an invaluabl...
檢視完整細節With Violin Playtime, the beginner violinist can make music from the very first lessons. In the three books that make up the series, there are over...
檢視完整細節序 自從高中開始學習吉他到現在為止,已經超過二十個年頭,也很開心在大學時打工跟出社會的工作都一直是在做吉他教學跟一些音樂相關的工作,只是在教學的這段時間,使用過一些市面上的吉他教材來做教學的材料,但在美中不足的地方就是,坊間上面吉他的教材沒有一個系統性的教學,常常都是一本書教沒幾頁就...
檢視完整細節這本書是為高音牧童笛 (Soprano/Descant) 的初學者編寫的。作者認為基本功十分重要,因此以插圖配合文字,說明吹奏牧童笛的方法,並按學習進度編排多首動聽的樂曲,包括兒歌、民歌以及古典音樂中的經典作品,好讓同學們享受學習的過程。
Maxwell Eckstein brings you the first in his series of 6 course books for piano from his classic beginner piano method designed for youngsters. Thi...
檢視完整細節崔佛懷著名的長笛使用手冊,在全世界已經受到贊同與喝采,並且對任何階段的學習、演奏者來說,是無價之寶。 長笛實用手冊 第1~5冊 合訂本:本書是長笛實用手冊一冊五冊結合單冊的合訂本,另外也附上一片CD可供參考,針對長笛個別的技巧,濃縮最精華、扼要的詳細說明。書中含蓋學習成長在技巧上所遇的各種問...
檢視完整細節崔佛懷著名的長笛使用手冊,在全世界已經受到贊同與喝采,並且對任何階段的學習、演奏者來說,是無價之寶。 長笛實用手冊 第6冊:這是長笛實用手冊的最後一冊,也是對業餘演奏者和想要成為專業演奏者非常重要的一冊。本書是前五冊教材的延續;針對書中某些部份提出新的學習觀點。對音色、技巧、運舌發...
檢視完整細節Flute Trevor Wye's Practice Books. product type Book Only. A product from Novello and Co Trevor Wyes renowned Practice Books For The Flute have bee...
檢視完整細節只用一把吉他來同時演奏旋律與伴奏的演奏風格,我們稱之為「獨奏吉他(Sollo Guitar)」。比單純只彈旋律或是伴奏,來得稍難、稍有些訣竅。 本書為了讓沒彈過吉他的初學者更能理解內容,也為盡可能地就演奏獨奏吉他時,所需避免的一些事項作詳盡介紹。 當然,本身已經彈過電吉他、民謠吉他、古...
檢視完整細節Taking a step up in technical and interpretive skills from his first book of solo pieces (Clever Cat Goes Solo), Mike Cornick s newest adventure ta...
檢視完整細節Tradition of Excellence by Bruce Pearson and Ryan Nowlin is a comprehensive and innovative curriculum designed to appeal to today’s students. The m...
檢視完整細節Solos for Young Violinists is a graded series of works ranging from elementary to advanced levels representing an exciting variety of styles and te...