Altus Standard 系列 A10 925純銀長笛
Standard Series serves as the perfect introduction to Altus’s art and technology in decades of flute making. By finishing up with silver plating al...
檢視完整細節Standard Series serves as the perfect introduction to Altus’s art and technology in decades of flute making. By finishing up with silver plating al...
檢視完整細節The handmade drawn tone hole silver flutes are introduction models that feature lighter weight and less feeling of resistance when playing. The fre...
檢視完整細節The Quantz series embodies ingenuity, innovation and diversity, and is totally unique in the flute making industry. Aspiring flautists have never b...
檢視完整細節This Miyazawa flute is ideal for any upgrading flautist wanting a serious instrument to take them through the grades or perform to a high standard....
檢視完整細節利用開發與調校手工長笛與專業長笛過程中所學到的知識與經驗,並將重點結合於中階與標準長笛的設計中,並由經驗豐富的工匠細心手工調校與試吹,而且比專業型號便宜。Yamaha's 300 系列依其本身條件來製作,開發的構想著重在初學者的特殊需求。對年輕學童最重要的,就是能快速且容易地吹出美麗、長笛般的...
檢視完整細節唇墊 (Lip plate) 是專為引導初學者正確運用呼吸而設計的,按鍵的尺寸和角度則經過深思熟慮,以實現最佳的平衡,而且易於演奏。這些特色和其他細節,正是 Yamaha 學生級長笛和進階級長笛之所以在全球如此暢銷的原因之一。每把樂器都融合了領先業界的技術和工藝。新的設計包括提升目光吸引力的優...
檢視完整細節The Miyazawa Silver Flute Series is a handmade flute available with French style pointed tonearms, soldered toneholes and pinless partial Brögger S...
檢視完整細節The Elegante series has consistently been one of Pearl's best-selling instruments due to handmade workmanship, precise intonation, and a brilliant ...
檢視完整細節Yamaha專業系列長笛,繼承了頂級手工金笛與銀笛設計概念,採用許多相同的設計特點與規格,提供樂手細緻入微的音色及寬廣的動態表現。 600系列結合了鎳銀與純銀的特點具備了圓潤的音色及亮度。按鍵則擁有傳統設計之特色外,更是工藝上的最佳表現。 新Type Am吹頭管 源自800/900系列...
檢視完整細節The Miyazawa Silver Flute Series is a handmade flute available with French style pointed tonearms, soldered toneholes and pinless partial Brögger S...