Powell Signature 系列短笛
Powell Signature Piccolo has many of the same features as our Custom Piccolo but at a more affordable price. Made by the same makers as our Handmad...
檢視完整細節Powell Signature Piccolo has many of the same features as our Custom Piccolo but at a more affordable price. Made by the same makers as our Handmad...
檢視完整細節The Powell Sonaré 505 Model features our hand-cut Sterling Silver Signature II Headjoint with a Nickel Silver, Silver Plated Body and Mechanism. Av...
檢視完整細節The Powell Sonaré 601 Model is the first model in the Sonaré range to feature a Sterling Silver body tube. Paired with our hand-cut Sterling Silver...
檢視完整細節The Powell Sonaré 705 Model is the premiere model of the Sonaré Range. With the most options and upgrade features, the 705 is perfect for the most ...
檢視完整細節Powell Sonaré PS850 短笛兼具耐用性和可演奏性:採用樹脂灌注,其穩固的木質笛身保存了黑檀木的色調和紋理,同時其耐受性也大大提高。手工切割的笛頭提升了長笛的靈活性和音質,使其不失為一件專業級的樂器。PS850 短笛適合演奏者在室內或室外演奏。 PS850 規格 笛身 A-44...
檢視完整細節全新 Powell Sonaré 905 長笛具有專業機械按鍵裝置。拔孔長笛具有純銀笛身和笛頭,以及 9K 玫瑰金笛頭冠、唇板以及笛軸。鎳銀機械裝置表面鍍銀並具有法式開孔音鍵、10K 白金彈簧以及 Straubinger Phoenix 音鍵墊。 PS905BEF 規格 笛身 A-442 笛...
檢視完整細節Aurumite 9K Conservatory是Powell產品目錄中最著名且最受青睞的長笛之一。作為之前3100系列長笛的演變款,Aurumite 9K Conservatory外部為9K玫瑰金層,內部為純銀層。音質歡樂且富有活力。它采用無栓音鍵系統以及Powell的現代鮑威爾結構,帶有拔...
檢視完整細節1927年成立公司之時,Mr. Powell制作的長笛分為兩種——手工款和商用款。商用款是採用抽孔音孔而非焊接音孔的純銀手工長笛,而手工款有焊接音孔。Mr. Powell之所以設計商用款,目的在於以最便宜的價格為大家帶來最優質的樂器。時至今日,Powell還在延續著這種手工純銀Conserva...