[2024 最新行貨] ROLAND TD-716 V-Drums Electronic Drum Set 電子鼓 [*3年保養行貨]
*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link ***WITH HARDWARE* PACKAGE AVAILABLE NOW !!!!*** TD-716 + Double Bass Drum Pedals + Drum Stool + Hi Ha...
*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link ***WITH HARDWARE* PACKAGE AVAILABLE NOW !!!!*** TD-716 + Double Bass Drum Pedals + Drum Stool + Hi Ha...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link ***WITH HARDWARE* PACKAGE AVAILABLE NOW !!!!*** VA-716/SW + Double Bass Drum Pedals + Drum Stool + Hi...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link ***WITH HARDWARE* PACKAGE AVAILABLE NOW !!!!*** TD-713 + Double Bass Drum Pedals + Drum Stool + Hi Ha...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link ***WITH HARDWARE* PACKAGE AVAILABLE NOW !!!!*** VAD-307+ Double Bass Drum Pedals + Drum Stool + Hi Hat ...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link TD-17KV2 是體驗備受讚譽的 TD-17 V-Drums 系列的最實惠選擇。採用升級的 TD-17 音源機,這款不佔據多於空間的小型套鼓富有高度的演奏表現力。搭載組裝於鼓架的 10 吋 hi-hat ...
檢視完整細節*[3年保養行貨]3-Year Warranty Application Link VAD507 承襲了前代機型 VAD506 ,並增加了數位 hi-hat 以提高演奏表現力,我們還加加入了來自旗艦機型 VAD706 耐用的鈸架。此外,TD-27 音源機經過升級,增添了新的鼓組和使用者取樣,更...
檢視完整細節The New Classic The SYSTEM-8 is a direct result of over four decades of synthesizer development at Roland, including some of the most iconic instru...
檢視完整細節Step into the Spotlight Today’s audiences crave dynamic performances that stand out. As an artist, you want to connect with your fans and take your...
檢視完整細節TRIPLE-FUNCTION MONITOR/TUNER FOR GUITAR AND BASS Small, cool and feature-packed, BOSS’s TU-88 is a must-have for guitar and bass players on the go...
檢視完整細節TRIPLE-FUNCTION MONITOR/TUNER FOR GUITAR AND BASS Small, cool and feature-packed, BOSS’s TU-88 is a must-have for guitar and bass players on the go...
檢視完整細節STAY IN TUNE—AND IN TIME. The BOSS TU-80 brings super-accurate LCD tuning to musicians at a very affordable price, while adding unique high-end fea...
檢視完整細節STAY IN TUNE—AND IN TIME. The BOSS TU-80 brings super-accurate LCD tuning to musicians at a very affordable price, while adding unique high-end fea...
檢視完整細節CLIP-ON TUNER WITH “TRUE COLOR” DISPLAY The BOSS “TU” line is synonymous with reliable, roadworthy and accurate tuning. Today, the world’s most fam...
檢視完整細節CLIP-ON TUNER WITH “TRUE COLOR” DISPLAY The BOSS “TU” line is synonymous with reliable, roadworthy and accurate tuning. Today, the world’s most fam...
檢視完整細節CLIP-ON TUNER WITH “TRUE COLOR” DISPLAY The BOSS “TU” line is synonymous with reliable, roadworthy and accurate tuning. Today, the world’s most fam...