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Transparent protective cover for Urtext Editions, fits all spine widths in format 23.5 x 31 cm (9.5 x 12 in).
Frédéric Chopin 蕭邦 Ewald Zimmermann (Editor)Hans-Martin Theopold (Fingering) For 2 Pianos, 4-hands. Chopin’s Piano Concertos first saw the light of...
檢視完整細節Gabriel Fauré Christiane Strucken-Paland (Editor)Andreas Groethuysen (Fingering) The six pieces in this little suite were written between 1893 and ...
檢視完整細節Sticky notes (25 and 100 sheets) with page marker set in 5 colours, 78 x 105 mm, hardcover
Composer: Edvard Grieg Ernst-Günter Heinemann (Editor)Einar Steen-Nøkleberg (Editor, Fingering) The decisive role that Norwegian folk music played ...