Czerny 100 Progressive Studies Without Octaves, Op. 139
100 Progressive Studies Without Octaves, Op. 139
100 Progressive Studies Without Octaves, Op. 139
125 Exercises In Passage Playing, Op. 261
160 Eight-Measure Exercises, Op. 821
Song List: Study No. 8, Op. 718 Study No. 18, Op. 718 Study No. 11, Op. 718 Study No. 15, Op. 718 Study No. 5, Op. 718 Study No. 4, Op. 718 Study ...
檢視完整細節Art of Finger Dexterity, Op. 740 (Complete)
First Instruction In Piano Playing (100 Recreations)
Little Pianist, Op. 823 (Complete)
The School of Velocity (Complete)The present edition eliminates many unnecessary finger numbers but adds a few where they are needed. Indefinite dy...
檢視完整細節In this new edition, the music has been more widely spaced for easier reading. While Czerny’s excellent fingering has been removed. The purpose of ...
檢視完整細節Czerny - a pupil of Beethoven and subsequent teacher of Thalberg, Liszt and Stephen Heller is famed through his pedagogical works for piano. Here, ...
檢視完整細節School of Velocity, Op. 299 (Complete)
30 New Studies In Technics, Op. 849
Pedagogical in nature, these editions offer insightful interpretive suggestions, pertinent fingering, and historical and stylistic commentary. C...
檢視完整細節Twenty-Four Exercises from the Three Volumes in One Album. Edited, revised and fingered by Giuseppe Bounamici.
開始學習鋼琴的人至少必須經過一次的就是這本徹爾尼30號「爲技巧的練習」。如其標題Etudes de Mécanisme所示,這是爲獲得高度的演奏技術,而以正確及音之均匀爲其目標,並期養成音樂上的基礎感覺而寫成的一本優秀的練習曲。徹爾尼在1791年2月,生於奧地利之維也納。9-12歲時學於貝多芬...