Yamaha 合成按鍵潤滑油 中黏度 20毫升
Yamaha synthetic key oil is a special proprietary blend designed for use on woodwind key rods and pivot points, with a corrosion inhibitor that giv...
檢視完整細節Yamaha synthetic key oil is a special proprietary blend designed for use on woodwind key rods and pivot points, with a corrosion inhibitor that giv...
檢視完整細節簡單、擺放彈性,帶給你無限聆聽自由。 WXC-50 為新概念的音訊設備,超乎您對音樂的想像。多虧MusicCast的多房間網路功能,它讓你能夠接觸更廣闊的音樂範圍如串流音樂服務或儲存於智慧型手機的音樂,亦可以享受高解析音樂。先進功能以及高性能表現帶給你你所想要的音樂表現方式。 用於連接到非...
檢視完整細節APXT2 is a 3/4 size of the world best-selling acoustic-electric guitar, APX500II. (3/4 size is based on the size of Yamaha APX500II). This fun, yet...
檢視完整細節Yamaha專業系列長笛,繼承了頂級手工金笛與銀笛設計概念,採用許多相同的設計特點與規格,提供樂手細緻入微的音色及寬廣的動態表現。 600系列結合了鎳銀與純銀的特點具備了圓潤的音色及亮度。按鍵則擁有傳統設計之特色外,更是工藝上的最佳表現。 新Type Am吹頭管 源自800/900系列...
檢視完整細節Yamaha THR5A Electric Acoustic Guitar Amplifier A New Way to Experience your Electric-Acoustic Guitar. THR5A is optimized for use with electric-aco...
檢視完整細節音樂之旅由此展開 一切從微笑開始。 Remie (PSS-E30) 音質優美精緻,還有專為孩子們小手設計的鍵盤及可讓小朋友們學習彈奏的樂譜。輕便小巧的樂器讓未來的音樂大師可以自行彈奏並收納。發現音樂共同語言的美好的同時,看著他們臉上綻放的微笑! 探索和樂趣,一應俱全 優美的樂音以及各種不同...
檢視完整細節Create your sound any place, any time. For keyboardists, music creators and sound interfaces of classic reface Mobile Mini Keyboards are reimagin...
檢視完整細節An all-mahogany FG. Using mahogany for the body binding as well gives this model a warm, woody design to match the distinctive richness in the midd...
檢視完整細節APXT2 is a 3/4 size of the world best-selling acoustic-electric guitar, APX500II. (3/4 size is based on the size of Yamaha APX500II). This fun, yet...
檢視完整細節The Yamaha EAD10 is a revolutionary new way to mic, record, and share drum performances with the world. In mere seconds, capture a drum kit just as...
檢視完整細節NS-SW300 結合性能與外觀的設計,Yamaha獨家技術Twisted Flare Port帶來清晰渾厚的低音。大範圍符合揚聲器以及家居氣氛的超低音。 PWM 數位驅動高效擴大機 新 Twisted Flare Port 傳達清晰度令人驚豔的低音 進階 YST II (山葉主動伺服器科技...