YAMAHA 幼兒鋼琴啟蒙教材 (可彈奏) YAMAHA Music Keyboard Book (Playable)
- 適合0~6歲幼童,可作啟蒙音樂之教材 - 附有可愛插圖,提升小朋友學習興趣 - 家長可陪同子女一起學習和玩樂作親子活動 - 設有"練習模式",小朋友可以按照自己的節奏輕鬆彈奏 - 包含30首童謠和古典音樂 - 內附可彈奏精美鍵盤,伴隨旋律發光,可聽歌亦可跟樂譜彈奏 - 鍵盤設有鋼...
- 適合0~6歲幼童,可作啟蒙音樂之教材 - 附有可愛插圖,提升小朋友學習興趣 - 家長可陪同子女一起學習和玩樂作親子活動 - 設有"練習模式",小朋友可以按照自己的節奏輕鬆彈奏 - 包含30首童謠和古典音樂 - 內附可彈奏精美鍵盤,伴隨旋律發光,可聽歌亦可跟樂譜彈奏 - 鍵盤設有鋼...
檢視完整細節100 compositions, progressively graded for grades 1 through 4, ranging from the works of the great masters to the folk tunes and dances from many c...
檢視完整細節A Little Pianist– Build music Foundation– Learn in interesting ways– Elegant imagination– Prepare for further examination– Basic knowledge of music
MUSO Music Flash Cards for beginner music students (Splash Proof Card Material) 來自澳洲的 MUSO音樂學院 (Muso Music Academy) ,致力幫助孩子們愛上音樂並更投入學習,特別設計了這套Flash...
檢視完整細節A book for the early beginner combining rote and note approach. The melodies are written with careful thought and are kept as simple as possible, y...
A Little Pianist Piano Pieces Book 2 features four new notes in Treble Clef and Bass Clef as well as Semibreve Rest, Repeat Sign, Sharp, Flat, Dyna...
檢視完整細節A Little Pianist– Build music Foundation– Learn in interesting ways– Elegant imagination– Prepare for further examination– Basic knowledge of music
Method Books將拜爾緊湊的106首練習曲,練習要點,拆成上下二冊; 以放大版的五線譜排版印刷,穿插可愛插畫,全彩印刷,適合學齡前後兒童及初學者
A classic repertoire book for young pianists, which provides a wealth of piano favourites. As with volume one, the scope of the material included i...
Method Books將《全譯哈農鋼琴教本》,拆成上下兩冊,改用大音符表,重新打譜印刷,每個音符都清楚,視譜不吃力,每首練習曲均附有四種節奏的變奏,可讓小朋友的節奏感及觸鍵更加敏銳正確。下冊收納全譯本裡[練習曲第21首至第38首],以十六分音符為彈奏單位
The compositions in Easy Piano Pieces for Children have all been carefully selected for the beginner pianist. Over 100 selections in this songbook ...