Yamaha MusicCast 200 (TSX-N237) 桌面網絡音響系統 Desktop Audio (New 全新上市)
DELIVERING EVERY LISTENING MOMENT All-in-one audio system that fills your heart with music - everything from streaming services to CDs. 8 cm (3-1...
檢視完整細節DELIVERING EVERY LISTENING MOMENT All-in-one audio system that fills your heart with music - everything from streaming services to CDs. 8 cm (3-1...
檢視完整細節MusicCast SUB 100 以其強大的低音,體驗極致的音場。享受超凡的 MusicCast 多房間科技帶來的專業音效。 可作為無線超重低音揚聲器,與指定的MusicCast Surround/Stereo型號搭配使用 Twisted Flare Port ...
檢視完整細節The MX49 BK features over 1000 Voices from the legendary MOTIF series plus deep computer and iOS integration in a compact, lightweight keyboard...
檢視完整細節NS-SW050 簡易享受沉穩的重低音 精簡優雅的超低音,搭載許多 Yamaha 先進高性能的低音技術如 Twisted Flare Port 以及先進 YST II (Yamaha Active Servo Technology II),還有分離式放大電路以及 20 公分單體。這些...
檢視完整細節NS-SW1000 重低音 跨越HiFi及劇院之聲音重現,深沉、紮實的低音賦予了此機種的獨特性能。具1000W輸出功率的Yamaha高端超低音喇叭隆重登場。 具 Twisted Flare Port的高強度箱體結構 使用最新數位元件的1000W 強大動態功率以及大容量電容 3...
檢視完整細節結合性能與外觀的設計,Yamaha獨家技術Twisted Flare Port帶來清晰渾厚的低音。大範圍符合揚聲器以及家居氣氛的超低音。 PWM 數位驅動高效擴大機 新 Twisted Flare Port 傳達清晰度令人驚豔的低音 進階 YST II (山葉主動伺服器科技 II) 優雅設計...
檢視完整細節NS-SW300 結合性能與外觀的設計,Yamaha獨家技術Twisted Flare Port帶來清晰渾厚的低音。大範圍符合揚聲器以及家居氣氛的超低音。 PWM 數位驅動高效擴大機 新 Twisted Flare Port 傳達清晰度令人驚豔的低音 進階 YST II (山葉主動伺服器科技...
檢視完整細節NS-SW901 Subwoofer Impressively deep bass output from a powerful subwoofer with a beautiful exterior. Advanced YST II (Yamaha Active Servo Techn...
檢視完整細節The NY64-D is an I/O expansion card for TF series consoles that allows transmission and reception of up to 128 channels (64 in/64 out) of uncompres...
檢視完整細節With 32 keys, the P-32D Pianica has an extended 2-2/3 octave range (F3 to C6) that gives more advanced players the freedom to play a wider variety ...
檢視完整細節Yamaha Pianica; 37 Keys; Standard Mouthpiece 37 key 3 octave range (F3-F6) Produces clear, full tones with solid projection & features anti-...
檢視完整細節楓木和Alder木琴身,夾層楓木層壓 推拉線圈分裂(主音) 復古風格的顫音, 座鞍橋
Building on the popular Pacifica 112V, Pacifica 212 guitars add the striking aesthetics of flame or quilted maple tops with translucent finishes an...
檢視完整細節Building on the popular Pacifica 112V, Pacifica 212 guitars add the striking aesthetics of flame or quilted maple tops with translucent finishes an...
檢視完整細節Building on the popular Pacifica 112V, Pacifica 212 guitars add the striking aesthetics of flame or quilted maple tops with translucent finishes an...
檢視完整細節First launched in 1990, the Pacifica Series was driven by the California session scene of the day – where versatility, performance and individualit...
檢視完整細節First launched in 1990, the Pacifica Series was driven by the California session scene of the day – where versatility, performance and individualit...
檢視完整細節輕巧便攜的鋼琴式鍵盤,具備您所需的功能 61 鍵的鍵盤(傳統鋼琴有 88 鍵)非常適合演奏流行曲目或簡單的古典樂曲。琴鍵形狀如同鋼琴一般,但手感較輕,讓初學者能夠輕鬆上手。演奏時可搭配耳機使用,避免打擾到周圍的人。 推薦此型號給 對於學彈鋼琴有些興趣的人 家中空間有限的人 (1052 mm...
檢視完整細節具備簡單功能的輕巧可攜鋼琴式鍵盤 76 鍵的鍵盤(傳統鋼琴有 88 鍵)可讓您演奏更多的鋼琴樂曲,而不需太多空間。琴鍵形狀如同鋼琴一般,但手感較輕,讓初學者能夠輕鬆上手。演奏時NP-35可搭配耳機使用,避免打擾到周圍的人。 推薦此型號給: 對於學彈鋼琴有些興趣的人 P家中空間有限的人 (12...
檢視完整細節MAKE YOUR FIRST KEYBOARD THE BEST. MAKE IT YAMAHA. Get in on the excitement and fun! Yamaha's entry keyboard for beginners motivates and entertains...
檢視完整細節MAKE YOUR FIRST KEYBOARD THE BEST. MAKE IT YAMAHA. Yamaha’s entry-level keyboards respond to your inner thoughts and emotions, and help you perform...
檢視完整細節創新產品,讓你享受音樂 全新手提電子琴PSR-E473靈敏的觸鍵和強大的發聲源技術,融合完美的音色與美妙的觸感。 PSR-E400 系列是一款傑出的全能 61 鍵鍵盤樂器,是入門樂器的理想選擇,也是經驗豐富的樂手的強大替代品。最新的 PSR-E473 配備新開發的音源,在音質和延音等高品...
檢視完整細節MAKE YOUR FIRST KEYBOARD THE BEST. MAKE IT YAMAHA. Freely play any of your favorite songs with this 76-key entry keyboard. It features full touch r...
檢視完整細節音色和效能的進化 PSR-EW425 具備 76 鍵觸鍵感應鍵盤和功能,這些功能是以著名的 PSR 系列可攜式鍵盤為基礎並進行改進,PSR-EW425 提供強大的功能和效能,讓您的音樂表現更上一層樓。 PSR-EW400 系列是一款完美的演出樂器,配置 76 鍵鍵盤,讓經驗豐富的樂手充分發...