Powell Sonaré PS505 系列鍍銀長笛, 純銀笛頭 (Aurumite 9K 唇板)
The Powell Sonaré 505 Model features our hand-cut Sterling Silver Signature II Headjoint with a Nickel Silver, Silver Plated Body and Mechanism. Av...
檢視完整細節今個月係通利琴行嘅長笛節,全線長笛都會特價發售,當中包括大量熱門品牌及搶手型號低至8折,包括 Yamaha、Muramatsu、Altus、Powell、Jupiter、Sankyo、Miyazawa、Pearl、Tomasi 等等,唔止長笛, 連長笛配件同樂譜都有優惠!
The Powell Sonaré 505 Model features our hand-cut Sterling Silver Signature II Headjoint with a Nickel Silver, Silver Plated Body and Mechanism. Av...
檢視完整細節Powell Signature Piccolo has many of the same features as our Custom Piccolo but at a more affordable price. Made by the same makers as our Handmad...
檢視完整細節The Powell Sonaré 601 Model is the first model in the Sonaré range to feature a Sterling Silver body tube. Paired with our hand-cut Sterling Silver...
檢視完整細節The Powell Sonaré 705 Model is the premiere model of the Sonaré Range. With the most options and upgrade features, the 705 is perfect for the most ...
檢視完整細節1927年成立公司之時,Mr. Powell制作的長笛分為兩種——手工款和商用款。商用款是採用抽孔音孔而非焊接音孔的純銀手工長笛,而手工款有焊接音孔。Mr. Powell之所以設計商用款,目的在於以最便宜的價格為大家帶來最優質的樂器。時至今日,Powell還在延續著這種手工純銀Conserva...
檢視完整細節The Miyazawa Silver Flute Series is a handmade flute available with French style pointed tonearms, soldered toneholes and pinless partial Brögger S...
檢視完整細節The Miyazawa Silver Flute Series is a handmade flute available with French style pointed tonearms, soldered toneholes and pinless partial Brögger S...
檢視完整細節The Miyazawa Silver Flute Series is a handmade flute available with French style pointed tonearms, drawn toneholes and pinless partial Brögger Syst...
檢視完整細節The Miyazawa 958 Flute Series are handmade flute models available with 958 silver headjoint, body, and footjoint. Choice of silver plated nickel si...
檢視完整細節The Quantz series embodies ingenuity, innovation and diversity, and is totally unique in the flute making industry. Aspiring flautists have never b...
檢視完整細節The Quantz Series embodies ingenuity, innovation, and diversity, and that is totally unique in the flute making industry. Every Quantz model has Fr...
檢視完整細節The Dolce series is built in the same spirit and attention to detail as the Elegante. The continued commitment to accuracy of pitch and flexible ar...
檢視完整細節The Elegante series has consistently been one of Pearl's best-selling instruments due to handmade workmanship, precise intonation, and a brilliant ...
檢視完整細節The Player’s Introduction into Japanese Professional Handmade Flutes. The Cantabile series is an outstanding entry into the world of fully handmade...
檢視完整細節Sankyo silver flutes are prized for their solid, stable core which provides the foundation for complete freedom of expression. With projection, pow...
檢視完整細節301 系列是Sankyo最受歡迎的長笛型號之一。Sankyo銀音長笛是經濟的專業長笛選擇。Sankyo銀音長笛特有手工切割銀製笛頭、笛身及尾管,是正在學習室樂、管弦樂及管樂的學生的理想選擇。 301RNEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵風格:開孔配有法式尖臂音...
檢視完整細節301 系列是Sankyo最受歡迎的長笛型號之一。Sankyo銀音長笛是經濟的專業長笛選擇。Sankyo銀音長笛特有手工切割銀製笛頭、笛身及尾管,是正在學習室樂、管弦樂及管樂的學生的理想選擇。 301RONEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵風格:開孔配有法式尖臂...
檢視完整細節這401系列是Sankyo產品中純銀系列的代表,受到全球演奏家的推薦。精準的構造使奏出的旋律更美妙。 401RNEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵風格:開孔配備法式尖臂音鍵 音鍵:純銀 標準音高:A=442 音孔:抽孔式音孔 管壁厚度:0.38 毫米 低音B...
檢視完整細節這401系列是Sankyo產品中純銀系列的代表,受到全球演奏家的推薦。精準的構造使奏出的旋律更美妙。 401RONEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵風格:開孔配備法式尖臂音鍵 音鍵:純銀 標準音高:A=442 音孔:抽孔式音孔 管壁厚度:0.38 毫米 低音...
檢視完整細節CF501系列長笛的專業規格令它可在音樂廳演奏時大大保持良好反應。專為追求完美音色的長笛演奏家而製造,把準確性和工藝與SANKYO工程技術結合。越使用此長笛,越會發現它的美和價值。優美的法式尖頭栓更突顯此長笛的美。 501RNEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵風...
檢視完整細節CF501系列長笛的專業規格令它可在音樂廳演奏時大大保持良好反應。專為追求完美音色的長笛演奏家而製造,把準確性和工藝與SANKYO工程技術結合。越使用此長笛,越會發現它的美和價值。優美的法式尖頭栓更突顯此長笛的美。 501RONEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵...
檢視完整細節Sankyo 601 系列手工專業長笛 CF601 型號是在Sankyo 系列中最頂尖的型號 ,是有焊接音孔。只有熟練的手工才能對生產過程進行控制,生產出高品質的樂器 601RNEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵風格:開孔配備法式尖臂音鍵 音鍵:純銀 標準音...
檢視完整細節Sankyo 601 系列手工專業長笛 CF601 型號是在Sankyo 系列中最頂尖的型號 ,是有焊接音孔。只有熟練的手工才能對生產過程進行控制,生產出高品質的樂器 601RONEH 規格: 笛身及尾管:純銀 笛頭:純銀配有手工切割吹嘴 音鍵風格:開孔配備法式尖臂音鍵 音鍵:純銀 標準...
檢視完整細節Jupiter JFL700UE鍍銀的長笛,有曲列式和直列式的按鍵系統,使用高鎳質含量的金屬製作,提供更好的樂器品質和音色。 特點: 鍍銀笛頭,管身和按鍵皆非常耐用,有非常棒的的音色與舒適的操控性。 利用直管和彎管的笛頭讓演奏者與樂器有更長遠的使用程度,能在不同演奏階段中仍可維持精準的操作效...