Guidelines On Harmony 6-8
Guidelines on Harmony is to be used with Workbook on Harmony (one each fro Grade 6, 7 and 8). It is a continuation of Guidelines and Workbook on Tr...
Guidelines on Harmony is to be used with Workbook on Harmony (one each fro Grade 6, 7 and 8). It is a continuation of Guidelines and Workbook on Tr...
檢視完整細節Guidelines on Figured Bass takes a clear and constructive look at reasons for figured bass in harmony training and takes the student through the me...
檢視完整細節Master chord theory ... in minutes! The Chord Wheel is a revolutionary device that puts the most essential and practical applications of chord theo...
檢視完整細節• concise guide to musical structures of the tonal era• text illustrated with many music examples• invaluable introduction for music students, perf...
檢視完整細節簡介: 由音樂系導師親自編寫教材,內含700條題目。題目根據網上樂理考試而設,由淺入深,只要做過書上的題目,便能熟習考試題型,輕鬆應付考試 坊間的樂理教材內容散亂,缺乏統一的學習教材,以致學習成效低。《演奏級鋼琴老師教你自學5級學理:1-5級教程一本通》將第1至5級的樂理內容簡化為一本書,每...
檢視完整細節Theory of Music covers all aspects of theory at each grade or level.
An All-in-one Book for Exam Preparation
• answers to all the exercises set in Harmony in Practice ISBN 1 86096 833 4
Guidelines on Melody Writing guides the grade 6 to 8 pupil through a series of simple and easy to follow steps followed by consolidation practice a...
檢視完整細節This volume will take students through the topics required for the ABRSM Grade 5 exam, building upon the information covered in the preceding books...
檢視完整細節Having covered basic theory in the first two volumes, the third tackles more complex issues such as chord structures and compound time, chapters th...
檢視完整細節In book four, Theory Of Music Made Easy students are introduced to the alto clef, double sharps and double flats, more complex key signatures and o...
Piano Level: Elementary Theory Drill Games is designed to teach musical rudiments in an interesting and attractive manner. Pages are perforated so ...
流行樂理基礎一本就上手Pop Music Theory Made Easy: A Comprehensive Guide 1. 超實用:有效打下扎實樂理基礎,日後進階更容易2. 超明瞭:圖像輔助呈現,理解樂理更直覺3. 超有趣:流行音樂曲風範例,邊聽邊學更輕鬆4. 超特別:簡譜數字為主,五...
檢視完整細節Lang Lang Music Theory: Level 2 Discover the world of Lang Lang and come on a theory adventure! This progressive series provides an imaginative way...
檢視完整細節Lang Lang Music Theory: Level 1 Discover the world of Lang Lang and come on a theory adventure! This progressive series provides an imaginative way...
檢視完整細節報名 「獨創黑白圓點記憶法」ー 鋼琴音階速成班 即可以優惠價購買 《點點鋼琴音階》Scales Dots for Piano 及 音階萬年曆 Scales Perpetual Calender! (已完結) 活動詳情: ______________...
檢視完整細節彈奏、寫歌、自學簡單易懂零障礙 ‧重要理論漫畫視覺化 ‧情境提問引導+實例圖解 ‧抽象艱深→具象易懂 為什麼小學音樂課都是用首調來唱?怎麼決定什麼調轉到什麼調?和弦為何都是3度堆疊?……讓笑中同感的漫畫快速解答你各種疑難! 調性就是為曲子定調、和弦則是定調的做法。本書站在初學可以現學活用的角...