Chops for trumpet
Chops: The Ultimate Guide to Building Tone, Technique and Flexibility is a thorough method for brass instruments written by Frank Williams, one of ...
Chops: The Ultimate Guide to Building Tone, Technique and Flexibility is a thorough method for brass instruments written by Frank Williams, one of ...
檢視完整細節為了完全沒基礎的小提琴初學者而設計的教本 【內容簡介】 此教本於個別課或大班課皆適用,對於成人初學者也同樣適用以下是編者對於使用者的建議 教學本:小提琴譜部份,分成30個步驟,每一個步驟介紹一個新技巧。 進度: 建議老師一次只教一個技巧,並且在學生未了解未熟練的情況下,不要接著教下一個技巧。...
檢視完整細節為了完全沒基礎的小提琴初學者而設計的教本 【內容簡介】 教學本:由30個階段課程循序漸進地介紹重要技巧,並提供許多練習譜例。 前言 : 第三本教材對於學生而言是個里程碑,裡面包括了第三把位、新的大小調以及第四指的伸展還有半把位。 第三把位的練習應該慢而紮實,我在這裡選擇了很多優美的旋律,希望...
檢視完整細節為了完全沒基礎的小提琴初學者而設計的教本 【內容簡介】 教學本:每一個練習和曲子都是設計來提昇或介紹新的技巧。 前言: 在這本書裡面,會繼續遵照之前的黃金準則,一次只教一種技巧,同時也會介紹許多有著動人旋律的範例。 本書的前五個步驟都在G大調上做練習,所以學生只需熟練兩個指距模式(第一指和第二...
檢視完整細節Elemntary exercises for Clarinet by Friedrich Demnitz, intended to develop tone production.
Written by one of the premier classical guitarists of our time, this second edition is fully updated with new engravings, new photos, new songs, an...
檢視完整細節With 65 Easy & Progressive Little Studies M. Grossi
An outstanding source for the technique and repertoire of the classical guitar, this book continues where Vol. 1 leaves off. It teaches: all notes ...
檢視完整細節Mackay’s classic work is now re-engraved in a clear, attractive modern typeface.It was Neil Mackay’s intention that violin students, whether studyi...
檢視完整細節For your students, using these books will be almost like studying with the best teachers in history! Selected and progressively arranged from the f...