Blackstar HT-5R MKII Combo (Bronco Gray)
Killer tones and innovative features make the HT-5R MkII the ultimate studio and practice valve amp. The MkII’s completely new design takes the per...
檢視完整細節想busking或表演的時候有優質的音箱喇叭?選購busking amp時不知哪個型號較適合自己?通利琴行網店及門市引進全球不同牌子及型號的busking器材,包括BLACKSTAR、ROLAND、VOX、FENDER、AMPEG等。
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惟有一個擴音質素好的busking amp,才能將你busking的歌聲與樂器聲擴散開去。假如你已打算展開busking的旅程,即使你的預算有限,我們仍建議你選購一個品質較佳的busking amp,因為它將能準確地將你喜歡的音樂分享給每位聽眾,是你日後busking時的最佳夥伴。通利琴行提供多款busking amp、音箱喇叭及器材,如專門為結他手而設的耳機,滿足你busking的需要。
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Killer tones and innovative features make the HT-5R MkII the ultimate studio and practice valve amp. The MkII’s completely new design takes the per...
檢視完整細節Killer tones and innovative features make the HT-5R MkII the ultimate studio and practice valve amp. The MkII’s completely new design takes the per...
檢視完整細節Killer tones and innovative features make the HT-5R MkII the ultimate studio and practice valve amp. The MkII’s completely new design takes the per...