2017年 ABRSM 樂理練習試題 第二級 (中文版)
Official ABRSM Music Theory Practice Paper in Traditional Chinese. Grade 2. 2017.
Official ABRSM Music Theory Practice Paper in Traditional Chinese. Grade 2. 2017.
Official ABRSM Music Theory Practice Paper in Traditional Chinese. Grade 1. 2017.
Official ABRSM Music Theory Past Paper in Traditional Chinese. Grade 8. 2016.
Official ABRSM Music Theory Past Paper in Traditional Chinese. Grade 5. 2016.
ABRSM’s official Music Theory Practice Papers are essential resources for candidates preparing for ABRSM Music Theory exams. They provide authentic...
檢視完整細節Music Theory Practice Papers 2018, ABRSM Grade 5. The new papers are selected from the 2018 Music Theory exam papers and reflect the new question t...
檢視完整細節ABRSM's official Music Theory Practice Papers are essential resources for candidates preparing for ABRSM Music Theory exams. These Grade 5 Practice...
檢視完整細節This book contains twelve pieces from ABRSM's Grade 8 Piano Syllabus for 2019 & 2020, three pieces chosen from each of Lists A and B and six pi...
檢視完整細節This book contains nine pieces from ABRSM's Grade 7 Piano Syllabus for 2019 & 2020, three pieces chosen from each of Lists A, B and C. The book...
檢視完整細節This book contains nine pieces from ABRSM's Grade 6 Piano Syllabus for 2019 & 2020, three pieces chosen from each of Lists A, B and C.The book ...
檢視完整細節This book contains nine pieces from ABRSM's Grade 5 Piano Syllabus for 2019 and 2020, three pieces chosen from each of Lists A, B and C. The pieces...
檢視完整細節This book contains nine pieces from ABRSM's Grade 4 Piano Syllabus for 2019 & 2020, three pieces chosen from each of Lists A, B and C. The book...
檢視完整細節This book contains nine pieces from ABRSM's Grade 3 Piano Syllabus for 2019 and 2020, three pieces chosen from each of Lists A, B and C. The pieces...
檢視完整細節This book contains nine pieces from ABRSM's Grade 2 Piano Syllabus for 2019 & 2020, three pieces chosen from each of Lists A, B and C. The book...
檢視完整細節This book contains nine pieces from ABRSM's Grade 1 Piano Syllabus for 2019 & 2020, three pieces chosen from each of Lists A, B and C. The book...
檢視完整細節內容設計經市調完整評估,完全符合自學者及教學者的需要。 修訂版更依照回函及教學者建議修正,更有符合口語化及方便化的語詞。 本書特色 ★建立線上影音:掃描 QR code 上線,跟著音檔影像練習,加速上手效率。 用精簡方式練習音階培養音感進入即興演奏之林 ✓1週1種,合計學習如何運用...
檢視完整細節★建立線上音檔:掃描 QR code 上線,跟著音檔練習,加速上手效率。 本書由七天不同的章節所組成,各章節開頭會先介紹相關的基礎知識,書中會用插畫、圖板等方式簡明扼要地補充解說基礎知識與相關樂理。全書盡量避免艱澀難懂的樂理,僅保留筆者認為一定要學會的重點,並依此去編寫更為實用且好彈奏...
檢視完整細節The Guitar Debut book contains everything you need to sit your Debut exam - in one essential book. It's packed with essential techniques and theory...
檢視完整細節The Guitar Grade 1 book contains everything you need to sit your Grade 1 exam - in one essential book. It's packed with essential techniques and th...
檢視完整細節The Guitar Grade 2 book is the essential companion to taking Guitar Grade 2, with all the info you need to master key techniques for the exam: palm...
檢視完整細節The Guitar Grade 3 book is the go-to guide for all the theory and info you'll need to pass your Grade 3 exam, focusing in-depth on pedal tones, ben...
檢視完整細節You'll need the Guitar Grade 4 book to master the more sophisticated techniques introduced at this level, which include wider stretches, scales in ...
檢視完整細節The Guitar Grade 5 book will prepare you for improvisation, chord inversions, dual-octave arpeggios and more - it focuses in-depth on everything yo...
檢視完整細節Your Grade 6 exam will earn you UCAS points towards future university applications, and the Guitar Grade 6 book focuses on the advanced material in...