Yamaha THR10II Guitar Amplifier
All THR-II models feature Bluetooth connectivity for audio playback, the “THR Remote” mobile editor app, and third-party footswitch support. Rea...
檢視完整細節想busking或表演的時候有優質的音箱喇叭?選購busking amp時不知哪個型號較適合自己?通利琴行網店及門市引進全球不同牌子及型號的busking器材,包括BLACKSTAR、ROLAND、VOX、FENDER、AMPEG等。
通利琴行作為香港首屈一指的樂器零售商,同時提供專業的音響及錄音產品,是你購買busking amp及器材的不二之選。
惟有一個擴音質素好的busking amp,才能將你busking的歌聲與樂器聲擴散開去。假如你已打算展開busking的旅程,即使你的預算有限,我們仍建議你選購一個品質較佳的busking amp,因為它將能準確地將你喜歡的音樂分享給每位聽眾,是你日後busking時的最佳夥伴。通利琴行提供多款busking amp、音箱喇叭及器材,如專門為結他手而設的耳機,滿足你busking的需要。
若你不清楚哪款busking amp、音箱喇叭及器材較適合自己,或者不懂選擇,歡迎到我們旗下21間門市向職員查詢,請按此瀏覽香港及澳門各間門市地址。
All THR-II models feature Bluetooth connectivity for audio playback, the “THR Remote” mobile editor app, and third-party footswitch support. Rea...
檢視完整細節All THR-II models feature Bluetooth connectivity for audio playback, the “THR Remote” mobile editor app, and third-party footswitch support. Reali...
檢視完整細節Yamaha THR5 Guitar Amplifier The little brother of the THR10, the THR5 offers the sound quality of the THR10 in a more portable form, making it per...
檢視完整細節All THR-II models feature Bluetooth connectivity for audio playback, the “THR Remote” mobile editor app, and third-party footswitch support. Reali...
檢視完整細節All THR-II models feature Bluetooth connectivity for audio playback, the “THR Remote” mobile editor app, and third-party footswitch support. Reali...
檢視完整細節Yamaha THR5A Electric Acoustic Guitar Amplifier A New Way to Experience your Electric-Acoustic Guitar. THR5A is optimized for use with electric-aco...
檢視完整細節All THR-II models feature Bluetooth connectivity for audio playback, the “THR Remote” mobile editor app, and third-party footswitch support. Reali...
檢視完整細節The THR30IIA Wireless amplifier is designed specifically for acoustic guitarists. Realistic microphone modeling and onboard effects offer inspiring...
檢視完整細節The THR30IIA Wireless amplifier is designed specifically for acoustic guitarists. Realistic microphone modeling and onboard effects offer inspiring...